
What are the effects and effects of "everlasting fruit" peanuts? Can you still eat after sprouting?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Peanuts are almost a food that everyone has eaten, and they are very popular in life, especially on the wine table, except for the minority groups who are born allergic to them. Peanuts can also be called everlasting fruits, ground beans, muddy beans and so on. The planting and yield of peanuts are very high in China.

Peanuts are almost a food that everyone has eaten, and they are very popular in life, especially on the wine table, except for the minority groups who are born allergic to them. Peanuts can also be called everlasting fruits, ground beans, muddy beans and so on, which are rich in peanut cultivation and yield in our country. In addition to edible value, peanuts have very valuable economic value, and there are many derivatives that use peanuts as the main raw material. So what are the effects and effects of peanuts? Can sprouted peanuts be eaten? What's the latest price?

I. the efficacy and function of peanuts

1, peanut oil is no stranger to everyone, as every household will always have oil, peanut oil has always occupied a place. The main raw material of peanut oil is peanut. Peanut oil is extracted from peanut fruit and fried into peanut oil after artificial processing. Good quality peanut oil can add flavor to the dish when cooking.

2. Peanuts can also be used as lubricants to make certain achievements in industry. Many lubricants contain ingredients that add peanut oil, and refined peanuts are processed into lubricants for use in textiles or other industries.

3. Peanuts can play the role of anti-oxidation and anti-aging. Eating more peanuts can prevent aging and anti-oxidation, peanuts are rich in catechins, catechins have a very regulatory effect on body function.

4. Peanuts can have the effect of hemostasis. This effect may be known to few people, because the outer skin of peanuts is rich in oils and vitamins, which can assist in the promotion of platelets and strengthen the hematopoietic function of the human body.

5. Eating more peanuts can enhance your memory. Peanuts contain lecithin and cephalin, both of which are helpful for memory consolidation. Eating more peanuts and other nuts in life, especially for children who are still growing and developing, can enhance memory.

6. Peanuts can lower cholesterol. The increase in cholesterol is often caused by excessive intake of junk food in daily life. Linoleic acid in peanut oil can lower the body's cholesterol and expel bile from the cholesterol. When cholesterol is too high and serious, it can even be life-threatening, so don't joke about it.

7. Eating more peanuts can prevent tumor. Peanuts are rich in resveratrol. Resveratrol is an effective ingredient in tumor prevention, which can reduce platelets and prevent cardiovascular diseases. It is also good for the body to reduce the probability of tumor occurrence.

8. Peanuts are rich in protein, amino acids, vitamin B2, and all kinds of mineral trace elements. Eating more peanuts can improve body immunity, promote human development, and effectively expel toxins from the body.

Second, can germinated peanuts be eaten?

First of all, we have to clarify a concept, there is a difference between peanut germination and peanut mildew, many friends see peanut germination will mistakenly think that stored for too long leads to peanut mildew, this is wrong.

Germinated peanuts can be eaten.

The nutritional value of germinated peanuts will not change much, just as mung beans sprout into mung bean sprouts. Peanut sprouts can also be collected and made into hot and sour kimchi to eat alone. Many fresh peanuts sprout quietly because they grow in the soil. In large supermarkets or farmers' markets, peanut sprouts, like mung bean sprouts, are sold separately, and the price is not low.

If you encounter moldy peanuts, it is likely to be caused by the cold and humid storage environment. Peanut mildew is mainly infected with Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus flavus this main destructive molecule with toxicity, so moldy peanuts should not be eaten.

Note: peanut sprouting caused by mildew is inedible and will endanger health. Artificial or naturally germinated peanuts in the soil can be eaten without affecting health.

The latest price of peanuts

According to the data provided by the Internet, the current quotations for peanuts have relatively small fluctuations in each city, as follows:

1. The lowest price for peanuts in the supermarket is about 5.8-7 yuan per jin.

2. The lowest price for peanuts in large farmers' markets is about 5-10 yuan per jin.

3. The lowest price for peanuts in a small wholesale market is about 4-8 yuan per jin.

The above data need to be determined according to the local market and the specific quality of peanuts, which is only a reference value. The price of high-quality peanuts is often higher, and you can tell by yourself when you buy it.

Friends who like to eat peanuts, like editors, are passionate about peanuts. I hope the summary of this article will also be helpful to you.