
How to grow "green ginseng" okra? What is the seed price and planting method?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Okra, also known as okra, originated in China and Japan, contains pectin and bovine lactoglycan, which can help digestion, treat gastritis and gastric ulcers, protect skin and gastric mucosa, and is regarded as one of the best health vegetables for human beings. at present, the planting area is also in year by year.

Okra, also known as okra, originated in China and Japan, contains pectin and bovine lactoglycan, which can help digestion, treat gastritis and gastric ulcers, protect skin and gastric mucosa, and is regarded as one of the best health vegetables for human beings. at present, the planting area is also expanding year by year, so how to grow okra? What is the seed price and planting method?

What is the price of okra seeds?

The price of okra seeds is about 40-60 yuan per jin, but it varies according to the variety, quality, origin and quantity of seeds. Okra in the production of multi-use seed reproduction, seedling transplanting and direct seeding, seedling transplanting per mu with about 0.6 jin, direct seeding with about 2 jin per mu. It takes about 55 days from sowing to the formation of the first tender fruit, and then the whole harvest time is as long as 90,120 days, the whole growth period can reach about 150 days or more, and the yield per mu is about 2000-3000 kg.

Second, how to grow okra? What is the planting method?

1. Soil preparation and fertilization

The plots ready to plant okra should be ploughed deeply in autumn and winter in time after the previous harvest, 30 cm deep ploughing to deepen the ripe soil layer, further loosen the soil, and enhance the soil water storage and fertilizer conservation capacity. Make the soil fine, flat, loose and soft before planting.

2. Sowing at the right time

The direct seeding method is often used, and the seedlings can also be raised and transplanted. It is generally sown in the middle of May, planted in the middle of June and harvested in large quantities in August.

3. Fine sowing

The seed coat of okra is hard. Soak the seeds for 12 hours before sowing and put them under the condition of 25 ℃ to accelerate germination, and sow seeds when 60% to 70% of the seeds are "broken mouth". It is appropriate to sow on demand, the width of the border is 85 cm, the width of the furrow is 30 cm, the distance between each hole is 30 cm, the distance between holes is 30 cm, the hole is 2 cm, and the hole depth is 2 cm. First water, then sow, and then cover the soil about 2 cm thick. The seedlings were raised in nutrient bowls and acupoints, sowing 2 seeds in each hole and fixing seedlings when 2 or 3 true leaves were planted.

4. Interplanting and ploughing

Okra should wait for time after emergence. When there are 2 or 3 true leaves, get rid of diseased, weak and young seedlings, and leave 2 seedlings in each hole. After the seedlings are unearthed, they should be ploughed and weeded in time, once every 10 days or so. Before the first flower blossoms, we should strengthen ploughing and squat seedlings properly to promote root development. After flowering and fruiting, the plant growth is accelerated, and it should be ploughed every time after topdressing and watering. Cultivate the soil before closing ridges to prevent plant lodging. During the high temperature and rainy season from July to August, weeds breed rapidly. Weeds should be pulled in time to prevent grass shortage.

5. Fertilizer and water management and protection

Okra is more tolerant to drought and moisture, and requires higher air and soil moisture during the growth period, especially in the flowering and fruiting period. Okra has a long harvest time, and the whole growth period is about 100 days. On the basis of adequate basal fertilizer, the first topdressing was carried out after seedling emergence, urea 6kg / mu, 15kg / mu and 25kg / mu, respectively. After entering the fruit harvest period, according to the growth trend, apply less topdressing many times as appropriate to prevent lodging or premature senility. Summer is the peak harvest season of okra, with large water demand and high surface temperature, so it should be watered before 9 o'clock in the morning or after sunset in the afternoon to avoid root damage under high temperature. Pay attention to drainage in the rainy season to prevent dead seedlings.

6. Set up a frame to pick leaves

In summer, a support should be set up to prevent lodging. A 1-meter-long bamboo pole or branch can be inserted beside the root of the plant to support the plant. In the early stage of growth, it is necessary to prevent overgrowth caused by vegetative growth, and timely removal of the old leaves below the tender fruit in the middle and later stage can not only improve ventilation and light transmission conditions, reduce nutrient consumption, but also reduce the occurrence of diseases and insect pests. Those who are reserved for planting fruit should pick the heart in time, which can promote the ripening of the fruit, make the grain full and improve the seed quality.

7. Prevention and control of diseases and pests

Okra has fewer diseases and more insect pests. There are mainly aphids, thrips, virus diseases and so on. 10% prednisone granules 1000-1500 mg per mu can be applied when base fertilizer is applied in the planting ditch. If insect pests occur in the later growth period, 50% phoxim EC, avermectin, acaroid, thiazuril and other sprays can be used to control pests, once every 5-7 days.

Generally speaking, okra seed cultivation mostly uses direct sowing, we can make a reference to the above planting method, and then adjust it according to our own actual situation.