
"elegant bamboo" asparagus can be kept at home? How to raise it to be strong? Top ten points for attention in breeding need to be kept in mind!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Asparagus, also known as cloud bamboo and mountain grass, is a common foliage plant in China. It is deeply loved by flower friends because its leaves are evergreen all the year round and can effectively purify indoor air. At present, many people like to put it in the indoor environment. Can asparagus be kept at home?

Asparagus, also known as cloud bamboo and mountain grass, is a common foliage plant in China. It is deeply loved by flower friends because its leaves are evergreen all the year round and can effectively purify indoor air. At present, many people like to put it in the indoor environment. Can asparagus be kept at home? How to raise it to be strong? Top ten points for attention in breeding need to be kept in mind!

1. Introduction of asparagus:

The main results are as follows: 1. The morphological characteristics of asparagus: the root of asparagus is slightly fleshy, and the stem is slender and soft. at each stage of growth, the stem will grow some branches, and each branch can grow about 13 trigonous leaves, which looks very good. More than 3-4 white flowers will grow from September to October, berries will grow in winter, and there will be about 1-3 purple-black seeds when they mature.

2. The growth habit of asparagus: asparagus is easy to feed and likes to grow in a ventilated and semi-shaded environment. Generally, during the whole growth period, asparagus can thrive as long as it keeps the soil moist, sufficient light and fertile soil. But in summer, you need to move it to a cool place, and in winter, you can move to a warm room.

Can asparagus be kept at home?

Asparagus can be kept at home, and it is best to put it in the study or living room. The specific reasons are as follows:

1. Asparagus has a symbol of everlasting love and happy marriage. Putting it in the living room can mean harmony between husband and wife, and long-term happiness. At the same time, it can mean long-term friendship at the door.

2. Asparagus has the meaning of "bamboo reporting peace". Putting it in a place of work such as a shop or factory can mean that the career is rising.

3. The leaves of asparagus are evergreen all the year round. Putting them in the living room and study can effectively improve the environment, give people a beautiful and quiet atmosphere, and make people feel happy! If the mood is bad or depressed, take a look at the green asparagus can play a certain regulatory role.

4, asparagus can be like green pineapple, with the effect of purifying air, put in the living room or study can effectively absorb indoor sulfur dioxide, chlorine and other harmful gases, so that the indoor air is often kept fresh.

Although asparagus can be kept at home, it must be managed properly, because asparagus is harsh on light, temperature, ventilation and other growth conditions, and if you are not careful, there will be phenomena such as yellowing leaves and rotting roots, affecting people's mood. Especially in winter, it should be moved to a place with light as far as possible to avoid yellowing leaves. Therefore, it is recommended to put it in the study or living room.

Third, how to raise asparagus to be stout?

1. Watering: asparagus does not have a high requirement for moisture, as long as it keeps the soil moist. The specific watering principle is: less watering in winter, more watering in summer, and each watering should be thoroughly watered, so as to avoid uneven water absorption and death. In addition, try to spray with a spray can when watering to avoid greater hydraulic power and damage to the leaves. However, in the north, it is usually best to water twice a day in summer and every four days or so in winter.

2. Soil: asparagus likes to grow in sandy soil, so when selecting basin soil, try to choose sandy soil, and before planting, put some gravel at the bottom of the basin to facilitate drainage.

3. Lighting: although asparagus is shady, it needs to be moved to a place with light in spring, autumn and winter, so as not to cause the leaves to turn yellow due to lack of light. It is best to move to the balcony.

4. Pruning: dense branches and dwarf branches will appear after asparagus grows for a period of time, so regular pruning can promote the uniform growth of each branch and have sufficient nutrients.

Fourth, what are the matters needing attention in asparagus culture?

1. Watering frequently: although asparagus does not have high requirements for moisture, it is not resistant to drought, so it is necessary to keep the basin soil moist at all times, but keep in mind that the basin soil is stagnant water to avoid root erosion.

2. Regular loosening of soil: after asparagus grows for a period of time, the basin soil will be dry, and regular loosening of basin soil can effectively increase drainage and ensure uniform nutrients.

3. Changing the basin regularly: after the asparagus grows for a period of time, the root system will expand, and the basin soil is dry and undrained, and changing the basin regularly can effectively improve the drainage and ventilation of the basin soil, and it is best to change the basin soil once a year.

4. Rational fertilization: asparagus does not have a high requirement for fertilizer, and it can be applied every 15 days according to its growth status. However, when it comes to the dormant period in winter, fertilizer should be stopped so as not to affect the overgrowth of plants.

5. Control the light: asparagus likes to grow in a semi-shady environment, so give a little light appropriately. It is best to breed on the balcony in spring, autumn and winter.

6. Good ventilation: asparagus is suitable to grow in a ventilated place, and its leaves will shrink if it grows in a sealed environment for a long time.

7. Regular pruning: regular pruning of asparagus can not only improve the ornamental value, but also make the branches have sufficient nutrients and grow evenly.

8. Stereotype: asparagus should be stereotyped when it grows to 3 meters, in order to control the growth of branches, after a long time, the appearance will be more beautiful.

9. Suitable temperature: asparagus is not cold-resistant, so it should be moved to a warm environment for heat preservation in the north. If it cannot be kept warm, it can be covered with plastic bags to help plants survive the winter safely.

10. Pest control: during the growth period of asparagus, if light, temperature and fertilizer are not properly managed, all kinds of diseases and insect pests will occur in asparagus, so before the occurrence of diseases and insect pests, control measures must be taken so as not to affect plant growth.

To sum up, asparagus can be raised in the living room or study, and during the breeding period, if you do a good job of light, temperature, soil, fertilizer and other ten points for attention, asparagus can grow stronger.