
Can you still eat broccoli when it turns yellow? How to preserve it so as not to turn yellow? What's the difference between it and cauliflower?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Broccoli is a common vegetable in daily life, similar to a fat flower ball, the color is green or purplish green, now many people like to buy a lot of ingredients at one time to store in the refrigerator, but a few days later will find that broccoli has turned yellow. So, Sealand

Broccoli is a common vegetable in daily life, similar to a fat flower ball, the color is green or purple-green, now many people like to buy a lot of ingredients stored in the refrigerator, but a few days later will find broccoli actually turned yellow. Can broccoli be eaten when it turns yellow? How to preserve it without changing yellow? What's the difference between cauliflower and cauliflower?

Why does broccoli turn yellow?

Broccoli will turn yellow because it has been preserved for too long and has not absorbed enough sunlight. Magnesium ions in chlorophyll will be lost in large quantities, resulting in broccoli showing yellow due to lack of chlorophyll synthesis.

Second, broccoli yellow can still eat?

This depends on the situation, broccoli if it is just yellow or can eat, but the taste is not very good, and the nutritional value will be greatly reduced, you can put broccoli in hot water to cook, the color can be slightly green; If it becomes too yellow or too soft, it means that broccoli may have rotted. At this time, it is recommended not to eat, because rotten broccoli contains certain substances, which will have many side effects on the body after eating.

3. How can broccoli be preserved without yellow?

In order to avoid browning broccoli, the best way is to buy it back and eat it; If you can't eat it right away, you can wrap broccoli with paper or breathable film, spray a small amount of water on the paper, and then put it upright in the refrigerator's refrigerator for about a week; You can also tear it into small flowers, soak it in light salt water, wash it, drain it, put it into boiling salt water, take it out and dry it, put it into a preservation bag, and store it in the refrigerator.

What is the difference between broccoli and cauliflower?

Many people think broccoli is cauliflower, in fact, broccoli is not cauliflower, there are subtle differences between the two, the following is to introduce the difference between them.

1, different shapes: broccoli and cauliflower are cruciferous cabbage varieties, is a pair of cabbage family "sister flowers", but broccoli is green, cauliflower is milky white; broccoli surface small buds than cauliflower obvious, but no cauliflower dense.

2, taste different: broccoli taste lighter, cauliflower taste more intense.

3, the price is different: broccoli because of the problem of yield, the price is higher than cauliflower.

4. Different eating methods: broccoli is suitable for cold mixing and stir-frying. Don't fry broccoli too much. Cauliflower is more suitable for stir-frying. Pickles can also be made.

5, different nutritional value: broccoli carotene and vitamin A content is higher than cauliflower, and cauliflower vitamin B group and C group content is higher than broccoli; cauliflower overall calories than broccoli, but broccoli in the anti-cancer effect than cauliflower more significant, and broccoli can also health beauty.

The following is a comparison table of nutrients between broccoli and cauliflower:

Summary: broccoli is due to the lack of chlorophyll synthesis caused by the preservation of too long a yellow, just yellow can be eaten, if it has rotted do not eat.