
How do you grow Chinese cabbage? Summary of efficient planting techniques of Chinese Cabbage in Spring and Autumn

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Chinese cabbage, Brassica napus of Cruciferae, originated in northern China, is a traditional vegetable in China. Cabbage contains B vitamins, vitamin C, calcium, iron, phosphorus, and the content of trace element zinc in cabbage is also very high. The origin of Chinese cabbage is along the Mediterranean coast and in the middle.

Chinese cabbage, Brassica napus of Cruciferae, originated in northern China, is a traditional vegetable in China. Cabbage contains B vitamins, vitamin C, calcium, iron, phosphorus, and the content of trace element zinc in cabbage is also very high. The origin of cabbage is along the Mediterranean coast and China. The south of the Yangtze River is the main producing area, and the planting area accounts for 40% of the sown area of autumn, winter and spring vegetables. How do you grow Chinese cabbage? Summary of efficient planting techniques of Chinese cabbage in spring and autumn.

1. Planting techniques of Chinese cabbage in spring

1. Select variety

Early-maturing varieties with strong winter, low temperature tolerance and short growth period must be selected for the cultivation of Chinese cabbage in spring. The suitable varieties of spring cabbage are "Yuyi Yingchun" and "prosperous Spring", and the varieties of rosette cabbage are "Jinlinglong" and "Yulinglong".

two。 Raising seedlings

In North China, the seedlings should be cultivated in the middle and late February in the greenhouse or in the small arch greenhouse, and the seedlings should be raised in the first and middle of March in the small arch greenhouse. Seeding can be used to raise seedlings, or point plates or nutrition bowls can be used to raise seedlings, and the survival rate of transplanting is high. When sowing in 1 leaf and 1 heart, the seedlings should be interspersed in time to keep the seedling distance 2-3cm. Transplant 3-4 true leaves. Chinese cabbage generally bolts and blossoms through vernalization in 10-25 days after 2 ℃-13 ℃, so the lowest temperature of seedling bed in spring should be above 15 ℃, and the low temperature below 10 ℃ should be avoided as far as possible after planting.

3. Fertilization and soil preparation

Select the plots that have not planted cruciferous crops in the previous crop, plough and freeze before winter, and mature the soil. After thawing in early spring, apply rotten organic fertilizer 5000kg, superphosphate or compound fertilizer 30-50kg per mu, and then turn the soil and fertilizer evenly. After leveling, the land is made into a low border 1m wide. Due to the lack of Rain Water in early spring, the low border can maintain soil temperature, promote root development, accelerate vegetative growth, and facilitate watering and management.

4. Colonization

When the soil temperature below 10cm was more than 10 ℃, the large type varieties were planted with 2 rows per row, the plant spacing was 35-40cm × 50 cm, and the "Jinlinglong" variety was planted with 3 rows per row, with a row spacing of 30cm × 40cm and about 5500 plants per mu. The row spacing of "Yulinglong" baby vegetable is 25cm × 25-30cm, and 8000-10000 plants are planted per mu.

5. Field management

Spring cabbage should be watered in time after planting, the amount of water should be small, and then slow seedling water should be irrigated 2-3 days later, the amount of water should not be large. Then ploughing to conserve soil moisture to prevent the soil temperature from falling too fast and affecting the slow seedlings. In the later stage, with the increase of air temperature and ground temperature, the watering times and water quantity can be appropriately increased to meet the water demand of Chinese cabbage during heading. There is no obvious squatting seedling stage of spring cabbage, in addition to applying sufficient base fertilizer before planting, topdressing should be applied early. After planting slow seedlings, 10 kg urea per mu was applied with 10 kg urea per mu, and 20-25kg compound fertilizer was applied per mu before heading, which was beneficial to the smooth heading and expansion. The application of "Yunda 120 + Yuyi potassium dihydrogen phosphate" at seedling stage and heading stage could promote leaf growth and early heading, and the effect of increasing yield was obvious. During the whole growth process, the maximum temperature in the greenhouse should not be higher than 25 ℃ according to the change of temperature.

Second, planting techniques of Chinese cabbage in autumn

1. Select superior varieties

There are many varieties of Chinese cabbage, which can be divided into three basic ecological types: straight tube type, original type and oval type, but due to the reason of growing season, middle and late maturing varieties with disease resistance, cold tolerance, high yield and storage tolerance must be selected. The main excellent varieties are: Lubai 3, Shandong 2, Shandong 5, Fengkang 85 and so on.

2. Sowing time

Under normal circumstances, it is appropriate to sow seeds for 5 days before and after the Beginning of Autumn, and the year of high temperature can be postponed to mid-August. The late-maturing varieties with disease resistance and long growth period can be sown early, and the middle-maturing varieties with short growth period can be sowed a few days later.

3. Preparation before sowing

Chinese cabbage cannot be cropped continuously, nor can it be rotated with other cruciferous vegetables, which is one of the important measures to prevent diseases and insect pests. 5Mel 10 cm deep ditch, first watering along the ditch, after water infiltration, spread the seeds evenly in the ditch, and cover 0.8 mi 1 cm thick fine soil, about 0.5 kg per mu, direct seeding Chinese cabbage after the young buds are unearthed, take measures to frequently pour small water to keep the ground moist and lower the surface temperature. In the case of no rain, it is generally watered once on the sowing day or the next day to make sure that the ridge surface is wet through, and watering the second time on the third day of sowing promotes the emergence of most of the buds.

Seedling management. Refers to the management from the unearthed buds to the rosette stage. At this time, it should be time to seedling, and in 2mur3 or 4Mel 5 true leaves, each seedling once, and remove weeds, diseased seedlings and weak seedlings. 6 true leaves (group trees) when setting seedlings, and timely ploughing, so as not to hurt the roots and leaves. Ploughing should be shallow rather than deep. The live broadcast is usually planted at 5 Mel and 6 true leaves.

Transplanting and planting. Generally, the seedling age is 15 ~ 20 days, and when the seedling has 5 ~ 6 true leaves, it is the best suitable time for transplanting. Transplanting is best carried out in the afternoon. The suitable density is determined according to the characteristics of the variety. Water immediately after planting. After that, the seedlings were watered once every morning and evening for 3 consecutive days, so as to slow down the seedlings and keep them alive.

4. Fertilizer and water management

Top dressing. Chinese cabbage has a high yield and needs a large amount of fertilizer. On the basis of applying sufficient base fertilizer, do not topdressing in time. Topdressing should be determined according to different growth periods and seedling conditions. There is no topdressing in the seedling stage. If the base fertilizer is insufficient, for the first time, 10 kg of ammonium sulfate per mu can be applied at the stage of 4 true leaves of 3Mu, sprinkled on both sides of the seedling and immediately watered, called "seedling fertilizer"; the second time, after seedling setting or seedling transplanting, 1520 kg of ammonium sulfate per mu is applied in trenches on both sides of the ridge, which is called "hair fertilizer". The third time in the rosette stage, the application of ammonium sulfate 25 Mu 30 kg, superphosphate 10 Mu 15 kg, fertilizer into the ditch or hole, and then slightly add soil to help ridge, and then watering, called "big topdressing"; the fourth time in the middle of heading, ammonium sulfate 15 kg per mu, can be flushed with water, called "heart-filling fertilizer".

Water it. Chinese cabbage from Tuanzhu to rosette stage, the temperature drops day by day, the weather is mild, can be properly watered during this period, the end of rosette can be properly controlled for a few days, and then watered after the third topdressing. After entering the heading stage, Chinese cabbage needs the most water, so it is necessary to water the squatting seedlings once. Then the water was watered for a second time every 2mil for three days. This time is very important, when the soil is dry and cracked, the lateral roots will be broken, the fine roots will die, and the pilling will be affected. After that, the soil will be watered every 6 days to keep the soil moist.

5. Binding leaves and harvesting

In the late growth period of Chinese cabbage, the weather is changeable and the temperature is dropping day by day. in order to prevent frost, it should be tied up in time. Generally, 15 days before harvest, stop watering, pick up the rosette leaves, hold the leaf balls, and then tie the leaves with soaked sweet potato seedlings or cereal grass. Make the heart tighter and continue to grow. Lesser Snow should be harvested in time and dried in the field for 3 days before the outer leaves are wilted and can be stored.