
The detailed article explains the breeding method and matters needing attention of the rich tree, and is afraid that it can not be raised well after reading it?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Whether it is housewarming or the opening of a new store, you can always see the potted rich trees sent by your family and friends, but many people are not very clear about the breeding methods and matters needing attention. Let's learn more about how to raise the rich trees. First, the rich tree

Whether it is housewarming or the opening of a new store, you can always see the potted rich trees sent by your family and friends, but many people are not very clear about the breeding methods and matters needing attention. Let's learn more about how to raise the rich trees.

I. Culture methods and matters needing attention of rich trees

Plants want to grow good soil, light, water and fertilizer, pruning is the same can not be less, but the growth of each kind of plant needs is different, so how to do exactly, presumably many friends are still not very clear, the following is about the rich tree breeding methods and points for attention.

(1) the choice of soil for getting rich

1. The scientific name of the rich tree Gua Li, also known as Malaba chestnut, goose palm money and Sino-American kapok, is a small tree native to Central America. It likes the climate environment with high temperature and humidity, and it is a kind of green plant which is not cold-resistant and likes fertile and loose acid sandy loam. Therefore, garden soil, rotten leaf soil and sand can be allocated according to the proportion of 442, and friends who find it troublesome can also go to the flower and bird market to buy ready-made soil.

two。 Containers containing rich trees can choose ceramic pots or plastic pots. If the plant is very small, choose a flowerpot with a diameter of about 20 cm, and a larger one with about 30 cm.

(2) the control of the lighting of rich trees

1. The rich tree is a plant growing in Central America, so the temperature should be a little higher and keep it at about 20 degrees. But when it is hot in summer, don't put the wealth tree out in the sun. You should give it proper shade or move it to a cooler place. If you keep it indoors, you should pay attention to ventilating the rich tree and ensure that there is a certain amount of light.

two。 The rich tree is a cold-resistant plant, so keep it warm or move it indoors when it is cold in winter.

(3) Control of watering of rich trees

1. The amount of watering the rich trees is different in different seasons. The rich trees grow fast in summer, and the water needed is relatively large, and the evaporation of high temperature and water in summer is also relatively large, so it is necessary to hand in more water appropriately. Water once or twice a week. Be careful not to let water accumulate in the basin or the soil is too wet every time you water.

two。 When the rich tree enters the dormant period in winter, it can reduce the number of watering, which is enough once or twice a month according to the dry and wet soil. In the spring and autumn season, it can be watered once a week or once a half month according to the actual situation.

3. The water used to water the rich tree can be tap water, but it is best to put two or three water in the sun (so that the chlorine in the tap water can be removed), the water temperature is not too low, only normal temperature water can.

4. We should pay attention to spray water on the leaves of the rich trees and wash away the dust impurities on the leaves. If the leaves of the rich tree are greenish and straight, and there are new and tender leaves, it is time not to water them too frequently; if the leaves are yellow and wilting, pay attention to whether it is caused by lack of water.

5. If the surface of the soil starts to dry, it means it must be short of water, and it should be watered until it is wet. If the surface soil is moist, stick and so on can be inserted along the edge of the flowerpot to see if there is moisture in the lower soil.

(4) Application of fertilizers for rich trees

1. The rich tree is a fertilizer-loving plant, so the amount of application should be adequate. In its growth period to apply nitrogen, phosphorus, potash fertilizer, do not directly use fertilizer in the pot, should be diluted with water and then irrigated, and a small number of times to avoid excessive fertilizer root burning situation.

two。 The annual period from May to September is usually the peak growing season for rich trees. At this time, enough fertilizer should be applied, and do not pour fertilizer and water directly into the roots. Large flowerpots can dig holes around the roots to bury fertilizer, while small pots can be planted with fertilizer and soil when changing pots.

3. Organic fertilizer should be applied with fully ripe fertilizer, preferably diluted with water. If there is a leaf yellowing and rotting root after fertilization, it should be diluted by irrigation in time or change the soil directly.

(5) methods of pruning wealth trees

1. It is best to use professional gardening scissors (as with other plants) when pruning the rich tree, and it is best to apply enough nitrogen fertilizer before pruning.

two。 After fertilizing, cut off all the branches and leaves that are too dense, messy and sick on the wealth tree, and keep a few healthy twigs.

3. Finally, put the pruned rich trees in a cool and ventilated place to avoid rain and water on the pruned branches and reduce the amount of watering. You can see its new shoots after waiting for a month or so.

Second, the placement of wealth trees

The rich tree will be raised, and the placement is another problem. So let's talk about the location of the wealth tree in detail.

(1) the location of the wealth tree in the home

1. Next to the living room TV: put the wealth tree in the living room or next to the TV set can be matched with the decoration style of the home, but also can make the home full of vitality and purify the air.

two。 Study and bedroom: in addition to making a fortune in the study and bedroom, the green branches and leaves can also make people feel comfortable.

3. In terms of fengshui, the placement of the wealth tree should be careful not to be placed too high, nor in front of the idol, nor can it be placed under the toilet and under the crossbeam.

(2) the arrangement of the Wealth Tree Company

1. The wealth tree is placed in the doorway and wealth position: the company door reflects the image, the display of the wealth tree can make it more beautiful, in addition, it can also bring money to the company.

two。 Under the company's financial position and air-conditioning: the purpose of getting rich is to make a fortune. Putting it in the financial position can better gather wealth and make the company better.

3. It should be noted that wealth trees should not be placed near the toilet: putting wealth trees in the toilet is more likely to cause bad luck and affect financial luck.

Of course, some of the above fengshui placement is only as a reference, specific can consult decoration designers or fengshui experts.

Finally, I would like to say that it is not difficult to raise a rich tree, but it is difficult to make an effort to raise it. So it should not be difficult to do the above and raise a vibrant rich tree.