
How do you grow pineberries? What are its planting conditions and techniques?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Pineapple berry is what we often call white strawberry, is a kind of fruit with high nutritional value, it is a hybrid variety of strawberry, this plant is mostly white after bearing fruit, and there are red spots on the surface, which is very beautiful with green leaves, so how about pineapple berries?

Pineapple berry is what we often call white strawberry, is a kind of fruit with high nutritional value, it is a hybrid variety of strawberry, this plant is mostly white after bearing fruit, and there are red spots on the surface, it is very beautiful with green leaves, so how to grow pineapple berries? What are its planting conditions and techniques?

I. planting conditions of pineapple plum

Pineapple plum grows mostly in the south, and Hanzhong in southern Shaanxi is the most common.

1. Temperature: pineapple plum likes warm and cool climate, root growth temperature is 5-30 ℃, optimum temperature is 15-22 ℃, suitable temperature for stem and leaf growth is 20-30 ℃, bud freezing occurs at-15-10 ℃, temperature should be maintained at 5-15 ℃ during flower bud differentiation and 4-40 ℃ at flowering and fruiting stage. Shading measures should be taken when the temperature is higher than 30 ℃ and the sunshine is strong.

2. Illumination: pineapple plum is a light-loving plant, but it has strong shade tolerance. When the light intensity is strong, the plant is short and strong, the fruit is small, the color is dark and the quality is good. Medium light, large fruit, light color, low sugar content, long harvest time, weak light is disadvantageous to the growth of pineapple plum.

3. Moisture: the root distribution of pineapple plum is shallow, the transpiration is large, and the requirement of water is strict, but the requirement of water is slightly different in different growing periods. The moisture required in early spring and flowering is less than 70% of the maximum soil water holding capacity, and the demand for fruit growth and ripening is more than 80%. After harvest, the soil water content for stolon extraction and adventitious root formation is not less than 70%. Autumn is the period of plant nutrition accumulation and flower bud formation, and the soil moisture should not be less than 60%. Pineapple plum is not resistant to waterlogging, which requires good soil permeability and pay attention to field drainage in rainy season.

4. Soil: pineapple plum should grow in fertile, loose neutral or slightly acidic loam, too clayey soil is not suitable for cultivation, sandy soil more stable fertilizer, frequent irrigation, pineapple plum can also be recommended.

Second, how to grow pineapple plum? What are the planting techniques?

Pineapple berries need to be cultivated in a glass greenhouse. When the fruit changes from green to white and the small grains on the surface appear crimson, it means it is ripe and ready to eat. It can be cultivated in front and back of the house, indoors, balcony and so on. It can not only eat fresh fruit, but also beautify the environment. The planting method can refer to the method of open field cultivation.

1. Field selection

Select fields that have not planted strawberries for many years as Honda for greenhouse pineapple berries.

2. Base fertilizer

Field application of organic base fertilizer, about a month before planting, generally every 667 square meters of fully mature organic fertilizer 1500-2000 kg as base fertilizer, and ploughing and harrowing many times.

3. Make a bed

The fine weather was selected about 10 days before planting, and the border was made under the condition of good soil tillability. Before construction, 50 kg of imported ternary compound fertilizer and 50 kg of calcium superphosphate were applied as noodle fertilizer, and 10 kg of phoxim granules were applied every 667 square meters to control grubs and other underground pests. The border is made of 7 rows of each greenhouse in the north-south direction (parallel to the greenhouse). The width of each of the middle 5 rows is 40-45 cm, each planting 2 rows, and the width of the next 2 borders is 15-20 cm, each planting 1 row. The height of each ridge is 30 ~ 35 cm, and the depth of ridge and furrow is about 30 ~ 35 cm.

4. Seedling emergence

Watering the nursery one day before digging seedlings is beneficial to bringing good soil masses, minimizing root damage, and planting in sheds according to the size of seedlings. If the seedling is raised in a nutrition bowl, the survival rate will be higher if the plastic bowl is removed when planting.

5. Planting density

The distance between plants cultivated in greenhouse is about 20 cm, and 1800-2000 plants are planted in each greenhouse, 6000000-7,000 plants per 667 square meters.

Watering and stabilizing the root immediately after planting, about 10 days to survive, combined with weeding to loosen the soil between plants, and often remove withered, old and diseased leaves, and do a good job of seedling replenishment in time.

6. Laying black plastic film

Laying black plastic film can maintain soil moisture, inhibit the growth of weeds, reduce the air temperature in the greenhouse, isolate the contact between strawberry fruit and soil, reduce diseases, and keep the fruit bright, clean and hygienic. The laying time of the black plastic film is generally in the middle and late October, when all the pineapple berries are basically alive, and the work of weeding and loosening the soil and bacon and replenishing seedlings has been preliminarily completed. the laying method is to cover the black plastic film on the ridge plants. touch the seedling plant to tear a small hole in the plastic film, and then carefully pull out the leaves, be sure to expose the central leaves of the seedlings, and press the edges of the plastic film holes on the mulch around the old leaves to make it close to the ground.

7. Temperature and humidity control

Pineapple berries have different requirements for air temperature in different stages of growth and development, which should be satisfied as much as possible after warming in the greenhouse. Because the flowering and fruiting of pineberry cultivated in greenhouse is continuous and cross, it is not conducive to the flowering and fruiting of pineberry when it is kept 24 ℃ ~ 28 ℃ in daytime and 6 ℃ ~ 8 ℃ at night, higher than 30 ℃ or less than 5 ℃ after budding. The air humidity in the greenhouse is very high, especially in the early morning to morning or cloudy and rainy weather, the relative humidity can reach 95% 100%, which hinders flowering and pollination and is easy to breed diseases, and the rotten fruit caused by gray mold is serious except that the ridge is covered with black plastic film. straw should also be added at the bottom of the ridge to prevent water from watering and stabilizing the root immediately after planting.

8. Plant finishing

After heat preservation in greenhouse, the plant growth is accelerated, a large number of tillers and stolons are germinated, and the leaf area of the main stem should be removed in time, which can increase the leaf area of the main stem, promote the terminal flower bud to germinate in time, produce a robust inflorescence, blossom early and bear good fruit. Generally speaking, a strawberry plant retains at most 1 or 2 more robust tillers. Remove old, senile and diseased leaves in time.

9. Topdressing

The topdressing of pineapple berries in greenhouse is generally applied 2 or 3 times after planting live trees to before and after mulching with black plastic film. Each shed (180 square meters) is poured with 1-1.5 kg urea dissolved in about 500 kg of water at a time. In the future, most of the topdressing will be carried out according to the seedling potential, spraying 0.5% urea 20 kg per 667 square meters.

The price of pineapple plum is very high. According to foreign media reports, pineapple berries have been sold in large quantities in the UK. The price of this new fruit box (125 grams) is 2.99 pounds, equivalent to 31 yuan, that is, 120 yuan per catty. At present, there are not many pineapple plum growers in China, and they still have market prospects.