
What can't sweet potato (sweet potato, sweet potato) eat with? Can I eat it raw? Can you lose weight?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, In the folk, there are two kinds of sweet potato, one is the root of sweet potato, also known as sweet potato, cool melon, and the other is the root of sweet potato, also known as sweet potato, sweet potato. So, what can't sweet potato eat with? Can I eat it raw?

In the folk, there are two kinds of sweet potato, one is the root of sweet potato, also known as sweet potato, cool melon, and the other is the root of sweet potato, also known as sweet potato, sweet potato. So, what can't sweet potato eat with? Can I eat it raw? Can you lose weight?

What can't sweet potato (sweet potato) be eaten with?

1, can not eat together with cold food, such as mung bean, duck, watermelon, balsam pear, cucumber, wax gourd and so on, cold potato nature, after eating will increase the cold of the human body, reduce the function of the spleen and stomach, and cold food, easy to appear spleen and stomach deficiency cold syndrome, the emergence of indigestion, diarrhea, abdominal distension, abdominal pain and other symptoms.

2, can not eat together with raw and cold food, such as ice water, ice drink, ice cream, ice cream, etc., raw and cold food will inhibit the secretion of gastric acid and reduce the digestive function of the stomach and intestines. Sweet potato belongs to cold food, which has a great impact on the stomach and intestines. Eating together is easy to cause indigestion and diarrhea.

3, can not eat with greasy food, such as braised meat, fried food, barbecue food, cold potato, eating will reduce the digestive function of the stomach and intestines, greasy food needs better gastrointestinal function to digest and absorb very well, both of which are prone to diarrhea.

4. You can't eat with tannic acid foods, such as persimmons, mung beans, grapes, plums, tea and so on. Sweet potatoes contain a lot of protein, which will react with tannic acid to produce substances that are difficult to digest and absorb. Eating less will only reduce the nutritional value of sweet potatoes. Eating more will form stomach stones.

5. You can't eat with foods that contain vitamin C decomposing enzymes, such as cucumbers, carrots, pumpkins and so on. Sweet potatoes contain more vitamin C and eat together with foods containing vitamin C decomposing enzymes, which will decompose vitamin C in sweet potatoes and reduce the nutritional value of sweet potatoes.

6, can not eat together with eggs, eggs are high protein food, need better gastrointestinal digestion function, to ensure that protein is fully absorbed, but the cold nature of sweet potatoes is very heavy, after eating will be a serious decline in digestive function, eating together is prone to indigestion.

7, can not eat together with celery, sweet potato has the effect of lowering blood pressure and blood lipid, celery is also a good antihypertensive product, eating together will lead to hypotension.

8, can not eat with chicken, especially chicken breast meat, otherwise it will cause abdominal pain, diarrhea and other adverse symptoms.

9. Notes for eating sweet potato: cold potato, cold physique, cold diarrhea, deficiency of spleen and stomach, thin stool, women with cold dysmenorrhea, women with menstrual period can not eat; sweet potato contains a lot of starch and sugar, should not eat more, so as not to cause obesity, gargle as soon as possible after eating, avoid sugar staying in the mouth for too long, resulting in tooth damage.

What can't sweet potato (sweet potato) eat with?

1, cannot eat together with sweet food, such as banana, pomegranate and so on, sweet potato sugar content is high, eat on an empty stomach can produce a lot of gastric acid, gastric acid too much will stimulate the gastric mucosa and cause acid return, but also contains a kind of oxidase, will produce a lot of carbon dioxide gas, cause stomach distension, hiccups and other symptoms, and sweets will increase the possibility of gastroesophageal reflux.

2, can not eat together with stagnant food, such as pumpkins, bananas, etc., eating together can easily lead to flatulence, abdominal pain, spitting acid water, etc., eating too much will produce stomach blockage.

3. You can't eat with persimmons. Sweet potatoes contain sugar, which will increase the secretion of gastric acid, precipitate and agglomerate with tannins and pectin in persimmons, and produce lumps, which can cause gastrointestinal bleeding or gastric ulcers when the amount is serious.

4, can not eat with tomatoes, eat together easy to get stones, but also cause vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea.

5. Can not eat with crabs, river crabs, sea crabs, eating together may produce stones.

6. Do not eat with chicken, egg, egg yolk, chicken wings, chicken breast meat, firewood chicken. Eating together will cause abdominal pain.

7, can not eat with corn, oats, eating together will cause stomach cramps, abdominal distension.

8. Notes for eating sweet potatoes: sweet potatoes contain high sugar, diabetes and indigestion cannot be eaten, and most people should not eat more, nor on an empty stomach, otherwise it will produce a lot of gastric acid and lead to acid spitting; sweet potatoes contain a kind of oxidase, which will make people bloat, hiccup and fart; sweet potatoes must be cooked thoroughly before eating, otherwise it is difficult to digest; baked sweet potatoes can not be eaten with skin in winter. Sweet potato after germination is highly toxic, taboo raw food, sweet potatoes with black spots can not be eaten, easy to cause poisoning.

What's the difference between sweet potatoes and sweet potatoes?

The main results are as follows: 1. The two species are different. Sweet potato is the underground root of annual or perennial herbaceous vine sweet potato of Leguminosae and Leguminosae, and sweet potato is the underground root of sweet potato of annual herbaceous plant of Convolvulaceae and sweet potato.

2. The two producing areas are different. Sweet potatoes are mainly produced in the south of China, while sweet potatoes are produced in most parts of China.

3. The shapes of the two are different. The sweet potato is round or conical, the skin and flesh are white, and the sweet potato is round, oval or spindle-shaped. The skin color and meat color vary with different varieties or soils, such as purple, orange, yellow-white, white and so on.

4. The taste of the two is different. Sweet potatoes can be peeled directly, smell fragrant and taste a bit like water chestnuts. Sweet potatoes need to be peeled. As for the taste, everyone has eaten it, so there is no need to say much here.

Can sweet potatoes be eaten raw?

Sweet potatoes can be eaten raw, whether they are sweet potatoes or sweet potatoes.

To eat raw sweet potatoes, you only need to peel off the skin with the same hand, and eat raw sweet potatoes with a knife, but you can't eat more of both. Eating too much sweet potatoes will cause obesity, and too much sweet potatoes will cause abdominal distension.

Can eating sweet potatoes help you lose weight?

Eating sweet potatoes can lose weight, whether it is sweet potatoes or sweet potatoes.

Sweet potato is low in calories and high in moisture, and contains mucus protein that can promote the transport of oxygen and promote the consumption of fat. Dietary fiber can help digestion, promote defecation, reduce the body's absorption of fat, and help to lose weight. Sweet potato is not high in calories, contains cellulose and pectin has the special function of preventing sugar from being converted into fat, and can also play a laxative role. It is an ideal weight loss food.

It should be noted that sweet potatoes and sweet potatoes can not eat more, otherwise there will be no role in weight loss.