
Is passion fruit passion fruit? What are its planting conditions and techniques?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, A lot of people don't know what kind of fruit a fruit is. Only know that the nutritional value is quite high, there are more planting prospects at present. So is passion fruit passion fruit? What are its planting conditions and techniques? 1. Is passion fruit a passion fruit? baixiang

About passionflower, many people don't know what fruit passionflower is? Only know that the nutritional value is very high, at present there are more prospects for planting. So is passionflower passion fruit? What are its planting conditions and techniques?

Is passionflower passion fruit?

Passion fruit and passionflower are the same fruit.

Passionflower, a perennial evergreen climbing woody vine, is a fragrant and delicious fruit with the reputation of "king of fruit juice". Also known as egg fruit, cruciferous fruit, Brazilian fruit, passion fruit, passion fruit, Zhuan Xinlian, Xiyangju, Zizhi lotus, eggplant flower, season grass.

Second, what are the planting conditions of passionflower?

1. Temperature

The most suitable growth temperature of passionflower is 20 ℃ ~ 30 ℃. Generally, passionflower grows well at the temperature of no less than 0 ℃, and the plant will be seriously damaged or even die at-2 ℃. It is suitable to be planted in areas with an annual average temperature of 16 ℃ and 18 ℃.

2. Moisture

Passionflower grows best when the annual rainfall is more than 1500 mm and the distribution is uniform.

3. Lighting

As a tropical fruit, passionflower likes plenty of sunshine to promote vine growth and nutrient accumulation. The condition of long-day sunshine is beneficial to the flowering of passionflower. In the area where the annual sunshine hours are more than 2100 hours, passionflower has good vegetative growth, more nutrient accumulation, fast branch growth, early fruiting and high yield.

4. Soil

Passionflower has strong adaptability and does not have high requirements for soil. However, the soil layer produced in a large area is at least 0.5 meters, and the soil is fertile, loose and well drained, and the soil PH value is 5.5-6.5.

3. What are the key points of passionflower planting techniques?

1. Variety selection

The commercial varieties should choose the hybrid varieties Zixiang 1 and 2 which were bred in Brazil. Zixiang No. 1 is precocious and weighs 60Mel 130g per fruit. It can be picked and listed in June, while Zixiang No. 2 is a little later. In the same year, the crop was harvested in the same year, and the yield per mu was more than 1000 Mu and 1500 kg.

2. Site selection and excavation

Passionflower planting and development garden should be planted in the area with convenient transportation, sunny leeward and thick soil layer. Can be gentle slope land, platform or flat land, require deep soil layer, more fertile, good drainage, preferably irrigation conditions. The planned garden will be excavated with an excavator to a depth of 50 mi 60 cm in order to facilitate the later growth of passionflower.

3. Set up a frame

Passionflower is a trailing plant, which depends on the support of scaffolding to grow normally. The frame type can be flat-top scaffolding type. The pile spacing is 4 × 5 m, the general shed height is 1.8 × 2 m, the scaffolding material can be 10 × 10 × 250cm cement pile, the vertical and horizontal trunk of the pile top is laid with 16mm2 steel strand, pull a 2.0mm2 steel wire every 100cm in the direction of forward distance, and tighten it with tightening pliers.

4. Colonization

Passionflower can be planted all year round, but it is most suitable after the beginning of spring. Cloudy days or sunny days after rain should be chosen for planting. When planting seedlings, the old leaves should be cut off properly, and the nutrition bag should be broken and taken out and should not be buried in the soil. When fixing the seedlings, mix the appropriate amount of mature organic fertilizer with sandy loam soil to make planting soil or cover soil. When planting, we should straighten out the root system, fill the soil layer by layer, and tighten the compaction. Water the roots in time after planting. When the newly dug planting hole was planted, the root neck of the seedling was slightly higher than the ground level by 8 cm to 10 cm, and the tree plate was cut out after planting. After checking that the root system was not exposed, the plastic film was covered and pressed on the tree plate, and the plastic film was removed from May to June after the seedlings survived.

5. Fertilization

The newly planted passionflower was mainly based on nitrogen fertilizer in the early stage to promote plant growth. The root system began to grow 10-15 days after planting, 0.5% dilute urea or rare human feces and urine could be applied, and then every 20 days, 5 kg of mature human feces and urine or 0.1 kg of compound fertilizer should be applied to each plant.

Every year, each plant applies 2030 kg of farm manure, 0.6-0.7 kg of urea, 0.6-0.9 kg of phosphate fertilizer and 1.2-1.3 kg of potash fertilizer. After retting and ripening, farm manure and phosphate fertilizer were applied in the ditch before and after the Beginning of Spring, urea and potash fertilizer were applied once a month during flowering and fruiting, and 0.3 kg of mixed fertilizer was applied to the plant.

6. Watering

Passionflower is a shallow-rooted plant that likes to be moist, avoiding stagnant water and being afraid of drought. Therefore, first of all, we should open a good drainage ditch to prevent stagnant water in the orchard; if it does not rain for a long time, we should consider irrigation.

7. Pest control

(1) main diseases and their control. The main diseases are seedling quenching disease, mosaic disease, blight disease and stem rot disease.

Prevention and control methods:

► should choose pure land to raise seedlings, maintain field wetness, especially prevent soil from being too wet, stay away from melons and eggplant fruits and vegetables, and remove burned diseased plants and diseased leaves in time.

► drug control: choose Ruidu, 75% Chlorothalonil 800x solution, 50% carbendazim warm powder 1000 times solution.

(2) main insect pests and their control. The main pests are small fruit flies, mites, shell insects, beetles and so on. Select 90% trichlorfon 800 times, Lesbon 800 times, phoxim and other control.

8. Timely harvest

It is generally harvested when the fruit turns purple and slightly fragrant 10 days before falling fruit, but it can also be picked up fresh in the ground.

3. The planting cost of passionflower

In many areas of passionflower planting, bamboo sheds with Luohanguo fruit continue to be used, with less investment, from simple scaffolding planting of about 1000 yuan to standard planting of more than 2000 yuan, and drip irrigation facilities can be matched with less than 3000 yuan. later, it gradually changed to the use of cement columns plus steel mesh and plastic steel materials to build scaffolding, with an investment of about 4000-6000 yuan per mu. This depends on whether drip irrigation equipment is used.

With regard to output, the quality of management will affect the output, and the yield will directly affect the income. The output of passionflower in the first year is about 1000-1500 jin (the yield varies according to different varieties), about 3000-5000 jin in the second year, and the peak period is more than 5000-7000 jin after the third year. Planting once can be managed for 5-8 years. According to normal growth, it should be the second or third year to reach the high yield period, but now most bases have to re-plant in the second year, some even one a year. The purchase price of passionflower this year is also based on different varieties, ranging from 3.6 yuan to 10 yuan per jin.