
The efficacy and function of "ginseng in water" chicken head rice? How to eat and get wet?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Chicken head rice is a fresh Euryale, also known as chicken head meat, also known as ginseng in the water, has many health benefits. So, what are the effects and effects of chicken head rice? How to eat chicken head rice to get wet? Who is not suitable to eat chicken head rice? Let's get to know it.

Chicken head rice is fresh Euryale, also known as chicken head meat, also known as "ginseng in the water", has many health benefits. So, what are the effects and effects of chicken head rice? How to eat chicken head rice to get wet? Who is not suitable to eat chicken head rice? Let's get to know it together.

I. the efficacy and function of chicken head rice

1. The performance of chicken head rice is similar to that of lotus seed, both have the effect of tonifying qi and tonifying kidney, invigorating spleen and preventing aging, but Euryale seed has a stronger convergent and sedative effect than lotus seed, so it is suitable for chronic diarrhea and frequent urination.

2. Buzhong Yiqi, Nourishing Yin and Kidney, treating weakness of spleen and kidney.

3. Treat white and turbid. Make balls with Euryale powder, Phellodendron powder, yellow wax and honey, and send down salt soup.

4. Supplement the nutrition needed by the human body. Chicken head rice contains a lot of carbohydrates, which can provide a lot of calories for the human body. In addition, chicken head rice is also rich in protein and minerals to supplement the nutrients needed by the human body.

Second, how to eat chicken head rice to get wet?

1. Sishen soybean milk

Ingredients: Euryale seed, lotus seed, Poria cocos, Huai yam

Practice: put these four materials into the soybean milk machine, grind into soybean milk, and add the right amount of sugar.

2. Porridge with Euryale and Coix seed

Ingredients: 150 grams of Euryale seed, 150 grams of Coix seed, 75 grams of vegetarian meat and dried betel nut.

Practice: rinse Euryale seeds and barley seeds, soak in water for 1 hour, soak vegetarian meat in soft wash, dice and set aside, pour proper amount of water into pot, add Euryale seeds and barley seeds to boil, simmer over low heat until soft and rotten, finally add vegetarian meat and continue to cook for 15 minutes, add salt and stir well.

3. Chinese yam Euryale congee

Ingredients: Chinese yam, Euryale 50g, barley 50g, rice 100g

Practice: wash Euryale seed and barley, soak in water for 2 hours, wash rice, soak in water for half an hour. Peel the yam and slice it. Put Euryale seed, barley rice and rice into a pot, add some water and cook over high heat for 30 minutes. Add the sliced yam and boil for another 20 minutes to get out of the pot.

4. Red bean Euryale lotus seed soup

Ingredients: red bean 30g, lotus seed 30g, Euryale 30g, japonica rice 100g

Practice: wash all the ingredients and soak the Euryale seeds for 2 hours. Put red beans, lotus seeds, Euryale seeds and japonica rice in a pot, add some water, simmer over high heat for 1 hour, turn to low heat and simmer for 1.5-2 hours. Appropriate amount of sugar can be added according to personal taste.

Third, who is not suitable to eat chicken head rice?

1. People with severe constipation

Chicken head rice contains a lot of carbohydrates, people with serious constipation can easily lead to indigestion and aggravate constipation.

2. People with indigestion

Chicken head rice is rich in carbohydrates, compact in texture and not easy to boil. People with indigestion tend to aggravate the situation of indigestion.

3. People who are allergic to chicken head rice

Some people are allergic to chicken head rice because of their own physical reasons, and their skin itches, redness and swelling after eating. This kind of people should not eat chicken head rice.

4. Pregnant women

Chicken head rice has a strong convergence, which can easily lead to indigestion. Therefore, in order to protect the health of pregnant women and fetuses, pregnant women should not eat chicken head rice.

Chicken head rice has a mild taste and is a common health food. The above is a brief introduction of chicken head rice, do you understand?