
How to raise jasmine, a vine? How to trim? Only by knowing these points can beautiful flowers bloom!

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The fragrance of jasmine is delicate and elegant, and the white fragrance of jasmine has won the love of many flower friends. Jasmine can be made into scented tea in addition to viewing, so how to raise jasmine? How to trim? What about the dry coke? Next, I would like to introduce to you the culture of jasmine.

The fragrance of jasmine is delicate and elegant, and the white fragrance of jasmine has won the love of many flower friends. Jasmine can be made into scented tea in addition to viewing, so how to raise jasmine? How to trim? What about the dry coke? The following is to introduce the breeding methods and matters needing attention of jasmine.

A brief introduction to Jasmine

1. Introduction

Jasmine, alias Maoli, is the general name of evergreen shrubs or lianas of sweet clover and jasmine. Jasmine is the most common fragrant potted plant with white flowers and rich aroma. the most famous one is double-petal Mo, which is commonly known as jasmine. Fuzhou in Fujian Province of China is a famous producing area of jasmine.

2. Shape

Jasmine generally has a height of 0.5-3m and its branches are slender. Leaves opposite, elliptic or ovoid, entire, emerald green, thin and glossy. Most of the flowers are white, with a strong fragrance, flowering May-October, July-August blooming the most, with fragrance.

3. Distribution

Jasmine prefers a warm, humid and sunny environment. It is native to India and Pakistan. It has long been introduced and widely planted in China.

4. Use

The flowers, leaves and roots of jasmine can be used as medicine or make tea. The main raw materials of the famous jasmine tea are its petals; jasmine can treat exogenous fever, stomach disharmony, abdominal distension and diarrhea; aromatherapy as essential oil can be used for anti-depression, sterilization, tranquilizer, anxiety, emotional instability and other problems, and it is good for skin and scalp.

Second, how to raise jasmine?

Jasmine likes to be warm and humid, and grows best in a well-ventilated, semi-shady environment. The soil is most suitable for slightly acidic sandy soil containing a lot of humus. Let's take a look at the following breeding methods and precautions:

1. Soil: the soil for cultivating jasmine should be rich sandy and semi-sandy soil, which grows best on the slightly acidic loam rich in humus.

2. Temperature: Jasmine likes high temperature, usually starts to sprout at about 20 ℃, gestates buds above 25 ℃, forms buds about 28 ℃-33 ℃, the optimum temperature for growth is 22 ℃-35 ℃, the temperature is too high, the plant is in a semi-dormant state, the flowering is less and uneven, the plant grows slowly at low temperature, and it is not tolerant to low temperature, and some branches will freeze to death when it is below 5 ℃ for a long time, so it can be cultivated outdoors in the south. The northern region needs to do a good job of keeping warm in autumn and winter, move it indoors and put it facing south.

3. Lighting: Jasmine flowers like moist, ventilated and breathable environment and need sufficient light. Inappropriate environmental light will cause overgrowth of plants, light green leaves, slender branches, long and tender internodes, few buds, few flowers and light fragrance.

4. Moisture: Jasmine flowers like wet environment, so they have high requirements for water, but jasmine is afraid of stagnant water. if the basin soil is in a moist state for a long time, the root system will rot due to lack of oxygen in the basin soil, and the leaves will gradually turn yellow and fall off, even the whole plant dies.

Watering should be determined according to the season and temperature. From April to May in spring, you can water once every 2 to 3 days, around noon, in June, you can water a little more, and you should water once a day. July to August in summer is the high temperature period, which is also the flowering period of jasmine. It is necessary to water once in the morning and once in the evening, spray water on the leaves once or twice a day, and sprinkle water around the flowerpot to increase air humidity. The amount of watering is gradually reduced in autumn, and can be watered once every two days from September to October, and it should be strictly controlled to keep the basin soil slightly moist in winter, usually once every 5 to 7 days.

5. Fertilization: the flowering period of jasmine is relatively long, so the fertility of the basin soil should be sufficient, and the one-time amount should not be too large, especially in winter and high temperature seasons, and the effect of re-fertilization is better when entering the growing period. it is better to apply fertilizer in the evening, and the basin soil should be loosened before application.

6. change the pot: the jasmine that has been planted for more than 2 years is about to change the pot. At this time, the fertility in the pot soil has decreased, and the roots have been entangled and confused, so it is necessary to replace a large flowerpot with loose soil.

7. Diseases and insect pests: Jasmine is vulnerable to diseases and insect pests such as red spider, leaf spot, shell insect and so on, which is the most serious from July to September and should be controlled in time.

Third, how to trim the jasmine?

Jasmine is usually pruned in the first and middle of March every year, and the branches can be 20 cm long when pruning, and the rest should be cut off. Old branches should be cut off from the base, retaining the base 10 cm to 15 cm, to promote its re-germination of robust new branches, at the same time to cut off too dense branches, overgrown branches, weak branches and remove old leaves, such as the growth of new shoots are very prosperous, should be in the growth of 10 cm, promote secondary shoots, more flowering, flowers withered should be cut off in time to reduce nutrient consumption.

Fourth, what about the dry scorch of jasmine leaves?

As the leaves of jasmine are relatively thin and more sensitive than other flowers, it is easy to cause dry scorch of leaves when potted jasmine is planted, so we must treat them according to the case, otherwise it will lead to plant death. The following points will lead to leaf dry scorch:

1. Improper fertilization: the scorching of the top tip of the leaf may be caused by improper fertilization, such as excessive fertilization, excessive fertilization or "root burning" caused by the application of immature fertilizer.

Solution: if it is not serious, water more to dilute the fertilizer, when it is serious, change the soil and plant it again, put the pot in the shade, wait for the new shoots to be sent out, and then return to normal maintenance.

2. Improper watering: Jasmine likes a humid environment. Excessive drying and lack of water or too much water rotting the roots will cause the leaves to dry and scorch.

Solution: dry and early lack of water needs to appropriately increase the number of watering, too much water rotten roots to control the number of watering.

3. Soil pH is not suitable: Jasmine likes acidic soil, if the pH is not suitable, it will lead to dry scorch of leaves.

Solution: replace it with acidic soil with a pH value of 6 to 6.5.

In addition, the reason for the dry scorch of jasmine leaves may be that there are too many flower branches without pruning, which affects the nutrient absorption of the plant.

Fifth, the flower language of jasmine

Jasmine is pure and full-bodied. Its flower language is loyalty, respect, purity, chastity and simplicity. Many countries choose jasmine as the national flower, and it also represents the flower of love and friendship.

Conclusion: the breeding method of jasmine is introduced here, in fact, jasmine is still a good breeding flower, usually as long as pay attention to the temperature, light, fertilizer and moisture of jasmine can be raised well.