
What are the effects and functions of Turnip Sprouts? When do you usually plant it? What is the specific planting method?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Radish is one of the vegetables often eaten in winter, but the buds from radish seeds can also be eaten as vegetables. Turnip Sprouts, also known as doll radish, is a good product of green leafy vegetables with high nutritional value and certain medicinal value. Turnip Sprouts's merit

Radish is one of the vegetables often eaten in winter, but the buds from radish seeds can also be eaten as vegetables. Turnip Sprouts, also known as doll radish, is a good product of green leafy vegetables with high nutritional value and certain medicinal value. What are the effects and functions of Turnip Sprouts? When do you usually plant it? What is the specific planting method?

I. the efficacy and function of Turnip Sprouts

Turnip Sprouts not only tastes crisp and refreshing, but also has a certain effect and function when he often eats it, as follows:

1. Turnip Sprouts Nutrition composition Table (every 100g fresh Turnip Sprouts)

Moisture content










vitamin C





A small amount



Other substances

Amylase, oxygenase hormone, glucose, choline, mustard oil, glycerase, lignin

2. The efficacy and function of Turnip Sprouts

(1) promote intestinal peristalsis. Turnip Sprouts is rich in cellulose and mustard oil, which can promote intestinal peristalsis, increase appetite and reduce the occurrence of constipation.

(2) help lose weight. The most important thing to lose weight is to eat less. Hunger is a common problem for all dieters. However, eating Turnip Sprouts can make your stomach feel full and you don't want to eat any more.

(3) prevent cancer and fight cancer. Vitamin C has a certain role in anti-cancer and anti-cancer, because it can prevent the formation of nitrite amine, have strong antioxidant effect, and reduce the toxicity of carcinogens. Turnip Sprouts happens to contain it, and the content is several times higher than that in some fruits, so regular food can fight cancer and prevent cancer.

In addition, radish seedlings also contain enzymes that decompose nitrite (remember not to encounter heat), active substances of interferon inducers and lignin, all of which play a certain role in cancer.

(4) improve the immune ability of the body. Trace elements are indispensable for human immunity, especially zinc deficiency can easily lead to the decline of immunity, and Turnip Sprouts is rich in trace elements, as a food material, it is better to supplement trace elements than medicine.

Second, when does Turnip Sprouts usually plant?

Turnip Sprouts is a kind of vegetable that is not tolerant to high temperature weather and dry climate. It is suitable to grow in a humid environment with a suitable temperature. It can grow at 15-30 degrees Celsius generally, and grows best when it is over 20 degrees Celsius. So we generally choose to plant it from April to May. Of course, if we use greenhouse planting now, we can grow it all year round.

3. Turnip Sprouts's planting method

General Turnip Sprouts planting methods are divided into soilless cultivation and soilless cultivation, today we mainly introduce soilless cultivation for family planting.

1. Radish seedling seeds are easy to buy, about one pack will be fine. If we have a basket, we can go to the fruit market and buy a fruit basket that we don't want, two yuan at the most.

2. Put the bought seeds in a large bowl and soak them for a day.

3, put the soaked seeds on the wet paper towels, here you can choose kitchen paper or that kind of large toilet paper, be sure to spread evenly into the fruit basket. After laying, pour a layer of water, in order to keep moist, covered with a wet towel, but also more breathable.

4. Remember to spray water on the surface of the seed three times a day and keep the tissue at the bottom moist.

5. after the seeds sprout, they need light during the day, so to uncover the wet towels, you still need to cover them at night. Although you want to see the light, don't shine directly from the sun.

6. Because it is easy to have rotten roots when soaked in water for a long time, it is best to keep a certain distance between the basket and the ground, and continue to water and maintain the fifth step in the whole process.

It will be ready to eat in about 10 days. Of course, the weight planted by myself is not as large as that of Turnip Sprouts outside, but it is green without pollution and tastes good, so it is more reassuring to eat.