
Can sprouting sweet potatoes be eaten? What can't you eat with?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, When it comes to coarse grains and substitute meals, sweet potatoes must occupy a certain position. As a full and appetizing food, sweet potato has always been one of the favorites in the hearts of many people. Sweet potato can also be called sweet potato, sweet potato, sweet potato and so on. In the north, it is also called sweet potato because of regional differences.

When it comes to coarse grains and meal replacements, sweet potatoes must occupy a certain position. As a food that can satisfy the stomach and strengthen the spleen and appetite, sweet potato has always been one of the favorites in many people's hearts. Sweet potato can also be called sweet potato, etc., in the north will also be called sweet potato because of regional differences. As a longevity food, it has been loved by men, women and children, so can germinated sweet potatoes be eaten? What are the effects and functions? Sweet potato and what can't eat together?

1. Can germinated sweet potatoes be eaten?

Sweet potatoes can be eaten.

1. Many people buy sweet potatoes because they have been stored for a long time, and they will choose to store a lot of them and put them there. When they want to eat, they find that sweet potatoes have sprouted. I can't decide for a moment whether I can eat it. Xiao Bian consulted relevant information for everyone, sprouted sweet potato is edible oh.

2, sweet potato germination is not poisonous, you can cut off the sweet potato sprouts and eat with confidence. Germination is because sweet potatoes are stored at home in a greenhouse environment suitable for germination and do not produce any toxicity. Sweet potato germination may affect the original taste, put a long time water loss, affect the play of nutrients.

It should be noted that sweet potato germination is also divided into severity, if very serious black spots and mildew spots are observed on the surface of sweet potato skin, it indicates that mold may have occurred inside. After discovering this situation, you can choose to cut the sweet potato in half with a knife. If it does not affect the inside, it can be eaten. If the inside has been affected by mildew, it is not recommended to eat it for health.

2. The efficacy and function of sweet potato

The efficacy of sweet potato is divided into two aspects, one is medicinal effect, the other is edible effect.

Medicinal effect:

Sweet potatoes can prevent cancer and protect the heart. Sweet potato as a longevity food, nature is not a false name. Eating sweet potatoes can improve body function and immunity. Most cancers are caused by physical weakness and instability. Sweet potatoes can be a good protective aid.

2, after medical experts sampling and research found that sweet potato flavonoids can inhibit colon cancer. The occurrence of colon cancer is now more and more common, eat more sweet potatoes for prevention is very helpful. It also has an auxiliary effect on jaundice and digestive function.

3, sweet potato contains dietary fiber and protein, usually steamed direct consumption can enhance satiety, but also can organize the conversion of sugar into fat.

Edible effect:

1, sweet potato can lose weight beauty. Now many people will choose to eat sweet potatoes as a meal replacement to lose weight and shape. Sweet potato calories are very low, many diet meals will be sweet potato as the first choice to cook, the most common is steamed sweet potato, cooked directly after eating.

2. Sweet potatoes can be made into dried sweet potatoes. The main raw material of dried sweet potato is sweet potato, which is processed by modern technology or machine drying. Dried sweet potatoes will have higher calories than sweet potatoes. Generally, dried sweet potatoes from merchants have essence and white sugar content, mainly to enrich the taste. Many farmers dry their own sweet potatoes taste poor, but most of the natural ingredients.

3. Sweet potatoes can be used to make sweet potato vermicelli and vermicelli. We eat hot and sour powder, many shops are using sweet potato powder to cook oh. After processing by machine, sweet potatoes become vermicelli, containing starch and vitamins and other nutrients, which are very helpful for human absorption.

3. What can sweet potatoes eat with?

1. Sweet potatoes cannot be eaten together with persimmon. Autumn is the season when persimmon is on the market. There are all kinds of crispy persimmon and soft persimmon on the market. We may eat sweet potato persimmon together, which will cause stomach acid. Experts suggest that if you encounter these two foods, it is best to eat them half a day later, so as not to cause physical discomfort, which may cause stomach ulcers in serious cases.

Sweet potatoes cannot be eaten with corn and chicken. Corn, chicken with sweet potatoes will cause abdominal distension after digestion, causing stomach discomfort.

Sweet potatoes cannot be eaten with tomatoes. Tomatoes and sweet potato collocation, can cause diarrhea abdominal pain, serious can also cause stones.

Sweet potatoes cannot be eaten with eggs. Many people will mix eggs and sweet potatoes together in the choice of breakfast. Egg + sweet potato will cause indigestible effect, which will not affect human health and nutrient absorption.

Sweet potatoes cannot be eaten with crabs. Autumn is the season for eating hairy crabs. After crabs are fully listed, sweet potatoes and crabs will inevitably appear together. Eating these two foods together will cause stones in the body, which is not conducive to human absorption.

Sweet potato in our country's impact and development has been very long, all regions of our country have sweet potato growers, for its benefits is not an article can be summarized, I hope to help you.