
Is the other shore flower poisonous? When will it blossom? Culture methods and matters needing attention are attached

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The other shore flower is a perennial herbaceous flower of Amaryllidaceae, which is full of magical colors. Folk legends about the other shore flowers are full of mystery. So is the other shore flower poisonous? When will it blossom? What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of the other shore flower? I.

The other shore flower is a perennial herbaceous flower of Amaryllidaceae, which is full of magical colors. Folk legends about "other shore flowers" all have a sense of mystery. So is the other shore flower poisonous? When will it blossom? What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of the other shore flower?

Are the flowers on the other side poisonous?

1. Is it toxic?

Some people think that this plant is highly poisonous. Moreover, the whole plant is poisonous, including flowers, leaves, fruits, seeds and so on. As a result, some people think that not only eating it will be poisonous, but even touching it is toxic. However, this is not very scientific. The characteristic of this plant is only "slightly poisonous".

As early as the Compendium of Materia Medica, its toxicity has been recorded. But it's not as toxic as we thought. Simple farming, if not eaten, will not be poisoned. This is why it will be used as a potted plant in the park or even at home. But we should also be careful. If you eat by mistake, it will produce some symptoms of poisoning. For example, dry mouth, hoarse voice, extraction, difficulty breathing, rapid heartbeat and so on. Some people will have more serious reactions, such as coma, respiratory arrest and so on.

two。 Medicinal value

Although it is toxic, it can be used as a medicine. Among many ancient books, there are records of its efficacy. For example, it can help treat diseases such as throat wind, phlegm nucleus and so on. In addition, it also has the role of vomiting, diuresis, the main treatment of food poisoning, adverse urination and so on. In addition, its heat-clearing, detoxification effect is also very obvious, can help treat dysentery and other diseases.

But because it itself is poisonous. Therefore, we have to consider its side effects. Therefore, generally speaking, it is only used as a drug for external use, only for diseases such as boils and sores. Specifically, take one or three, break it, apply it to the skin, fix it, and change it every four to 12 hours.

When does the other shore flower blossom

1. Specific flowering period

For this plant, it blossoms mainly in two periods of time. The first stage is from February to March. The second stage is from July to September, in which July blossoms the best, which is its full bloom. According to legend, the one who blossoms before and after the Spring Equinox is called "the other side of spring", and the one that blossoms before and after the Autumn Equinox is called "the other side of autumn". Generally speaking, it blossoms on time.

two。 Matters needing attention in flowering

Light: if you want it to blossom on time, the light must be guaranteed. However, it doesn't like the strong light. So just put it in a place where the scattered light can be illuminated. If there is a strong direct light, it can be shaded properly.

Soil: because flowering requires enough nutrients, you should first ensure that the soil contains nutrients. In addition, according to the habits and characteristics of this plant, we should choose sour soil. If it is too alkaline, the soil will agglomerate, and the roots will rot due to lack of oxygen, so it is impossible to blossom. Therefore, we can often loosen the soil and sprinkle some ferrous sulfate solution.

Flowerpot: this aspect also has an impact on whether it blossoms or not. If the choice of flowerpot is too small, then relatively speaking, there will be insufficient space to meet the supply of flowering period. Therefore, we should choose a relatively large flowerpot so that it will not lead to growth or stunting. In this way, it can blossom smoothly.

Temperature: before and after its flowering, it is best to ensure that its temperature is suitable, which is more beneficial to its flowering. To be specific, just keep it around 24 ℃.

Third, the culture method of the other shore flower.

1. Temperature

Bianhua likes warm climate, and the suitable temperature for growth is between 15 ℃ and 25 ℃, but it has strong cold tolerance and the limit of high temperature it can bear is 24 ℃.

two。 Light

The other shore flower likes the semi-shady environment, but can also bear the exposure, the summer will enter the dormant period, therefore should avoid the sunlight directly, places in the shady environment to breed.

3. Soil

Bulb flowers are not picky about the soil, but they live best in loose, fertile, humus-rich soil. Wild varieties generally grow in gloomy and moist areas, grow in red soil and are accustomed to acidic soils.

4. Moisture content

Like to be moist, but can also withstand drought, but planted in well-drained soil, maintaining an adequate water supply will make the other shore flowers grow better.

5. Fertilizer application

The other shore flower belongs to bulbous flowers, and its growth period is relatively long. Sufficient organic fertilizer should be buried in the soil before planting, and then topdressing should be used every two months. Self-made mature compost or three-element fertilizer can be used, and the proportion of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be emphasized to promote bulb development and flowering.

IV. matters needing attention in breeding other shore flowers

1. Maintain water supply

When raising the flowers on the other side, if you find that the topsoil is dry and gray, you need to replenish the water to the flowers on the other side.

In summer, as the flowers on the other side will enter a dormant period, it is best to stop watering if you want to gradually reduce the number of watering and the amount of water.

two。 Good drainage of soil

Planting other shore flowers should use well-drained soil, otherwise it is easy to form stagnant water, and the bulbs will rot.

3. Control temperature

Bianhua likes the warm environment, but the maximum temperature should not exceed 30 ℃, and the daily average temperature should not exceed 24 ℃. In winter, the daily average temperature should be kept above 8 ℃, and the minimum temperature should be 1 ℃, so as not to affect its growth.