
Are raspberries raspberries? What are its planting techniques? How much is the market price per catty?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Raspberry is the dry fruit of Rubus rubus L. of Rosaceae, distributed in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Fujian, Jiangxi, Guangxi and other places. It has the effect of tonifying kidney, consolidating essence, shrinking urine, nourishing liver and improving eyesight. So raspberries are raspberries? What are its planting techniques? city

Raspberry is the dried fruit of East China raspberry, which is distributed in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Fujian, Jiangxi, Guangxi and other places. It has the effect of tonifying kidney, solidifying essence and reducing urine, nourishing liver and eyesight. So are raspberries raspberries? What are its planting techniques? How much is the market price per jin?

Are raspberries raspberries?

When it comes to raspberries, many people don't know that they can also be called raspberries. In fact, the two are the same kind of fruit. When the fruit is not yet ripe and made dry, it is called a raspberry. The fruit that people eat in daily life is called raspberry. To put it bluntly, the biggest difference between raspberries and raspberries is that the former is an immature fruit. The latter is a ripe fruit.

How to grow raspberries?

1. Reproduction

(1) Root tiller propagation: the mother plant of raspberry root tiller propagation should keep the soil moist, loose and nutritious, select well-developed root tillers, keep the distance between 10 cm and 15 cm, dig roots and tillers after autumn, dig deep, and retain more side branches. it can be planted as soon as it is dug, or fake planting can be planted first after digging, and the garden will be established in spring the following year.

(2) Cuttage propagation: when cutting raspberry, dig out the lateral root with a thickness of about 1 cm, select the root with bud, cut it into a root strip of about 10 cm, cut it in the middle of March, dig a trench with a depth of 10 cm, insert the root obliquely into the border bed, expose 1/4 outside the soil, and bury it flat.

(3) transplant propagation: raspberry transplant propagation from November to March every year, dig wild plants from the mountain woodland, cut off the basal branches, retain 20 cm in length, be careful not to damage the dormant buds at the base. Then it was transplanted into a flat field with a distance of 25 cm and 2700 plants per mu. After planting, cover the soil firmly, pour fixed root water, cover straw hay and so on.

2. Land preparation

When planting raspberry, select slightly acidic gentle slope land with deep soil layer, loose fertility and good drainage, turn the soil deeply, transplant according to the row spacing of 50 cm × 100 cm or 100 cm × 100 cm, apply sufficient base fertilizer before transplanting, and apply farm manure 3-5 kg per plant.

3. Management

During the growth period of raspberry, combined with loosening soil and weeding, topdressing was applied 2-3 times a year, mainly nitrogen fertilizer, with appropriate amount of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. Apply seedling fertilizer in March, flower fertilizer in April, overwintering fertilizer in November, 15002000 kg of human feces per mu, and pay attention to watering during drought in summer and autumn. The weeds were ploughed and weeded twice from May to June and from August to September every year to reduce the consumption of nutrients and water by weeds so as to promote the robust growth of raspberry trees.

4. Pick the bud

When the lateral branch of the new branch occurs from April to May, the terminal bud is removed to promote the growth of the lateral branch, at the same time, the heart of the lateral branch is removed to promote the secondary lateral branch, and the branch is leafy, which increases the fruiting mother branch of the following year and increases the yield. Stand pillars next to each plant during the fruiting period to prevent lodging.

5. Fertilizer and water

Farm manure 2000-3000 kg per mu can be applied every autumn and topdressing once during flowering and fruit development in order to increase fruit yield and promote fruit expansion. Topdressing should be based on available nitrogen fertilizer, with 10-15 kg urea per mu each time. At the same time, borax and zinc sulfate are applied each 1 kg per mu to protect flowers and fruits. Do a good job of drainage and irrigation, timely watering in case of drought, to keep the soil moist. Remove stagnant water in time in case of heavy rain to prevent falling flowers and fruits.

6. Pruning

The dry part of the top of the two-year-old branch should be cut off in time in spring to make the remaining branches give off strong fruiting branches. Thinning the base is too dense and there are diseases and insect pests, leaving 7-8 biennial branches per plant, keeping a reasonable density, conducive to ventilation and light, and ensuring high and stable yield. After fruit picking, the biennial branches were cut off, and the tillers and overdense basal branches were removed to control the total number of branches in the garden.

7. Harvest

The harvest time of raspberry is from mid-May to early June, when the fruit is fully developed and green, and has not yet turned red and mature. The harvest is carried out in batches. After harvesting, the stems, leaves, receptacles and other impurities are removed. Then blanch it in boiling water for 2 minutes and then remove it, then spread out or dry. The finished product with intact grain, solid yellow-green color, sour taste and no pedicel leaf chips is preferred.

How much is the price of raspberries per jin?

The gap between the market prices of raspberries in different regions is quite large. At present, the price of wild raspberries in Zhejiang is about 220 yuan, and the price of domestic raspberries is about 230 yuan. The new production of raspberries in Yibin, Sichuan has basically ended. At present, the source of goods from the origin is not moving fast, and the market has declined somewhat. At present, the price of the raspberry from the origin is about 50 yuan.