
What conditions do you need to grow asparagus, the king of vegetables? What is the method of seed treatment?

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Asparagus, also known as asparagus, is known as the king of vegetables. Ununearthed asparagus is white, called white asparagus, which turns green after being unearthed, which is called green asparagus. Its tender cuisine is delicious and delicious, which is the heart of many people. So what conditions do you need to grow asparagus?

Asparagus, also known as asparagus, is known as the "king of vegetables". Ununearthed asparagus is white, called white asparagus, which turns green after being unearthed, which is called green asparagus. Its tender cuisine is delicious and delicious, which is the heart of many people. So what conditions do you need to grow asparagus? What is the method of seed treatment?

What conditions are needed for asparagus cultivation?

1. Temperature

Asparagus has strong adaptability to temperature. The initial temperature of growth and development is 5 ℃, the highest optimum temperature is 37 ℃, and the optimum temperature is 12-26 ℃. During dormancy, the underground part can withstand a low temperature of-38 ℃. Therefore, asparagus can be cultivated from subtropical zone to subcold zone, but the temperate zone is the most suitable.

The initial temperature of asparagus seed germination is 5 ℃, the optimum temperature is 20-25 ℃, the germination rate is more than 90%, which is higher than 30 ℃, and the germination rate and germination energy decrease obviously. The soaked seeds could germinate at 25 ℃ for 3 days. The young stem of asparagus began to grow when the temperature was above 10 ℃, the best temperature was 15-17 ℃, and the quality was tender; the plant grew fastest when the temperature was 20-30 ℃, and stopped growing at 5-6 ℃; when the temperature was above 30 ℃, the tender stem was easy to fibrosis and the plant growth was slow.

2. Lighting

Asparagus is a light-loving crop and has high requirements for light. If the light is insufficient in the vigorous growth period of stems and leaves on the ground, it will seriously affect the production and accumulation of assimilation substances, as well as the growth and development of asparagus, thus reducing the yield and quality of tender stems this year. According to Sawada's test (1961), the amount of carbon dioxide assimilation per 5 grams of leaves was more than 130mg in sunny days (more than 10 hours of sunshine) and only about 110mg per 5g of leaves on cloudy or rainy days (less than 7 hours of sunshine). It shows that sufficient light in sunny days is beneficial to the photosynthesis of asparagus. Therefore, the planting of asparagus should choose sunny plots and reasonably close planting, so as to avoid overdensity and field closure and mutual shade. Planting in the north-south direction is beneficial to improve the photosynthetic efficiency.

3. Soil

In order to promote the development of the root system of asparagus, the soil for cultivating asparagus should be deep and loose. Humus soil or sandy loam which is suitable for air permeability and rich in organic matter and has strong water and fertility conservation. Clay and gravel that are shallow, poorly aerated, easy to harden and difficult to drain. And the high water table. It is not suitable to plant asparagus in the land with poor drainage.

PH5.8~7.5 is suitable for soil acidity and alkalinity of asparagus. In the strong acid-alkaline soil, in the soil above or below pH8, the root system developed poorly, the growth stopped or rotted, the aboveground stem withered, and the quality decreased seriously. The results showed that the growth and development of pH7.8 was still good, and it had little effect on the yield and quality of tender stems. When the soil pH was below 5 or above 8, the plant growth was indeed controlled and the yield decreased.

Asparagus has strong salt tolerance, and the salt content of general soil is not more than 0.2%. According to the experience of saline-alkali areas, asparagus grows well on a plot with a soil salt content of about 0.25%, but when it is more than 0.3%, the plant growth is affected, the stems and branches become thinner, and even die gradually.

4. Moisture

Asparagus is not resistant to waterlogging, if the soil water is too much for a long time, or the groundwater level is too high, poor drainage or often collapse of the land, it is easy to make the lack of oxygen in the soil, will hinder the respiration of roots, resulting in poor growth of asparagus or rotting roots, or lead to the death of the whole plant. In addition, if the air humidity is too high, and then encounter high temperature, it is also easy to cause asparagus disease, especially a large number of stem blight. Therefore, in order to select the land with superior irrigation and drainage conditions and cultivate asparagus on the dry sloping land without irrigation, the horizontal deep trench cultivation method should be adopted to do a good job of flood storage and soil moisture conservation in the rainy season.

However, during the period of asparagus tender stem harvest, sufficient water is needed, otherwise the tender stem is few and thin, the growth bud retracts, it is easy to aging and the quality is declining.

5. Nutrients

The various nutrients needed by asparagus in the process of growth and development mainly come from two aspects, one is the nutrient supply of the soil itself, and the other is the supplement of various nutrient elements through soil fertilization. This is the key to ensure the normal growth and development of asparagus to obtain high quality and high yield. The effects and effects of different nutrient elements on asparagus are obviously different.

2. Seed treatment methods of asparagus planting

At present, asparagus seeds are expensive, the cost is high, and the use of direct seeding land use is very uneconomical, so the planting technology after nursery is adopted in cultivation.

1. Seedling raising time

Seedling raising in open field can be sown from early April to early August, and seedling raising in small arch shed can be carried out in early March.

2. Seedling site selection

The sandy soil with fertile soil, good air permeability and good drainage and irrigation conditions should be selected in the seedling land, and the plots with few weeds, especially perennial weeds, should be selected.

3. Seed treatment

Asparagus seeds have a thick skin and a thick layer of wax, which is not easy to absorb water. Before sowing, seeds must be soaked and treated with chemicals before sowing.

The seeds were soaked in 50% carbendazim 300 times solution (or 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder) for 12 hours; after being soaked in clean water, the seeds were soaked in 25 ℃ ~ 30 ℃ warm water for 24 hours, changing water once or twice a day, and scrubbing the seeds repeatedly to remove mucus, blighted seeds and impurities from the seeds.

4. Sowing seeds

The soaked seeds were wrapped in a wet cloth and germinated under the condition of 25 ℃ ~ 28 ℃. Rinse with clean water 1 / 2 times a day, 5% / 10% of the seeds can be sown.

Before sowing, the nursery should apply sufficient basic fertilizer and make a flat bed 1.1 meters wide, adopting the way of grain sowing, the sowing depth is determined according to the air temperature, and the sowing density is 10 cm × 10 cm.

Generally speaking, asparagus can be used for both food and medicine, and can be used to make beverages, tea, health products, cans, etc., with large market demand and high profits, and can grow for 15 years at a time. It is necessary to understand the planting conditions and seed treatment methods of asparagus in asparagus planting. I hope the above contents can give you a reference.