
Which part of lotus root is lotus root? How do you cook it? Planting method and time of attached lotus root

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Lotus root belt, called lotus root whip, lotus root silk vegetable, silver seedling vegetable, also called lotus root cabbage, lotus root shoot, lotus root belt, lotus root seedling. The lotus root is crisp in taste, fried, mixed, fried, steamed, fried, fried or eaten raw. It can be used as a main ingredient and as an ingredient.

Lotus root belt, called lotus root whip, lotus root silk vegetable, silver seedling vegetable, also called lotus root cabbage, lotus root shoot, lotus root belt, lotus root seedling. The lotus root is crisp in taste, fried, mixed, fried, steamed, fried, fried or eaten raw. It can be used as a main ingredient and as an ingredient. It is suitable for both meat and vegetarian food. Many people like to eat it in life. Which part of the lotus root is the lotus root? How do you cook it? What is the planting method and time of lotus root?

Which part of the lotus root is the lotus root?

The lotus root is the young rhizome of lotus, which consists of an internode and terminal bud at the top of the rhizome. Usually white, yellow, pink-yellow, the most suitable time to pick is after the summer rain, down the "green pile" protruding from the water to the root in the mud, at the end of the two lotus root seedlings, the thick one is this.

Second, how to make lotus root belt delicious?

(1) fried chicken gizzards with soaked lotus root

Production steps:

1. Prepare the raw materials

2. Soak the cut chicken gizzards in beer for ten minutes.

3. Pour out the beer, squeeze out the water, and add salt, cooking wine, sliced ginger and appropriate amount of starch.

4. grab it well and marinate for five minutes.

5. Heat the pot, put in the right amount of oil, add the pickled chicken gizzards and stir-fry until the chicken gizzards change color.

6. Add soaked lotus root belt to continue stir-frying, add appropriate amount of salt and other seasonings

7. Add sliced green pepper and carrot slices and stir-fry until discolored.

(2) Sour and spicy lotus root belt


1. Fresh lotus root (can also use bubble lotus root) appropriate amount, rinse clean with water

two。 Oblique knife cut into long pieces

3. Chopped garlic and scallions, cut dry pepper and set aside.

4. Pour the right amount of oil into the wok, heat until 90% hot, stir-fry the minced garlic and dried chili peppers to make fragrance.

5. Then stir-fry the cut lotus root.

6. Stir-fry until the lotus root belt is slightly out of water, add two tablespoons of salt, stir-fry until the juice comes out of the lotus root, then add the right amount of chicken essence, pepper, a small spoonful of sugar, half a pot of banknote vinegar, stir-fry well, and remove from the pan until the water is slightly dry.

(3) three treasures in the lotus pond

Ingredients: 2 lotus pods, 3 lotus roots, 10 water chestnuts, right amount of salt, right amount of oil, right amount of water starch


1. Peel the lotus pod into the lotus seed rice, peel off the water chestnut and cut the lotus root into small pieces.

2. Heat the pot with a small amount of oil, pour in the lotus seed rice and stir-fry the water chestnut.

3. Stir-fry the lotus seed rice and water chestnut together, then pour into the lotus root belt

4. Prepare water and starch water in a small bowl, add salt, mix well, pour into the pan, thicken with a layer of thickening, stir-fry well, and you can put it out of the pan.

Third, the planting method and time of lotus root

1. Variety selection

Space 36, Jianxuan 17, all over the sky, etc.

two。 Lotus field selection and land preparation

Choose paddy fields with sufficient sunshine, convenient drainage and irrigation, loose and fertile soil and high organic matter content, and the tillage layer is about 35 cm thick. Each mu of rotten cow manure, pig manure, quicklime, rotten cake fertilizer and superphosphate is 2500 to 3000 kg, 40kg to 50kg, 150kg to 200kg and 50kg to 100kg per mu.

3. Planting and field management

From mid-March to mid-late April, 120-150 lotus roots per mu were planted.

Water level management: keep about 5 cm of shallow water in the early stage of growth, which is conducive to the increase of water temperature and soil temperature and promote bud growth. In the middle stage of growth (full blossom and fruit), the water layer is increased to 10-15 cm. In winter, the water level in Liantian is kept at 5cm to 10cm.

Topdressing: starting from the first ten days of June, topdressing every 15 days, applying 15 kg of ternary compound fertilizer and 7 kg of urea per mu, adding appropriate amount of trace element fertilizer, and applying quick-acting nitrogen fertilizer in the first and middle of August is beneficial to increase the yield of seed lotus in the later stage.

Lotus seed harvest: from July to mid-late October, lotus seeds are harvested mainly by iron lotus seeds.

Ploughing the lotus field: if the lotus field is left undug, the field can grow more than 1000 lotus roots per mu in the second year. Fasizi lotus ploughed the soil twice from February to March in the second year, knocking out too many lotus root buds in lotus root field, too many lotus root buds and too high density, which was not conducive to the growth of lotus root and the flowering and fruiting in the later stage. In the second ploughing, 50 kg of ternary compound fertilizer per mu was applied as base fertilizer and herbicide was sprayed.

Lotus root harvest: the lotus root belt is harvested from late April to mid-June in the following year, usually every other day. During the harvest period, the lotus root belt was harvested every day from about 1:00 to 6:00 in the morning, and then the lotus root belt was transported to the market in time. When picking, touch under the mud along the direction of the vertical leaf opening, pick the first Internode, retain the lotus root that has been harvested, and remove the old and dead leaves in the lotus field at the same time. If the top bud of the harvested lotus root is wrapped in the leaf sheath, this kind of lotus root belt is commonly known as "pen tube", which is the top grade of the lotus root belt.

Topdressing: topdressing every 10 to 15 days, 50 kg nitrogen fertilizer and 50 kg ammonium bicarbonate per mu.

Flower and fruit stage management: the lotus root flowering stopped in mid-June, and the lotus growth entered the reproductive growth period. the lotus field was mainly managed by harvesting lotus seeds, and the later management was the same as the first year. However, special attention should be paid to removing some leaves and keeping 5 leaves per square meter in lotus fields. The management after the third year is the same as the second year.