
How to fertilize peanut planting? What kind of fertilizer should I use? How much base fertilizer does one mu of land need?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Peanut is not only the main oil crop in China, but also an economic crop with good economic benefits, and the use of fertilizer is directly related to the yield and quality of peanut, so how to apply fertilizer in peanut planting? What kind of fertilizer should I use? How much base fertilizer does one mu of land need? 1. Peanuts

Peanut is not only the main oil crop in China, but also an economic crop with good economic benefits, and the use of fertilizer is directly related to the yield and quality of peanut, so how to apply fertilizer in peanut planting? What kind of fertilizer should I use? How much base fertilizer does one mu of land need?

What kind of fertilizer is good for growing peanuts?

1. Fertilizer requirement of peanuts.

The amount of fertilizer absorbed by peanuts at the seedling stage is very small, less than 10% of the total, but it is the critical period for nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. At this time, the lack of fertilizer will hinder the early development of strong seedlings and the formation of root nodules. The flowering and needling stage of early-maturing peanuts or the podding stage of late-maturing peanuts is the peak of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer absorption, which accounts for about 60% of the total. The mature period of full fruit and the amount of fertilizer only account for about 10% of the total.

The proportion of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium absorbed by peanut was 3. 0. 4. However, the nitrogen supply of peanut by rhizobium can reach 2 × 3-4 × 5. In fact, the level of nitrogen application is not high, which highlights the nutritional characteristics of potassium and calcium in peanuts. In addition, peanut is also urgent and sensitive to magnesium, sulfur and molybdenum, boron, manganese, iron and so on.

2. What fertilizer should be used for peanuts?

Planting peanuts with any fertilizer is not as good as using mature farm manure before planting peanuts, so that the base fertilizer is exuberant, the fertilizer used for peanuts is reduced in the later stage, and the organic nature of peanuts is guaranteed. The choice of peanut land is also the key, sandy land is a good soil for planting peanuts, and peanuts are suitable for rotation with wheat and corn.

Fengqia Duobao and other liquid fertilizers rich in medium and trace elements were sprayed during the growing period of peanuts, especially at the early flowering stage and podding stage.

Second, how much base fertilizer should be used for peanuts in one mu of land?

The main results are as follows: 1. Because most of the soils planted peanuts are hilly gravel soil, plain alluvial sandy soil and southern red-yellow loam, the soil texture is sandy, the structure is poor, and the fertility is low, so organic fertilizer should be used as basic fertilizer to improve soil structure and soil fertility. Combined with the application of chemical fertilizer to supplement nutrients in time, peanut can achieve high yield. Organic manure includes barnyard manure, compost, soil manure, etc., generally applying 1-2 tons of high-quality organic fertilizer per mu. For example, when the amount of fertilizer is large, it is applied in strips or holes when the amount of fertilizer is small.

2. Because of the low temperature in the north, organic fertilizer should be applied early to facilitate decomposition and improve fertilizer efficiency; in the south, with high temperature and heavy rainfall, fertilizer is easy to decompose and lose, base fertilizer should be applied late, and seed fertilizer should be advocated. For the soil with insufficient phosphorus and potassium, phosphate fertilizer and potassium fertilizer can be used as base fertilizer combined with organic fertilizer. Calcium superphosphate is suitable for calcareous soil and neutral and slightly acidic soil, generally 10-15 kg per mu, while calcium-magnesium phosphate fertilizer is suitable for acid soil in the south, generally 15-20 kg per mu. Potash fertilizer can be used potassium chloride or potassium sulfate, the amount of potassium per mu is 5-10 kg. Lack of chemical potash fertilizer in some places, kiln ash potash fertilizer can also be used, generally, the amount used per mu is about 50 kg.

3. The acid red soil in the south is often deficient in calcium, and farmers often use lime, gypsum and shell powder as base fertilizer. The application of lime, generally 50-100 kg per mu, can not only reduce the acidity of the soil, but also increase calcitonin nutrition and increase yield. In saline-alkali soil, the application of gypsum has a good effect on peanuts, generally 15-25 kg per mu.

4. Calcareous soils in the north are often deficient in zinc, while acidic soils in the south and some northern soils are easy to lack boron and molybdenum. Zinc deficiency soil generally applied 1 kg zinc sulfate per mu combined with organic fertilizer as base fertilizer, and 0.25 kg borax 0.5 kg as base fertilizer on boron deficient soil. Molybdenum fertilizer is not generally used as base fertilizer because of its high price. It is often combined with rhizobium to mix seeds together, adding 2 grams of ammonium molybdate per 1 kg peanut seeds, and then spraying and mixing with a small amount of water, the effect is better.

Third, how to fertilize peanut planting?

The following principles should be grasped in fertilizing peanuts.

The main results are as follows: 1. Organic fertilizer is the main fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer is the auxiliary. Organic fertilizer with complete nutrients can increase soil aggregate structure, improve soil physical and chemical properties, benefit the activity of rhizobium and increase the source of nitrogen. The combined use of organic fertilizer and chemical fertilizer can reduce the loss and fixation of inorganic fertilizer.

2. Apply sufficient base fertilizer and topdressing properly. When organic fertilizer is used as base fertilizer, under the condition of sufficient base fertilizer, quick-acting fertilizer should be applied timely and appropriately according to the growth situation.

3. It is also necessary to increase the yield of peanut foliar fertilizer. (must choose Xibainong peanut fruit three times more medicine)