
What season is Platycodon grandiflorum suitable for planting? Platycodon grandiflorum planting method and maintenance common sense sharing!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Platycodon grandiflorum, also known as prairie gentian, is a very rich flower with its own edges, which is deeply loved by flower friends. So what are the planting methods and maintenance knowledge of Platycodon grandiflorum? What season is suitable for planting? When is the planting season for tangerine stalks?

Platycodon grandiflorum, also known as prairie gentian, is a very rich flower with its own "edge", which is deeply loved by flower friends. So what are the planting methods and maintenance knowledge of Platycodon grandiflorum? What season is suitable for planting?

When is the planting season for tangerine stalks?

1. Tangerine stalk is suitable for planting in spring and autumn and season.

Platycodon grandiflorum has no specific planting season, and the most important factor affecting its planting time is temperature. If the temperature is right, then Platycodon grandiflorum can be planted all the year round. But if it is planted in the open field, spring and early autumn are the best time to plant Platycodon grandiflorum.

2. The optimum temperature for the growth of Platycodon grandiflorum is 15 ℃ 28 min.

If you choose greenhouse planting or indoor planting, you can rest assured to plant Platycodon grandiflorum as long as the growth environment temperature is between 15ml and 28 ℃.

What are the planting methods of Platycodon grandiflorum?

Platycodon grandiflorum is generally planted in two ways, namely, sowing and cutting, in which sowing is suitable for family planting, and cutting is more suitable for batch scale planting. The following introduces how to sow and cut Platycodon grandiflorum.

1. How to sow and plant Platycodon grandiflorum?

(1) soil selection

The most important thing for sowing and planting is the choice of sowing medium. as the seeds of Platycodon grandiflorum are very small, imported peat is suggested to sow if possible. If not, you can adjust the soil and plant with general peat, vermiculite and perlite according to the proportion of 6:3:1.

(2) Management after sowing

After sowing, there is no need to cover with plastic film, timely supplement of light, water and fertilizer, seedlings can emerge in about 14 days, probably to the second pair of true leaves fully unfolded, the third pair of true leaves is the most suitable for transplanting and planting.

2. How to plant Platycodon grandiflorum by cutting?

Cutting propagation is easy to survive, select healthy branches cut into about 5 cm segments, retain the top 3 leaves, and then soak the branches of Platycodon grandiflorum in potassium permanganate dilution solution can be planted in the soil. the soil is suggested to be mixed with coconut bran and nutritious soil at 1:1.

Third, how to maintain Platycodon grandiflorum on a daily basis?

Platycodon grandiflorum from sowing and cutting to flowering takes about 120-140 days, after the smooth planting of Platycodon grandiflorum, the daily maintenance also needs to be more attentive, mainly including the following aspects.

1. Lighting: give Platycodon grandiflorum at least 4-6 hours of light every day. If the light is insufficient, it is recommended to supplement the light, otherwise it will affect the formation of its stems and leaves.

2. Moisture: Platycodon grandiflorum is also sensitive to water, so it is best to water it by drip irrigation until the soil is moist.

3. Fertilizer: Platycodon grandiflorum is a flower with high fertilizer demand, so it is recommended to apply fertilizer every half a month (liquid fertilizer).

4. Temperature: temperature mentioned earlier that the growth temperature should be kept at 15Mel 28 ℃. High temperature will lead to a reduction in the number of flowers. If the temperature is too low, the growth will be slow or even do not bloom.

5. pest control: generally speaking, after the above maintenance is done, the probability of occurrence of diseases and insect pests will be relatively small, and the common diseases of Platycodon grandiflorum are Rhizoctonia solanacearum and Botrytis cinerea. After occurrence, the diseased plants should be pulled out in time and some Kangkuning and Wanmycin should be applied; insect pests are mainly aphids and leaf curlers, which can be sprayed with corresponding pesticides and keep ventilated.

Finally, I would like to remind you that if the planted Platycodon grandiflorum can be harvested properly after flowering, generally, 1.5 or 2 flowers can be harvested, which can not only improve the quality of Platycodon grandiflorum, but also prolong its flowering period.