
How to eat star fruit carambola? Can I eat the skin? There are six major effects and functions!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In winter, there will be a large number of carambola ripe on the market, sometimes called carambola, in fact, two kinds of fruit. Anyone who has eaten carambola knows that the fruit of carambola looks very unique like five-pointed stars and belongs to cool fruit. So what about Yang (Yang) peach?

In winter, there will be a large number of carambola ripe on the market, sometimes called carambola, in fact, two kinds of fruit. Anyone who has eaten carambola knows that the fruit of carambola looks very unique like five-pointed stars and belongs to cool fruit. So how do you eat Yang (Yang) peach? What are the ways to eat? Can I eat the skin? It is understood that carambola has these six functions and functions!

Table of nutritional components of carambola

Protein 0.6g

0.1g fat

1.1g fiber

Carbohydrate 5.3g

Ash content 0.4 g

Carotene 20 μ g

Thiamine 0.01 mg

Riboflavin 0.05 mg

Niacin 1.0mg

Ascorbic acid 7mg

Potassium 126mg

Sodium 0.7mg

Calcium 3mg

Magnesium 6mg

Iron 0.6mg

Zinc 0.5mg

Phosphorus 27mg

Selenium 0.84 μ g

Second, how to eat Yang (Yang) peach? The four simplest ways to eat are collected.

1. One of the easiest ways to eat carambola directly

Wash the carambola bought in the supermarket with clean water, then put the right amount of salt in the basin, wait for the salt to dissolve, put in the washed carambola, soak for 30 minutes, and then wipe it with a clean rag. Prepare a knife to cut off the hard edges of the five corners of the carambola. Be careful not to cut off the flesh when you cut it, just a little bit. Then cut the carambola into five pieces (depending on your personal preference) with a knife, and then you can eat it. If you feel a little sour, you can touch some sugar for better taste.

two。 Carambola is the second easiest way to eat carambola.

The way to eat carambola is also relatively simple. I believe many friends will order one when they eat in the restaurant, which can be eaten as dessert. Prepare three carambola, then a small bowl of flour and 6 tablespoons of sugar. The main way is to wash the carambola, cut into thick pieces, must not cut very thin. Add water to the flour, be sure to be very thin, then dip the carambola into it, then pan-fry it in boiling hot oil, fry it until golden brown, and then fish it out. Then dissolve the sugar in the pan, pour it on the fried carambola, and the carambola is ready, which tastes crisp and sweet.

3. The third easiest way to eat carambola is carambola tea.

Carambola can be used to make tea, which many people do not know, now let's tell you how to do it! Prepare a carambola, moderate amount of sugar and red tea. Wash the carambola, remove the pentagonal hard edge and slice it. Marinate the carambola with sugar, put it in a clean jar and keep the bees for a week, then take it out and boil it in water and dry in the sun. Use tea to make black tea with plain boiled water, and then add sun-dried carambola slices, which is a delicious drink carambola tea.

4. The easiest way to eat carambola is stewed carambola with egg and milk.

A can of egg milk stew carambola preparation materials must be eggs, milk, ready 2 eggs, a cup of milk. Stir the eggs and add the milk, then put a jin of chopped carambola into the pot and simmer for 30 minutes, so that the freshly baked egg milk stewed carambola is out of the oven! This is a very beautiful and cosmetic soup. People who stay up late can often eat it to improve their health.

Third, can you eat the skin of carambola? A lot of people don't know!

The skin of carambola can be eaten, look at the above four eating methods are not peeled to eat, so when eating carambola, do not peel off! Carambola is not very big, and you won't have much to eat if you peel it. Carambola peel contains a lot of nutrients, peeling means that some nutrients cannot be absorbed by the human body, which is a pity. If you are afraid of pesticide residues, you can soak them in salt water to remove them, so stop eating silly carambola peels!

Fourth, the six functions and functions of carambola!

1. The efficacy and function of carambola clear heat, dispel internal wind, carambola is cold fruit is relatively cool, if you have a cold and fever, you can eat appropriate amount of carambola to clear heat, will not get angry, but also reduce the symptoms of fever, to achieve the effect of clearing heat. Generally speaking, we need to solve the problem of dispelling internal wind through drugs, but drugs are harmful to our human body. We can eat some fruits and vegetables to help us dispel internal wind. Carambola has the effect of dispelling internal wind. You can eat a little bit appropriately in daily life.

two。 The efficacy and effect of carambola in relieving pain and swelling, will many friends feel reliable after reading the effect of carambola? Carambola can not be eaten directly to achieve the effect of relieving pain and swelling, it is washed with fresh carambola, cut into pieces and mashed into juice, then poured into a cup, brewed and drank with boiling water, once a day in the morning and evening, which has the effect of relieving pain and reducing swelling.

3. The efficacy and function of carambola help digestion and nourish. It is understood that a carambola contains 0.1g fat and 1.1g fiber. We all know that fat and fiber can promote human intestinal digestion and finally achieve the effect of nourishing. If the food in your stomach cannot be digested, the body will not absorb the nutrients and will not be able to achieve the effect of health preservation.

4. The efficacy and function of carambola ascorbic acid, the treatment of respiratory diseases, carambola contains carotene, thiamine, riboflavin these three major elements have a certain effect on the treatment of ascorbic acid and respiratory diseases. If you check that you have one of the above diseases, you can eat some carambola to relieve it.

5. The efficacy and function of carambola in relieving constipation and treating aphthous diseases. Carambola contains a lot of fiber and heat-clearing effect. If you have regular constipation, you can eat some fruit to relieve it. Carambola is one of them. The principle of carambola in the treatment of aphtha is to achieve the effect of clearing heat, improve the pain of aphtha, and relieve the aphtha. If your aphtha disease has reached a very serious condition, you must go to the hospital for injection treatment. Eating carambola has no therapeutic effect.

6. The efficacy and effect of carambola in the treatment of sore throat, sore throat is mostly caused by fire, carambola is a cool fruit, with a little cold, can help us to treat and relieve throat pain.

Fourth, eating carambola taboos: who is not suitable to eat carambola?

1. People with damp and cold spleen and stomach are not suitable to eat carambola, carambola is a cool slightly cold fruit, if you are a people with damp and cold spleen and stomach, eating will lead to diarrhea and other conditions, serious words will be harmful to the body.

two。 People with kidney disease are not suitable to eat carambola, people with bad kidney disease, eating carambola will be difficult to be absorbed, and will form stones.

3. People who are allergic to carambola are not suitable to eat carambola, although there are no relevant cases, but just in case, if you are allergic to carambola, it will only aggravate the allergen. Allergic symptoms are generally dizziness, red rash, itching and so on.

Conclusion: the above are some methods of how to eat carambola for you. I hope it can help. This paper is integrated with the network.