
Teach you to identify common pepper pests, do these control measures is the best policy!

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, As one of the ingredients commonly used in family cooking in Hunan, Sichuan and other regions, pepper is planted in a wide area, from south to be planted, the following will teach you to identify common pepper pests, do a good job of prevention and control measures, so that the yield doubled! 1. Bacterial wilt 1.

Chili pepper, as one of the commonly used ingredients for family cooking in Hunan, Sichuan and other regions, has a wide planting area, from south to quilt. Here's how to identify common pepper pests and take control measures to double the yield!

1. Bacterial wilt

1. Disease characteristics: when the plant was sick, the top leaves of the diseased plant withered during the day, cloudy days or recovered sooner or later, and the leaves remained green but the whole plant withered after 2-3 days. Cut the diseased stem, the catheter is brown, soak the incision in water, and flow out white turbid bacterial liquid from the incision.

two。 Incidence regularity: pepper bacterial wilt is a bacterial disease, which is serious when the soil temperature reaches 20 ℃-25 ℃, the air temperature reaches 30 ℃-37 ℃, and the soil water content reaches more than 25%. When the heavy rain suddenly clears, the temperature rises rapidly, the humidity is big, the transpiration is large, the pathogen activity is exuberant, the diseased plant increases, the harm is serious. The pathogen is suitable to develop when the soil pH is 6.6.

3. Prevention and control methods:

(1) selecting disease-resistant varieties

(2) adjust the pH of soil and apply 50-100 kg lime per mu.

(3) implement crop rotation to prevent continuous or continuous cropping.

(4) after timely examination, the diseased plants were immediately removed and burned, and lime powder was sprinkled in the acupoint; 100-200PPM agricultural streptomycin or spring streptomycin could be used to wet the soil with a packet of water for 3 times, and root irrigation was carried out every 10-15 days for 2-3 times.

2. Pepper virus disease

1. Symptoms: pepper virus disease is mainly mosaic virus disease. It often occurs in the top leaves, and the symptoms are leaf mosaic, yellowing and leaf curling; the plant is wrinkled or there are stripes on the fruit. When several viruses were co-infected, it caused streak symptoms, dark brown stripes on leaves and fruits, and when serious, the whole plant was deciduous, which seriously hindered the photosynthesis of pepper.

Sometimes abnormal leaves appear on individual plants, the new leaves do not extend, showing needle-like, plant growth is slow or "crazy growth", or appear at the top blackening, necrosis.

two。 Prevention and control methods:

The main results are as follows: (1) the principle of "disease prevention and insect control first" should be followed in the prevention and control of pepper virus disease. Now is the wheat harvest season, the temperature is high, aphids, planthoppers, thrips occur more seriously, these insects are the main culprit for the spread of viral diseases. Insect pests can be controlled at the occurrence stage by covering insect control nets to avoid insects and insecticides and other measures.

(2) under certain conditions, the sheltering net with more than 60 meshes can be selected. After planting, 400-500 times of Plidenfish protein can be sprayed once every 5-7 days, continuously for 2-3 times, so as to ensure the healthy growth of the plant and enhance its anti-virus ability.

(3) for chili peppers with virus, we can choose virulent or phytotoxin 1000 times + Plidenfish protein 400 times + imidacloprid 1500 times.

3. Anthracnose of pepper

1. Symptoms: leaf infection, initially faded green water-immersed spots, gradually turned brown, light gray in the middle, and small black spots on the disease spot. Fruit stalk damaged, brown sunken spots.

The fruit was killed with water-immersed yellow-brown round or irregular spots, with raised concentric patterns and many black spots, and the surface of the spot overflowed with red sticky matter when it was wet. The disease spots on the fruit are easy to dry and shrink like a membrane, and some of them are ruptured.

two。 Law: anthracnose is the main disease of hot pepper in summer, especially in the field, high temperature and rainy weather or the use of too much nitrogen fertilizer, flood irrigation is easy to cause anthracnose, once anthracnose occurs, the incidence rate is fast, often cause a large area of fallen leaves and fruit rot, especially in the middle and later stages of pepper growth, pepper anthracnose is more likely to occur.

3. Prevention and control methods:

(1) strengthen field management. Reasonable close planting, formula fertilization, avoid high temperature and humidity, pay attention to drainage, timely removal of diseased leaves, diseased fruits and residues, pepper topdressing appropriate increase in the use of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, combined watering with water flushing Spridon fish protein 2-4 kg + balanced nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium water-soluble fertilizer 5-10 kg.

(2) it is best to prevent in advance. At the initial stage of the disease, 70% methyl thiazine wettable powder can be sprayed 600 times 800 times, or 80% mancozeb wettable powder 500 times, and prochloraz 1200-1500 times can be sprayed once every 5-7 days for 3-4 times in a row.

4. Yellow mite of chili tea

1. There are many pests in open pepper in summer, except for aphids, cotton bollworm and thrips, tea yellow mites are also easy to occur. Tea yellow mites are not easy to be found in the early stage, and can not even be seen by the naked eye at the initial stage. But once it happens, it will cause a large area of yellow leaves and fallen leaves of pepper, in the later stage, it is often difficult to prevent, therefore, tea yellow mites should be prevented in advance.

two。 Prevention and control methods:

The main results are as follows: (1) because the tea yellow mite has a strong tenderness, it is mainly distributed in the primary part of the tip of the crop, and the damage is the most serious, so it is necessary to give medicine in advance to prevent it, and emphasis should be placed on spraying in the young and tender parts.

(2) the harm of tea yellow mite can be effectively prevented and controlled by using 400 times of Plidenfish protein + 1.8% avermectin EC 1500-2000 times or 15% Dipyridene EC 3000 times + Prydenfish protein 400 times, foliar spraying 2-3 times.

In addition, pepper flower and fruit drop is mainly caused by low temperature, pay attention to control the temperature in the greenhouse, keep the greenhouse temperature 25-28 degrees in the morning during the day is conducive to flowering and pollination. Above 28 degrees, ventilation began to dissipate humidity, and it was kept at about 15 degrees at night. Can be used to collect more than 5000 times liquid spray, 5-7 days once spray 2-3 times.

Some disinfection of chili peppers before sowing is also very important, not to save trouble, be sure to do a good job of greenhouse, seed and soil disinfection, which can reduce a lot of work in the later stage. In addition, the most important thing is that the occurrence of diseases and insect pests must be dealt with in time to avoid affecting other healthy plants.