
Speed up the overall development of urban and rural areas in 800 major grain-producing counties

Published: 2024-09-05 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/05, The 800 major grain-producing counties, which account for 73.64% of the country's total grain output, have always been the main force in China's grain production and always occupy an irreplaceable position in ensuring national food security. However, the county economy of these counties is still very difficult, and there is no transfer of central finance.

The 800 major grain-producing counties, which account for 73.64% of the country's total grain output, have always been the main force in China's grain production and always occupy an irreplaceable position in ensuring national food security. However, the county economy of these counties is still very difficult, without the transfer payment of the central finance, the local financial expenditure is very difficult to bear, the social basic public services are not equal, the level is low, and can not fully share the dividend of reform and development. The new type of urbanization construction has the advantages of low investment, large debts, low rate of reaching standards, poor radiation function driven by cities and towns, small scale and slow development of secondary and tertiary industries, so it is difficult to form a pattern of mutual promotion and mutually beneficial development of primary and secondary industries. The comparative benefit gap between urban and rural areas and industries is obvious, the increase of farmers' income is slow, and the loss of labor force among young and middle-aged people is serious. These problems have seriously affected the enthusiasm of local governments to grasp grain and farmers to grow grain, and have brought huge hidden dangers to the national food security and the all-round sustainable development of social economy.

In connection with the reality in rural areas, we should study the instructions of the report of the 18th CPC National Congress that the integration of urban and rural development is the fundamental way to solve the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers. it is suggested that the overall integration of urban and rural development in 800 major grain-producing counties should be promoted to the national strategic level from the 13th five-year Plan, so as to realize the fundamental transformation of the national rural economic development mode, fundamentally ensure the national food security, and crack the long-standing disadvantages of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers". Promoting the construction of a new type of urbanization, speeding up the process of agricultural modernization and building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way will have a more positive and far-reaching impact.

At present, the development process of urban-rural integration in 800 major grain-producing counties in China is seriously lagging behind.

(1) the urbanization rate of 800 major grain-producing counties in China is much lower than the national average.

800 major grain-producing counties are widely distributed in 24 provinces and regions in China, and the development of urban and rural areas is generally backward. According to statistics, the comprehensive urbanization rate of 800 major grain-producing counties is only about 24%, which is far lower than the urbanization rate of 53.7% of China's resident population, and even lower than the average level of 80% of developed countries.

According to the data of the National Bureau of Statistics in 2013, the secondary and tertiary industries formed by urbanization will generate 3.7% of the local GDP growth respectively. However, the urbanization level of 800 major grain-producing counties is generally not high, and their ability to lead townships by cities and promote agriculture by industry is low.

(2) it is common in 800 major grain-producing counties, medium, high-yield and poor counties.

According to statistics, in 2013, the grain output of 800 major grain-producing counties (cities, districts, banners and farms) accounted for 73.64 percent of the country's total grain output, of which the grain sown area accounted for 65.86 percent of the country's total sown area, and commercial grain accounted for 86.7 percent of the country's total rural commercial grain. However, among the 800 major grain-producing counties, the number of family-level poor counties in China has reached 105, accounting for 13.13% of the total of 800 major grain-producing counties. Many large grain-producing counties are still financially poor or small, with a strange circle of greater grain contribution, less local financial revenue, lower farmers' income, and more backward local economy.

(3) the social service system of grain production is weak, which hinders the development of grain agricultural modernization and the improvement of grain growing efficiency.

At present, the socialized and specialized service system of agriculture in major grain-producing counties in China is still weak, and the added value of socialized service industry accounts for only 2.3% of agricultural GDP, which is far from 12.5% of the added value in developed countries. This is also one of the important reasons for the slow increase of farmers' income.

Due to the lack of necessary support, encouragement and guidance policies, the enthusiasm of the government and social subjects in building a socialized and specialized service system is not high. There are generally unmatched, imperfect and unpopular socialized services in major grain producing areas, such as infrastructure construction, input services, production services, pest prevention and control, etc.; the organizational service means of township governments are limited and their capacity is low.

(4) the low income of agriculture and agriculture and the backwardness of social basic services have led to the serious loss and weakening of human resources in agriculture and agriculture.

In recent years, due to the fact that grain prices have encountered the "ceiling" and the prices of agricultural materials and other factors of production have risen year after year, the comparative efficiency of grain is even lower and shows a downward trend. In most places, the net income per mu of grain is only about two to three hundred yuan. In addition, the basic pension for agriculture and agriculture is low, the funds for social assistance in rural areas are limited, the income of food and agriculture increases slowly, the level of social security is low, and the difficult working environment causes a large number of young and middle-aged workers in rural areas to go out to work, and the problem of aging farmers is becoming more and more obvious. According to the standard set by the International Labour Organization that people aged 45 and above are the elderly labor force, according to this statistics, the elderly labor force in major grain-producing counties in China is as high as 85%. Such a labor force structure can not bear the important task of ensuring national food security, let alone meet the needs of agricultural modernization.

The significance of giving priority to implementing the important strategy of balancing urban and rural areas in 800 major grain-producing counties

(1) speeding up the overall development of urban and rural areas in 800 major grain-producing counties as the engine is the priority way to break through the difficult problem of agriculture, rural areas and farmers in China.

According to their good agricultural production foundation, 800 major grain-producing counties have outstanding agricultural rigid demand effect and industrial prying energy, and grasp the overall development of urban and rural areas in 800 major grain-producing counties. As far as the overall rural situation is concerned, they have grasped the key points. The bottleneck of solving the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers can be broken through here, and the innovative construction experience of new urbanization can be found here, and all the reform policies of cities supporting rural areas and industry feeding agriculture can be carried out here first. strive to make the practice here become the incubator of the experience of changing the development mode of the national rural economy.

(2) to enhance the awareness of hardship and fully understand the importance of changing the mode of development in ensuring national food security

At present, the rigid demand for grain in China will continue to increase, but the resource constraints are very obvious, and the difficulty of promoting the stable development of grain production and steadily improving the comprehensive production capacity of agriculture will also continue to increase. In the eastern coastal areas of China, there are obvious advantages of large population and little land, suitable for industry and commerce, the reduction of cultivated land and soil pollution are unavoidable for a long time, and the contradiction between food supply and demand has become increasingly prominent; soil and water loss in the western region is serious, mostly in dry years, land desertification is difficult to control in a short period of time, and it is also very difficult to achieve self-sufficiency in grain. In addition, for a large country with a population of 1.3 billion and growing, food security can only be based on itself and cannot rely too much on the international market. By strengthening the sense of hardship, abandoning the traditional road of grasping grain and agriculture as soon as possible, and taking the new road of integrated urban and rural development without hesitation, we can fundamentally consolidate and improve the comprehensive grain production capacity of major grain-producing counties. to ensure China's food security from the law of industrial development.

(3) speeding up the implementation of the overall development of urban and rural areas in 800 major grain-producing counties is an important interface for the coordinated development of China's major agricultural areas and the country's new strategic pattern of urbanization.

800 major grain-producing counties are widely distributed in 24 provinces and regions in central and eastern China, which coincide with the spatial locations of 19 major urbanized areas (a total of 21) in the national new urbanization strategic pattern. Through the redesign of their respective positioning and functions of the main urbanized areas and grain production areas, a cooperative model of efficient allocation of innovative resources, opening and sharing, and joint prevention and control of regional environment has been formed. To create an interactive, complementary and mutually beneficial platform of "taking the big with the small and making up the big with the small". Through the regional interface of urban and rural planning in 800 major grain-producing counties, a cross-regional "complementary urban-rural overall development mechanism" has been constructed, which has become a new pattern of urban-rural coordination with high efficiency of development and agglomeration and strong complementary industrial functions throughout the country. so as to make the strategic layout of China's new urbanization more reasonable and perfect.

(4) speeding up the implementation of the overall development of urban and rural areas in 800 major grain-producing counties can enable farmers in major grain-producing counties to increase their income and get rid of poverty as soon as possible, thus contributing to the building of a well-off society in an all-round way.

Taking the lead in promoting the integrated development process of urban and rural areas in the 800 major grain-producing counties in China will benefit or get rid of poverty as soon as possible, accounting for 51.3% of the total rural poor population, and contribute to building a well-off society in an all-round way as scheduled.

(5) speeding up the overall development of urban and rural areas in the 800 major grain-producing counties is an indispensable part of ensuring the implementation of the "Belt and Road Initiative" strategy.

Under the background of implementing the new international strategy of "Belt and Road Initiative", we should make full use of policy guidance and market mechanism to integrate urban and rural resources, speed up the cultivation of internationally competitive agricultural enterprise groups, support and strengthen the trade of agricultural products, and encourage overseas agricultural cooperation and development. Relying on the grain security system of the 800 major grain-producing counties, we should do a good job in adjusting varieties and surplus and shortage, so as to create a more favorable guarantee for the implementation of the "Belt and Road Initiative" strategy.

(6) speeding up the implementation of the integrated development of urban and rural areas in 800 major grain-producing counties is conducive to promoting the process of realizing modernization in an all-round way.

The 800 major grain-producing counties, which account for 46% of China's rural GDP, play an important role in the overall situation of rural economic development. through the implementation of the strategy of integrated urban and rural development, it will certainly become the engine driving force for the development of national agricultural modernization and play a positive role in accelerating the realization of all-round modernization.