
"Bu Xue Guo" what are the effects of drinking dried mulberry bubble water? What is the most effective way to eat? How much should I eat a day?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Dried mulberry is dried mulberry, also known as mulberry, mulberry jujube, not only can bubble water drink, but also bubble wine to drink, and often eat with anti-aging, kidney, blood effect, that mulberry dry bubble water drink what are the effects? What is the most effective way to eat? How much should I eat a day?

Dried mulberry is dried mulberry, also known as mulberry, mulberry jujube, not only can bubble water drink, but also bubble wine to drink, and often eat with anti-aging, kidney, blood effect, that mulberry dry bubble water drink what are the effects? What is the most effective way to eat? How much should I eat a day?

First, what are the effects of drinking dried mulberry water?

Efficacy one, tonifying blood: dried mulberry has the effect of tonifying blood, which can promote the growth of hematopoietic cells and replenish blood for the body after eating. It is very suitable for people with low blood sugar.

Efficacy 2, anti-cancer: dried mulberry can inhibit the growth of cancer cells, and regular consumption can effectively prevent thrombosis.

Efficacy 3, anti-aging: dried mulberry contains a lot of vitamin C, often eaten can have the effect of beauty and anti-aging.

Efficacy 4, tonifying the liver and protecting the kidney: dried mulberry has the effect of tonifying the kidney, often eating can effectively tonify the liver, black hair and so on.

Efficacy 5, enhance immunity: dried mulberry has the effect of enhancing immunity, regular consumption can effectively enhance the physique.

Efficacy 6, tonifying brain and intelligence: dried mulberry has the effect of tonifying the brain, and children's moderate consumption can effectively promote intellectual development.

Efficacy 7. Invigorate the spleen and promote digestion: dried mulberry has the effect of invigorating the spleen and nourishing the stomach. Regular consumption can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and rapid defecation.

Second, how to eat dried mulberry is the most effective?

1. Eat directly: rinse dried mulberries with cold boiled water and then eat.

2. Drink dried mulberries in water: put dried mulberries into a teacup and boil them with boiling water. After drinking, the remaining mulberry can also be eaten directly, and the nutrients can be well absorbed.

3. Soak in wine. Put the dried mulberry into the wine jar, directly pour into the liquor and soak for three months. The specific bubble methods are as follows:

Mulberry dry wine

Ingredients: dried mulberry, liquor, rock sugar

Bubble method:

(1) dry wash the mulberry and remove the pedicel, then remove it and drain the water.

(2) wash and air-dry the wine jar, then put in the right amount of liquor, then add the right amount of rock sugar, then put in the dried mulberry, and finally put in the rock sugar.

(3) seal the wine jar and let it soak in a cool place for three months to drink. If you want to taste better, you can soak for more than a year.

It is worth noting that if soaking wine in winter, it is best to put it in a place with a suitable temperature, lest the temperature is too low to soak the wine.

Dosage: take 20ml about 3 times a day.

Third, how much mulberry should I eat in a day?

One or two dried mulberries a day is enough. Because mulberry is cold and has a high sugar content, eating too much will lead to sticky greasy, resulting in spleen and stomach discomfort, causing fever, damp and heat, so it is not appropriate to eat more. In particular, patients with hyperglycemia had better not eat more, so as not to increase blood sugar.

If it is to drink water, it is usually 5 to 10 tablets at a time, eating too much will also lead to damp heat and heat.

Fourth, dried mulberry and what to drink with bubble water?

Like other tea leaves, dried mulberry can be drunk with rock sugar, Chinese wolfberry, red jujube, honey, chrysanthemum and so on.

1. Dried mulberry + rock sugar: put dried mulberry and rock sugar into the teacup, pour directly into boiling water and boil to drink.

2, dried mulberry + red jujube: put the dried mulberry and red jujube into the teacup, directly pour into the boiling water and then drink, as the jujube is not easy to soak, it is best to mash it and divide it into several portions to drink together, which can achieve good results. After brewing, the remaining dried mulberries and dates can be eaten directly.

3, dried mulberry + Chinese wolfberry: put dried mulberry and Chinese wolfberry into the teacup, pour directly into boiling water and boil. After brewing, the remaining dried mulberries and Chinese wolfberry can be eaten directly.

4. Dried mulberry + honey: put the dried mulberry into the teacup and brew it with boiling water. When the temperature is suitable, add a small amount of honey and stir evenly to drink. When drinking, try to put less honey, because the sugar content of dried mulberry is very high, if you add too much honey, it will increase the sugar content.

5. Dried mulberry + lemon: put the dried mulberry into a teacup and brew it with boiling water. When the temperature is appropriate, drop a few drops of lemon juice and stir evenly to drink. Of course, you can also put lemon slices to soak in water, and you can also achieve very good results.

6. Dried mulberries + chrysanthemums: put dried mulberries and chrysanthemums into a teacup, pour them into boiling water and boil them to drink.

To sum up, dried mulberries can not only be eaten directly, but also be used to soak water and wine, and eating 10 tablets a day can not only beautify beauty, but also enhance resistance and tonify blood, but if you want to achieve good results, you can make tea and drink with rock sugar, honey, Chinese wolfberry, red jujube, not only keep in good health, but also prevent aging and aid digestion.