
What are the cultivation methods of potted tomatoes? Do you know all seven benefits?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Small tomatoes are also known as cherry tomatoes, small tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, and large tomatoes belong to the Solanaceae tomato genus. So, what is the cultivation method of potted tomatoes? Do you know the seven benefits of small tomatoes? Let's get to know each other. 1. Potted tomatoes

Small tomatoes, also known as virgin fruits, small tomatoes and cherry tomatoes, belong to the tomato genus of Solanaceae as well as big tomatoes. So, what is the planting method of potted tomatoes? Do you know all the seven benefits of small tomatoes? Let's get to know it.

What are the planting methods of potted tomatoes?

1. Prepare before planting

Soil preparation

Soil is the root of vegetable growth, in fact, it is not very difficult to choose soil. Dig directly from the flower bed and sift out large particles. Conditional disinfection of the soil, mixed with organic fertilizer can be used.

Seed treatment

The seeds bought from the market are not sterilized. All you have to do is soak the seeds in 55 ℃ of water for 15-20 minutes, then soak them in 28 ℃ of water for 24 hours, and change the water twice during this period. This is disinfection.

Put the sterilized seeds in a wet towel, wrap them up, put them in an environment of 28 ℃, rinse with clean water once a day, and germinate in 1-2 days.

2. Planting

Dig a small 1cm hole in the soil, put the germinated seeds in, cover with 0.5cm of soil, and place in a temperature of 25 ℃. After 3-4 days, the leaves of the seeds will emerge from the soil, keeping the temperature constant during the day and dropping the temperature to 20 ℃ at night to stop watering. Wait for the leaves to grow to 4-5 pieces, and then watering, need to see dry and wet.

3. Transplanting

The seedlings can be transplanted with 4-5 leaves. Dig out the small seedlings with soil from the small pot, plant them in a large pot and pour water through them. Transplanting is in principle within a week, no fertilization, no watering, but according to the actual situation, the soil is too dry should be properly watered.

4. Blossom and bear fruit

About 14 days after transplanting, the virgin fruit began to grow in a large pot. after the plant blossomed and bear fruit, it began to water and fertilize, once every 7-10 days, and loosen the soil. The balcony temperature is controlled at 25-30 ℃ during the day and 15-20 ℃ at night. When the plant grows to about 40 centimeters, it needs a support to support its trunk so as not to collapse under the weight of the fruit.

Virgin fruit is an hermaphroditic flower that can be pollinated automatically. Gently tapping the plant during flowering can promote pollination. Side branches should also be often trimmed to avoid excessive growth of side branches to affect flowering and fruiting.

It takes about 3 months for the virgin fruit to be sown and harvested. If you like small tomatoes, you should wait patiently.

2. Seven functions of Little Tomato

Efficacy one: promote growth and development

Virgin fruit contains special substances such as glutathione and lycopene, which can promote the growth and development of the human body, especially the growth and development of children. Parents can usually give their babies more virgin fruit to supplement nutrition.

Efficacy 2: protect the body and protect against the sun

Lycopene in virgin fruit can protect the human body from carcinogenic toxins from cigarettes and car exhaust, and can improve the body's sunscreen function. People who are afraid of tanning might as well eat more virgin fruit in summer, which is both nutritious and sunscreen.

Efficacy 3: assist liver disease and digestion

The content of vitamin PP in virgin fruit ranks first in fruits and vegetables. The role of vitamin PP is to protect the skin, maintain the normal secretion of gastric juice, promote the production of red blood cells, and also play an auxiliary role in the treatment of liver disease. The malic acid or citric acid contained in virgin fruit contributes to the digestion of fat and protein in gastric juice.

Efficacy 4: cancer prevention

Lycopene in tomato products can not only prevent cancer, anti-cancer, especially prostate cancer, but also treat prostate cancer.

Efficacy 5: beauty and beauty

Virgin fruit can improve the body's resistance, delay aging, reduce wrinkles, girls love beauty, so it is especially suitable for girls to use for beauty, might as well eat more to prevent aging.

Efficacy 6: Shengjin quench thirst and promote appetite

Virgin fruit taste sweet and sour, slightly cold, with Shengjin to quench thirst, stomach digestion, heat-clearing and detoxification, cooling blood and calming the liver, tonifying blood and nourishing blood and promoting appetite, can cure thirst, loss of appetite, usually if the appetite is not good, eat some virgin fruit to do Vegetables Salad to increase appetite.

Efficacy 7: protect gastric juice secretion

Virgin fruit can maintain the normal secretion of gastric juice and help protect the stomach and liver. People with a bad stomach might as well eat more virgin fruit.