
What is the effect and function of wormwood? Who can't take it? Do you have any points for attention?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Yinchen is also called Artemisia annua, which refers to the young stems and leaves of Artemisia annua. There is also a folk legend that Hua Tuo tried Artemisia annua for three times, so what is the effect and function of Artemisia annua? Who can't take it? What are the precautions, ​? First, the efficacy and function of wormwood 1. Guarantee

Yinchen, also known as Artemisia annua, refers to the young stems and leaves of Artemisia annua, and there is a folk legend of "Hua Tuo three trials of Artemisia annua", so what is the effect and function of Artemisia annua? Who can't take it? What are the precautions, ​?

I. the efficacy and function of Artemisia chinensis

1. Protect the liver

Yinchen is very beneficial to the liver and plays a significant role in clearing the liver and promoting the secretion of bile and the excretion of bilirubin. Clinical experiments have proved that Yinchen is very effective for hepatitis A, hepatitis B and icteric hepatitis.

two。 Lower blood pressure and blood lipid

Yinchen is used to soak in water, which is good for increasing the blood flow of the coronary artery, softening the arteries, improving the microcirculation of the human body, and has a very significant effect on lowering blood pressure and blood lipids.

3. Inhibition of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in human

Artemisia chinensis has a good inhibitory effect on fungi in our skin. Soaking water with wormwood can relieve skin itching and other symptoms, treat diseases such as allergic dermatitis caused by skin fungi, and inhibit human tuberculosis.

4. Pass through menstruation

Yinchen is a common Chinese herbal medicine. Yinchen decoction can regulate menstruation, dredge amenorrhea caused by endocrine disorders and help regulate the symptoms of endocrine disorders.

5. Nourish blood and activate blood

By taking Yinchen bubble water, it can accelerate the blood circulation of the liver, promote the metabolic function of the body, nourish blood and activate blood, and repair liver cell damage caused by staying up late drinking.

6. Nourishing yin and tonifying yang

Yin Chen bubble water is very beneficial to the kidney, can treat some minor kidney problems, play a role in nourishing yin and nourishing yang.

Second, who should not take wormwood

It is mild in nature and can be taken by most people. But the body is particularly weak, people with spleen deficiency and blood deficiency should not take wormwood, otherwise it may lead to diarrhea, vomiting and other adverse symptoms, serious will aggravate the disease.

Third, edible taboos of wormwood

1. Take an appropriate amount

Artemisia chinensis is a very common Chinese herbal medicine in real life, and its common function is to clear away heat and relieve jaundice. If the physical quality is good, and there is nothing abnormal in the liver, it can be taken by soaking in water for a long time, which can strengthen the body. But as the saying goes, it is a third of the poison, it is best not to take it for a long time.

Overdose of wormwood may inhibit our central nervous system and cause a series of symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, arrhythmia and general weakness, so don't overtake wormwood, you should take it under the advice and guidance of your doctor.

two。 Take at the right time

Yinchen bubble water had better be taken after a meal, otherwise it may stimulate the intestines and stomach, for people with bad intestines and stomach may lead to stomachache, stomach distension, diarrhea and other adverse symptoms.

Fourth, the edible method of wormwood

1. Yinchen green tea

Take 30g of wormwood, 3G of green tea and 6g of raw rhubarb to soak in water and take it twice in the morning and evening.

two。 Yinchen jiedu decoction

Take 50g of Artemisia chinensis, 30g of Radix Isatidis, 30g of dandelion, 20g of Poria cocos and 20g of Salvia miltiorrhiza and take it twice in the morning and evening.

3. Yinchen red jujube porridge

Take 10g wormwood, 10 red dates, 100g rice, 5g Schisandra chinensis with water and simmer for 40 minutes.

4. Yinchen safflower soup

Take appropriate amount of wormwood, rhubarb, Shanzhi, Hawthorn, Bupleurum, money grass, safflower fried with water, in the morning and evening.

5. Yin Chen Qinggan water

Take 50g wormwood, 3 red dates and 30g Hedyotis diffusa in water and take it twice in the morning and evening.

6. Yinchen corn beard tea

Take 15g of wormwood, 15g of dandelion, 30g of corn whisker and add boiling water to drink.