
What are the specific effects and effects of 100000 jin of Dendrobium candidum? What is the most effective way to eat? Can you eat it for a long time?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Dendrobium candidum, also known as black section grass, is a valuable traditional Chinese medicine growing on semi-shady wet rocks. it is widely used as a health-preserving medicine because of its hypoglycemic, blood-lipid-lowering, detoxification and other effects. At present, they are all sold on the market, and the price is small and expensive, that 100000 kilograms of Dendrobium candidum

Dendrobium candidum, also known as black section grass, is a valuable traditional Chinese medicine growing on semi-shady wet rocks. it is widely used as a health-preserving medicine because of its hypoglycemic, blood-lipid-lowering, detoxification and other effects. At present, there are sales on the market, and the price is small and expensive, what are the specific effects and effects of 100000 jin of Dendrobium candidum? What is the most effective way to eat? Can you eat it for a long time?

One, 100000 a jin of Dendrobium candidum what are the specific effects and functions?

Efficacy 1, detoxification and beauty: according to medical research, Dendrobium candidum has the effect of clearing lungs, detoxification and beauty. Regular consumption can effectively expel toxins from the body, clean the lungs and delay aging.

Efficacy 2, protect the liver and gallbladder: according to medical research, Dendrobium candidum has the effect of protecting the liver and has a certain therapeutic effect on cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, hepatitis and so on.

Efficacy 3, improve qi and blood: Dendrobium candidum has the effect of promoting qi and blood, women often eat can have a good maintenance effect on the ovaries.

Efficacy 4. Nourish stomach and spleen: Dendrobium candidum has a certain therapeutic effect on gastritis, duodenal ulcer and other stomach diseases.

Efficacy 5, enhance resistance: Dendrobium candidum has the effect of improving resistance, which is very suitable for people with weak resistance.

Efficacy 6, hypoglycemic, hypolipidemic: Dendrobium candidum has hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic effect, which is very suitable for patients with hypertension, hyperlipidemia, fatty liver, cardio-cerebrovascular disease.

Efficacy 7. Eye protection: Dendrobium candidum has the effect of eye protection, which is very suitable for people with cataract in the elderly and children with low vision.

Efficacy 8, improve sleep: Dendrobium candidum has a certain therapeutic effect on poor sleep quality, regular consumption can reduce heart fire, liver fire, and improve sleep quality.

Second, how to eat Dendrobium candidum is the most effective?

1. How to eat fresh Dendrobium candidum?

(1) chewing directly: Dendrobium candidum can be chewed like cucumbers and carrots, and the nutrients in the residue can be well absorbed by the human body.

(2) Dendrobium juice: fresh Dendrobium can be used to extract juice like celery and carrots, and you can add appropriate amount of rock sugar or honey according to your own taste.

2. How to eat dried Dendrobium candidum?

(1) Dendrobium tea: like other tea leaves, Dendrobium candidum can be directly used to make water and drink, and the residue can be chewed and eaten.

(2) Dendrobium wine: Dendrobium candidum can be used to soak wine like ginseng, Codonopsis pilosula and other medicinal materials, and it can be drunk after soaking for 3 months.

(3) Dendrobium candidum paste: Dendrobium candidum can be used as an ointment like Ejiao. The specific method is to wash and chop Dendrobium candidum, then put it into a pot and add water to cook it twice, and finally take out the residue and fry it into a paste over low heat to eat.

(4) Dendrobium decoction: Dendrobium candidum is a good medicinal herb, which can be used to make soup with chicken, pigeon, duck and so on.

Third, can Dendrobium candidum be eaten for a long time?

Dendrobium candidum can be eaten for a long time, but it must be moderate. Because Dendrobium candidum is a medicine, eating too much is not good for your health. In general, dry Dendrobium candidum can eat up to 12g a day, and fresh Dendrobium candidum can eat 32g at most. If you want to eat too much, you should take it under the guidance of your doctor.

Where is the origin of Dendrobium candidum?

There are many producing areas of Dendrobium candidum, which are distributed in Yunnan, Sichuan, Guangxi, Fujian, Anhui and Zhejiang, among which Zhejiang and Yunnan produce most of them, and Zhejiang is the origin of Dendrobium candidum. Many people think that Dendrobium produced in Zhejiang is better than other places in terms of taste and efficacy.

How much is the price of Dendrobium candidum per gram?

Dendrobium candidum is relatively expensive, generally divided into dry products and fresh products on the market, of which the market price of Dendrobium candidum is more than 200 yuan per gram, and the good quality is more than 250 yuan per gram. The market price of Dendrobium candidum is about 40 yuan per gram, and about 50 yuan per gram with roots and leaves. However, due to the difference in market, origin and quality, there will be some differences in market prices, so the specific prices still need to go to the local market to check.