
When do chrysanthemums blossom? How do you raise it? What are the precautions?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Chrysanthemum is one of the top ten famous flowers in China, one of the four gentlemen in flowers, and one of the four cut flowers in the world. Because of the cold and proud character of chrysanthemums, Tao Yuanming picks wild flowers by the fence and sees the famous sentence of Nanshan. So when do chrysanthemums blossom? How do you raise it? What do you have?

Chrysanthemum is one of the top ten famous flowers in China, one of the four gentlemen in flowers, and one of the four cut flowers in the world. Because of the cold and proud character of chrysanthemums, Tao Yuanming's famous phrase "pick wild flowers by the fence and see Nanshan leisurely". So when do chrysanthemums blossom? How do you raise it? What are the precautions?

When do chrysanthemums blossom

The flowering time varies according to different varieties. Spring chrysanthemums bloom in spring. Xia Ju is once in the fifth month of the lunar calendar and once in the ninth lunar month. Autumn chrysanthemum: early chrysanthemum and medium-sized chrysanthemum. Evening chrysanthemum: October to November. Han Ju: December to January of the following year. Chamomile: failed in May and November. Wild chrysanthemum: June to November. Xiao Hongju: July to October.

1. Spring chrysanthemum

As the name implies, this variety opens in the spring, but because of technological advances, people can use artificial induction to extend or change its opening hours, so they can change the opening days because of temperature and light.

two。 Summer chrysanthemum

There is another name for this variety, that is, five-nine chrysanthemum, which has a lot to do with its flowering. It blossoms twice, once in the fifth month of the lunar calendar and the other in the ninth month of the lunar calendar. If we take certain protective measures. It can blossom in May and October of the Gregorian calendar.

3. Autumn chrysanthemum

This variety can also be subdivided, there is a difference between morning and evening flowering, the early is generally called early chrysanthemum, flowering is in the middle and late September, belonging to medium-sized chrysanthemum.

4. Evening chrysanthemum

This variety is relatively large and belongs to large chrysanthemum. At present, everyone has planted this kind of chrysanthemum. It is also very common, and it will bloom from October to November.

5. Cold chrysanthemum

This also has another name, Dongju, from the name can be derived from its opening time, it is obvious that it is open in winter. The specific flowering period is from December to January of the following year.

6. Chamomile

This is perennial, not a year of withering and decay no longer long. Its height is between 30 centimeters and 1.5 meters, flowering in May and decay in November.

7. Wild chrysanthemum

This is also grown for many years, and its height is lower than that of chamomile, up to one meter. The blooming time is from June to November.

8. Little red chrysanthemum

The height of this variety is even lower, with a maximum of only six centimeters. The time of blooming is between July and October.

Second, the culture method of chrysanthemum

1. Soil

The soil with high nutrient content and strong drainage capacity should be used to raise chrysanthemum. Generally, rotten leaf soil, sand and fertilizer cake residue can be evenly mixed and prepared according to the proportion of 6:3:1. After preparation, a little vinegar can be added to reduce the PH value of the soil to make it more conducive to the growth of chrysanthemum.

two。 Moisture content

Water chrysanthemums should be dry and wet, not half-dry and half-wet. In addition, it should be noted that the stagnant water in the soil should be removed in time during the rainy season, otherwise it will easily lead to rotten roots.

3. Light

As a typical short-day plant, chrysanthemum does not need too long light to bloom, on the contrary, if the light is too long, it will only grow leaves and can not blossom. Apart from flowering, you can spend a little more time in the sun.

4. Temperature

Chrysanthemum likes cool, slightly cold-tolerant, the suitable temperature for growth is 18-21 ℃, the highest can not exceed 32 ℃ in summer, and the lowest can not be less than 10 ℃ in winter. At the beginning of flowering, it can not be less than 17 ℃, and the middle and later stage of flowering can be reduced to 15: 13 ℃.

Matters needing attention in chrysanthemum culture

1. Change the basin every year

After a year of cultivation, the soil in the chrysanthemum pot has basically run out of nutrients, so it is necessary to replace it with new potted soil with sufficient nutrients. The basin change usually takes place in spring.

two。 Timely pruning

The strong seedling stage of chrysanthemum needs to cut off the lateral buds to reduce the consumption of nutrients. At the beginning of the bud pregnancy, you should choose to cut off the unwanted buds to increase the amount of nutrients left behind and make the flowers bigger and brighter.