
Are there many species of shepherd's purse in Cruciferae? What are the key points of domestication and cultivation techniques?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Shepherd's purse, also known as nursing grass, local vegetables, rice vegetables, water chestnut, etc., Cruciferae, shepherd's purse, annual or biennial herbs. Wild shepherd's purse can not meet the demand of commercialization, so high commercial shepherd's purse can be produced by domestication and cultivation techniques to meet the market demand.

Shepherd's purse, also known as nursing grass, local vegetables, rice vegetables, water chestnut, etc., Cruciferae, shepherd's purse, annual or biennial herbs. Wild shepherd's purse can not meet the demand of commercialization, so high commercial shepherd's purse can be produced by domestication and cultivation techniques to meet the market demand. So are there many species of shepherd's purse in Cruciferae? What are the key points of domestication and cultivation techniques?

1. Types of shepherd's purse

1. Broad-leaf shepherd's purse

The shape is like small wave vegetable, the leaf collapses to grow, the plant spread degree can reach 18 to 20 centimeters, the leaf base has the deep crack notch, the leaf surface is smooth, the leaf color is green, the fresh vegetable yield is higher.

two。 Purplish red shepherd's purse

The leaf grows on the ground, the plant spreading degree is 15cm to 18cm, and the leaf shape is between the above two. No matter whether the fertilizer and water condition is good or bad, it grows on the shady or sunny slope, highland or concave land, the petiole of the leaf is purplish red, there is a little hairs on the leaf, the adaptability is strong, and the taste is good.

3. Hemp leaf (mosaic) type shepherd's purse

Leaves collapse growth, plant development degree up to 15-18 cm, leaf pinnatifid, deeply engraved, fine, such as flying cheap leaf type, green, edible flavor is better.

Second, the planting time of shepherd's purse

1. Artificial cultivation

It can be planted in spring, summer and autumn.

Spring: sowing from late February to late April

Summer: sowing from early July to late August

Autumn: sowing from early September to early October

two。 Feasible two-season cultivation in North China

Spring: sowing from early March to late April

Autumn: from early July to mid-September.

3. Cultivation in plastic greenhouse or solar greenhouse

Sow seeds at any time from early October to early February of the following year.

3. Key points of domestication and cultivation techniques of shepherd's purse.

1. Variety selection

At present, the varieties used are selected from the wild shepherd's purse, there are leaf shepherd's purse, also known as big leaf shepherd's purse and loose leaf shepherd's purse, also known as lobular shepherd's purse.

two。 Prepare the field.

Choose fertile, loose, convenient drainage and irrigation, neutral or slightly acidic soil for planting. In fact, the soil requirements are not strict, but fertile, loose soil can make shepherd's purse grow vigorously, the leaves are fat and tender, and the quality is good. Apply 1000-1500kg fully mature farm manure per 667m2 as base fertilizer, rake fine and flat, make a border 2m wide, and the border surface should be raked flat and soft.

3. Sowing seeds

Sowing time: spring sowing in open field from late February to early April, autumn sowing from late August to early October, protected spring sowing from mid-February to late May, and autumn sowing from mid-August to late November.

Sowing with fine soil sowing, sowing as evenly as possible, using feet to firm the border surface after sowing, so as to closely combine the seeds with the soil and maintain soil moisture, so as to facilitate the seeds to absorb water as soon as possible and seedling early. The seeds must use the old seeds of last year, because the new seeds of that year have not yet left the dormancy period. if there are conditions, the border should be covered with straw, straw, sunshade net and other mulch to keep wet to facilitate the emergence of seedlings, and can be properly watered in case of drought before emergence.

4. Post-emergence management

Seedlings can be produced 10 days after sowing. After emergence, the seedlings should be watered once to take root and grow seedlings. When the seedlings grow to 5 leaves, 1500kg of light and rotten manure will be applied every 667m2, and water and fertilizer will be applied once every time they are collected.

5. Prevention of diseases and insects

The main diseases and insect pests of shepherd's purse are downy mildew, mosaic virus and aphids. Control downy mildew with 75% chlorothalonil 600 times, virus diseases with 20% virulent A600 Mel 700 times, and aphids with 10% aphids 300 times.

6. Harvest

When the seedlings grow to 10 667m2 and 13 leaves, the 500kg can be collected every time, and the total yield can reach 2500-3000kg. When harvesting, harvest should be big and small, dense and thin, strong and weak, and picking tools with a knife.

7. Seed cultivation

The cultivation of shepherd's purse needs to be established separately. The plots with high topography, good drainage and moderate fertility should be selected for farming. Sowing in the reserved field from late September to early October, the amount of seed used is 1kg, and the sowing should be uniform. One plant selection was carried out in the middle of February, the weak and inferior plants and miscellaneous plants which did not accord with the characteristics of this variety were pulled out, the plant row spacing of 12cm was kept square and topdressing once, bolting and budding in late March, flowering in late April, and seed harvesting in early May. Timely harvest is the key. Seed pods are harvested from green to yellow when they are ripe. Harvest before 10:00 on a sunny day and bask on the spot for a few hours. Then spread the seeds in the field with film or straw mats, rub out the seeds, clean them to dry, and avoid exposure. 50kg seeds can be harvested per 667m2. The seeds are orange and bright in color.