
Pot plain sailing (white palm) culture methods and points for attention, 4 tips to teach you to solve leaf sagging!

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Many people will put a few pots of plain sailing at home or office, that is, white palms, smooth and beautiful stems, fresh leaves, exuberant growth, and shade tolerance, is a very popular potted plant, and a kind of auspicious meaning, today.

Many people will put a few pots of plain sailing at home or office, that is, white palms, smooth and beautiful stems, fresh and pleasant leaves, exuberant growth, and shade tolerance, is a very popular potted plant, there is also a kind of auspicious meaning, today to introduce smooth sailing breeding methods and matters needing attention, hand-in-hand to teach you how to breed!

First, plain sailing basic information

1. Plain sailing aliases

Plain sailing, also known as white taro, white palm, peace taro, bract taro, belongs to Araceae, bract taro genus, perennial herbs, native to tropical America, is a popular indoor flower in recent years.

2. Plain sailing morphological characteristics

Smooth sailing 30 cm-40 cm, leaves long oval, both ends acuminate, petiole long; scape erect, higher than the leaves, white spawn erect upward, slightly curled, fleshy inflorescences cylindrical, white.

2. Smooth farming methods and matters needing attention

If we want to maintain smooth sailing, we need to understand its ecological habits, and at the same time, we should pay attention to the factors such as soil, moisture, light, fertilizer, temperature and humidity, so we should pay attention to the following breeding methods and matters needing attention:

1. Flowerpot selection

(1) flowerpot requirements: muddy flowerpots, plastic pots, porcelain pots and pottery pots can be used for cultivation.

(2) the size of the flowerpot: the diameter of the pot is 18ml / 34cm.

2. Growth soil requirements

Plain sailing is suitable for growing in soil rich in humus with good drainage and loose soil. generally, garden soil, rotten leaf soil and fine sand can be selected according to the ratio of 4:4:2 or peat soil, rotten leaf soil, sand and perlite according to the proportion of 414. 3%, 2%, 1%, and a small amount of organic fertilizer is added as base fertilizer.

3. Growth temperature requirements

Smooth sailing, like warm, avoid cold, comfortable growth temperature is 22: 28 ℃, 24: 30 ℃ from March to September, 18: 21 ℃ from September to March of the following year, winter temperature is not less than 14 ℃, the lowest can not be lower than 10 ℃, will lead to plant growth hindered, leaves suffered frost damage, so it should be put into indoor maintenance in winter; secondly, the normal growth of plants will be affected when it is higher than 35 ℃ in summer.

4. Growth humidity requirements

Smooth sailing needs higher growth humidity, high temperature in summer and dry in autumn, spray more water to ensure that the air humidity is more than 50%, which is conducive to leaf growth, once the air is too dry will cause leaf wilting.

5. Growth and illumination requirements

Smooth sailing like a warm, humid, semi-overcast environment, avoid strong direct sunlight, not cold-resistant. If the plant grows vigorously in spring, the plant can be placed in a place with plenty of light, such as balcony and window. 60% to 70% shade is needed in summer, but it is not easy to blossom if there is not enough light for a long time. Smooth sailing after maturity does not need too much light. Just keep it in a place with scattered light.

6. Growth moisture requirements

Plain sailing likes shady and wet soil, you must always maintain the wettability of the basin soil, but do not accumulate water, usually water once every 2 days (specifically according to the dry and wet condition of plants). In summer and when the air is dry, water should often be sprayed on the leaf surface and around the plant to improve the air humidity. In winter, watering should be controlled and the basin soil should be slightly wet.

7. Growth fertilizer requirements

Smooth sailing fertilization should pay attention to less application, diligent application, do not apply thick fertilizer or raw fertilizer, the growing season (April to October), the need for fertilizer is larger, three times a month can be applied fertilizer, preferably thin compound fertilizer, less nitrogen fertilizer is not easy to blossom, the northern winter temperature is low, should stop fertilization.

8. Replacement of basin soil

Smooth sailing every 1 to 2 years to change the basin, the basin should be carried out in the spring, at the same time to add base fertilizer, replace the new culture soil.

9. Disease and pest control

The main results are as follows: (1) the common diseases of plain sailing are leaf spot disease. When long leaf spots are found, the diseased leaves should be removed and destroyed in time, and sprayed with chlorothalonil or mancozeb.

(2) the common pests are: scale insects, if the number of scale insects is small, you can brush them off with a brush, then remove the sick leaves, and then disinfect them with medicine; if there are a large number of pests, you should directly spray to kill them.

Plain sailing is still relatively easy to raise indoor plants, and the ornamental value is also high, usually pay attention to the above breeding methods and matters needing attention to take care of it.

Third, plain sailing, what if the leaves droop?

Plain sailing leaves are green all the year round, so they are loved by the public, but the sagging of leaves will be encountered in the course of maintenance. Generally speaking, this situation is mainly caused by improper watering, improper lighting, unsuitable growth environment, and so on. The specific treatment methods are as follows:

1. Replenish water or control watering in time: too much or too little watering can cause leaf sagging. At this time, it is necessary to control watering and replenish water according to different conditions.

2. put it in a cool place: high temperature in summer, direct sunlight for a long time, or too long light, it is easy to wilt due to strong light, leaves drooping, then you have to put plain sailing in a cool, well-ventilated place.

3. Spray water to increase air humidity: when the air is very dry in winter, especially in the north, the indoor humidity is too small, coupled with poor ventilation, it is easy to soften leaves, so it is necessary to spray some water in time to increase the humidity of the air, and then ventilate regularly.

4. Place in a warm place: smooth sailing likes warmth. If the temperature is too low, the leaves will droop, and the lowest in winter should not be less than 10 ℃. At this time, put on a plastic bag and transfer to a place with a slightly higher temperature.

Conclusion: although the maintenance of smooth sailing is simple, we should also pay attention to the problems of temperature, water, light, fertilizer, soil and so on, so as to avoid sagging leaves, yellowing, non-flowering and so on. once a problem occurs, it should be remedied according to the actual situation of the plant.