
Hand in hand to teach you rose breeding and cutting methods, there are raised at home to learn it!

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Many people who grow flowers like to plant several pots of rose in their balcony or courtyard. Rose has a good name as the queen of flowers, beautiful shape, fragrant fragrance, and tenacious vitality. Here is a detailed introduction to the breeding methods of rose flowers.

Many people raise flowers friends like to plant a few pots of roses in their own balcony or courtyard, roses have the name of "Queen of Flowers", beautiful shape, fragrant fragrance, and tenacious vitality, the following gives you a detailed introduction to the cultivation method of roses and cutting time and method.

I. Basic information of roses

1. Introduction to Rose

Rose, also known as Yueyuehong (Zhejiang, Jiangsu), Yueyuehua, Periwinkle (Changchun, Jilin), Gengshen Rose, is an evergreen, semi-evergreen low shrub belonging to Rosaceae, originating in Guizhou, Hubei, Sichuan and other places in central China, and now all over the world. Rose flowers are large, 4-5 cm in diameter, mostly double petals and single petals, with petals diverging from inside to outside; Many colors, red, pink, occasionally white and yellow, aroma, rose flowering long, more ornamental value, industry also uses rose to extract spices.

2. Rose flower effect

(1) Rose flowers have long flowering period, high appreciation value and affordable price. They are widely used in horticultural cultivation and cut flowers, such as flower beds, flower borders and garden flowers. Rose bonsai can be made as cut flowers, flower baskets and bouquets. Secondly, rose flowers are also used in industry to extract spices.

(2) The roots, leaves and flowers of rose flowers can be used as medicine, which has the functions of activating blood circulation and detumescence, diminishing inflammation and detoxification. Secondly, rose tastes sweet and warm. It has the functions of activating blood circulation and regulating menstruation, detumescence and detoxification when entering liver meridian. It is a good gynecological medicine.

II. Cultivation methods and precautions of rose flowers

Rose vitality is very strong, but want to raise rose, you need to understand its growth habits, usually pay attention to the rose growth temperature, light, moisture, soil and other conditions, in the breeding we should pay attention to the following breeding methods and precautions:

1. Requirements for flower pots of roses

If it is potted roses, it is necessary to choose appropriate flowerpots according to the size of the plants. When the roots of the plants are full of flowerpots, large flowerpots should be replaced in time. The flowerpots generally choose ceramic and clay pots with good air permeability.

2. Soil requirements for roses

It is best to choose soil containing organic matter, fertile, loose, acidic and good drainage for planting roses. The pH value should be kept slightly acidic or neutral. Generally, garden soil, compost, river sand, vegetable cake and bone meal can be prepared according to the ratio of 3:3:2:1.

3. Temperature requirements of roses

Rose likes warm, avoid hot, cold-resistant, suitable temperature for growth is 22℃-25℃, when the summer temperature exceeds 25℃, flowering shortened, high temperature above 30℃, flowering will be reduced, so pay attention to cooling and ventilation; winter is below 5℃ to stop growing, in dormant state, indoor can safely winter.

4. Light requirements of roses

Rose likes light, light should be sufficient, air should be circulated, do not breed roses in dark and humid places, in summer, give roses proper shade, otherwise blooming flowers are easy to lose water and dry up.

5. Humidity requirements of roses

Rose like wet, so every day to maintain soil and air humidity, the best control in 70%-80% best.

6. Water requirements of roses

Rose flowers like wet soil, remember that the watering principle is "not dry, not watering, watering to irrigate", summer high temperature is best to spray water in the morning and evening, winter according to the dry and wet conditions of the pot soil to determine the amount and time of watering.

7. Fertilization requirements for roses

Rose flowering long, large demand for fertilizer, generally in the spring and autumn two growth seasons, fertilization every 10-15 days, the use of organic fertilizer and compound fertilizer can be, in summer and winter should stop fertilization.

8. Rose shaping and pruning

After the rose flowers wither, the rose flowers should cut off the diseased branches, weak branches and degenerate branches in time, adjust the plant height appropriately, and cut short the branches that grow particularly vigorously.

9, rose pest control

The main diseases of rose are powdery mildew, gray mold, black spot, dead leaf disease and so on. According to different diseases to take different control measures, the most important is timely control.

10. Propagation of roses

If you want to cultivate roses separately, you can cut more than 2 branches in the pruning of roses, which can be used for cutting propagation.

Rose adaptability is very strong, but also very good to feed, in peacetime pay more attention to some common sense and precautions for raising flowers, it can be raised very well with a little snack.

3. Cutting time and method of rose flower

Rose can be cut all year round, but spring and autumn are more suitable for cutting, the specific cutting methods are as follows:

1. Select branches

Select healthy branches with more than 2 nodes, branch length of 10-15 cm, leave two or three leaves, and then put the branches into rooting water to soak for half an hour, which is conducive to promoting rooting.

2. Soil mixing

Select good aeration, fertile loose soil as the culture soil, generally optional decay soil, garden soil, pearlite according to the ratio of 3:3:4 preparation.

3. Incubation soil treatment

Choose a pot with holes in the bottom, put the culture soil into the pot, insert the rose branches into the pot soil, and then wet the soil with a watering can.

4. Care after cuttage

After cuttage, cover a layer of plastic film on the flowerpot, and then put the flowerpot in a semi-shaded place with ventilation and scattered light for maintenance. In the early stage, it is necessary to spray water many times a day, and then spray water once in the morning, middle and evening, and then spray it once every 3 days. Under normal circumstances, under the temperature condition of 20-28℃, new roots grow out after about 20 days.

In fact, rose cuttage is mainly to do: choose healthy branches, match the appropriate culture soil, put in a cool and ventilated place, keep the soil moist, these three points are the most critical place for cuttage, do these four points well, the survival rate of rose will be very high.

Conclusion: The introduction of rose breeding methods and precautions is here. If you are a novice friend, you may wish to try the maintenance of rose flowers according to the above methods, or you can prune your own cuttings.