
Do you know the efficacy and function of grapefruit peel? Remember these points and don't throw them away next time!

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, With the drop of temperature, grapefruit began to dominate the autumn and winter fruit market. Every autumn and winter, grapefruit has always been the best-selling fruit, whether it is red pomelo or Shatian pomelo, there is a market basis. Grapefruit is generally planted in a large area in Henan Province of China.

With the drop of temperature, grapefruit began to dominate the autumn and winter fruit market. Every autumn and winter, grapefruit has always been the best-selling fruit, whether it is red pomelo or Shatian pomelo, there is a market basis. Grapefruit is generally planted in a large area of Henan in China, and some varieties of grapefruit are also very famous in Hunan and the south of the Yangtze River. As a seasonal fruit, the flesh of grapefruit is naturally very popular, so do you know the efficacy and function of grapefruit peel? Who can't eat grapefruit? Can pregnant women eat it?

I. the efficacy and function of pomelo peel

We all know that grapefruit flesh is delicious and nutritious. Grapefruit peel is often peeled off and discarded. In fact, grapefruit peel also has many wonderful uses, oh, let the editor summarize it for you:

1. Pomelo peel can boil water to cure cough.

Cut the grapefruit peel into long strips or small pieces and put it in a sunny place to dry for natural dehydration. Then put in the pot to add water to stew together, the amount of water according to the number of grapefruit peel to determine, generally 1/3, too much will dilute the taste of grapefruit peel. After about an hour of stewing, pour into a bowl and add rock sugar or honey. If you are not afraid of a single flavor, you can drink it directly.

2. Pomelo peel can treat chilblain in children.

Many children have frostbite in winter, and some adults have left this problem because they have not properly protected their hands since childhood. Similar to the above method, keep drinking the grapefruit peel after stewing, this method takes a long period and usually takes the whole winter to take effect.

3. Grapefruit peel can cough up phlegm.

In view of the expectoration of elderly friends, the flesh of grapefruit peel can be used as the main ingredient, chopped and boiled in clear water until cooked, then add rock sugar until melted and then taken. Pomelo peel pulp can treat expectoration, which is very helpful for elderly friends.

4. Pomelo peel can prevent bad smell.

Due to the limited space in each family, the things stored in the refrigerator are too messy, which will inevitably produce peculiar smell. at this time, we can put the grapefruit skin into the refrigerator, and the fragrance of the grapefruit skin can dispel the smell in the refrigerator.

5. Pomelo peel can be fried and eaten.

Wash the grapefruit peel, peel off the bluish yellow or emerald green white skin, leaving only the white flesh, and then soak in clean water for two hours, so as to dispel its bitterness. Can be fried with chili peppers and meat, and finally put in the grapefruit peel during the frying process.

Who can't eat grapefruit?

1. Patients with high blood pressure cannot eat grapefruit, especially during the period of taking medicine, eating grapefruit will have a chemical reaction with the drug, increasing the blood sugar concentration of the drug, so that the effect can not be brought into full play, delaying the treatment of the disease.

2. Old people should eat less grapefruit. Grapefruit is a cold food, and the physical function of the elderly will change significantly as they get older. For example, slow action, unclear expression, and so on. Eating too much grapefruit aggravates the chill in the elderly, and serious ones may have the negative effect of headaches and chest tightness.

3. Women who have eaten contraceptive can't eat grapefruit. According to the research of relevant scientists, grapefruit and contraceptive can have the effect of counteracting each other. Continue to eat grapefruit after eating contraceptive, and the contraceptive pill will take effect immediately. And eating grapefruit after having sex is likely to be promoted directly, known as a young mother.

4. People who are born with cold body and cold stomach should not eat grapefruit too much. Excessive consumption will lead to diarrhea and abdominal distension, and grapefruit as a cold fruit will aggravate the chill of cold friends.

Can pregnant women eat grapefruit?

Pregnant women can eat grapefruit.

1. Grapefruit is rich in vitamin An and B, and contains nutrients such as protein and organic acids. Using grapefruit during pregnancy can help pregnant women absorb.

2. Grapefruit is on the market in autumn and winter. If pregnant women have oral ulcers or toothache, eating grapefruit can help reduce anger. It's hard to avoid mood ups and downs during pregnancy. If you don't like medication, you can try dietotherapy.

3, during pregnancy, in addition to rest is to replenish energy and nutrition, and the mother and the baby in a good body. Eating more grapefruit can enhance immunity, promote fetal absorption function, and supplement vitamin C to pregnant women in time.

Note: grapefruit is a cold fruit, pregnant women must not eat too much every day, gluttony will have a bad impact on themselves and the fetus.

Grapefruit is full of treasures. This article is only the tip of the iceberg. I hope it will be helpful to everyone's consumption.