
Family Flower cultivation skills: pot planting method of Egg Blossom

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Egg flower, also known as Burmese gardenia, egg yolk flower, Indian Jasminum, jasmine, mostly distributed in Xishuangbanna of China and some countries in Southeast Asia, is recognized as one of the five trees and six flowers by Buddhism. Its cold resistance is poor, the leaves will fall in winter, and the trunk will bend naturally after the leaves fall off.

Egg flower, also known as Burmese gardenia, egg yolk flower, Indian Jasmine, big season flower, is mostly distributed in Xishuangbanna of China and some countries in Southeast Asia, and is recognized as one of the "five trees and six flowers" by Buddhism. Its cold resistance is poor, the leaves will fall in winter, after the leaves fall, the trunk naturally bends like bonsai, which is also ornamental. Next, let's introduce the pot planting method of egg blossom.

I. habits and characteristics of egg blossom

This kind of plant is a positive tree species, so first of all, it has higher requirements for light, if the light is not enough, it may not blossom or blossom very little, with only leaves. Secondly, it likes to grow up in a hot and humid environment, not too much drought, nor can it be flooded. There are also some requirements for soil, preferably acidic, fertile, permeable and rich in organic matter. In addition, its cold resistance is very poor.

2. Potted planting method of egg blossom

1. Temperature

As we said above, it likes the high temperature environment, and it is not very cold-resistant, its most suitable temperature is 20 to 26 degrees Celsius, so temperature is a factor that we need to pay special attention to, especially in winter. Generally speaking, the overwintering temperature in winter should not be lower than 8 degrees, so growers in the north should not forget to let it spend the winter indoors.

two。 Soil

In addition to the above mentioned factors, it is better to be loose and contain more humus.

3. Moisture content

Generally speaking, plants still have a lot of demand for water, but neither too much nor too little. In spring and autumn, water can be watered every other day or two. It can be more frequent in summer, once in the morning, observe the state of the soil in the evening, and water it again if it is dry. Once every ten days or half a month or so in winter.

4. Light

This is very important. When the light is sufficient, the plant can grow more vigorously and the aroma can be stronger. Except for the temporary shade needed to transplant or change the soil, the rest of the time may receive more sunlight.

5. Change the basin

This kind of plant needs to be changed in the spring, and the soil needs to be renewed. Remember to pour enough water after the change.