
Hubei pomelo base many of the grapefruit here when the general maturity of the market?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Among the many autumn fruits, grapefruit can be regarded as the largest, and the thick-skinned meat is more resistant to storage, so it has the reputation of canned natural fruit. Although grapefruit has rough skin and thick meat, it is also a beauty with considerable connotations. It is white in color, fragrant in taste and charming in charm. Hubei province

Among the many autumn fruits, grapefruit can be regarded as the largest, and the thick-skinned meat is resistant to storage, so it has the reputation of "canned natural fruit". Although grapefruit has rough skin and thick meat, it is also a beauty with considerable connotation. "grapefruit is white in color, fragrant in taste and charming in charm." Where is Hubei pomelo base? When will it mature? How much is the price per jin?

Where is the Hubei grapefruit base?

Both Yichang and Enshi in Hubei have grapefruit bases. Hubei honey pomelo is famous for its small upper and lower bottom, thin skin, juicy, sweet taste, pulp dregs and excellent varieties.

When will Hubei grapefruit mature?

Hubei grapefruit usually matures from late October to early November, and autumn is a good season to eat grapefruit. Grapefruit has high nutritional value and is rich in protein, organic acids, vitamins and essential elements such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and sodium. Modern medicine believes that grapefruit contains a physiologically active substance called naringin, which can reduce blood viscosity and reduce the formation of blood clots. Therefore, eating grapefruit can promote wound healing and has a better preventive effect on septicaemia, cerebral thrombosis, stroke and other cerebrovascular diseases, especially for middle-aged and elderly people.

But grapefruit can not eat more, and some people are not suitable to eat, such as grapefruit cold, people with cold body easily cause diarrhea and other symptoms; people who are taking antihypertensive drugs should also eat less, because grapefruit contains a chemical called furan coumarin, which will double the amount of medicine in the blood, drop blood pressure too much, and then pose a threat to health.

Third, how much is the price of Hubei grapefruit per jin?

Recently, the price of Hubei grapefruit has changed greatly, probably fluctuating between 2.6-7.5 yuan / jin, a large number of grapefruit have been listed on the market, and there is a great competition between different varieties.

IV. Matters needing attention in the cultivation of grapefruit

1. Insufficient supply of soil fertility, or imbalance of N, P, K application ratio, resulting in insufficient supply of tree nutrients.

2. The root activity of honey pomelo is insufficient due to root rot, especially in case of drought, overcast and rain, low temperature and low-lying land.

3. The insufficient supply of micro-fertilizer hinders the top growth, such as lack of zinc, magnesium, iron and so on.

In view of the above reasons, the following remedial measures are recommended:

1, foliar spraying functional nutrient solution, such as "love more harvest", humic acid foliar fertilizer.

2. Foliar application of plant growth regulators. For example, brassinolide is sprayed for about 3 times.

3. Eliminate the disadvantageous factors of orchard as far as possible. The construction of irrigation facilities should be strengthened in mountain orchards and drainage facilities should be strengthened in low-lying areas to reduce impregnation.

4. Pay attention to the application of farm manure and organic fertilizer and strengthen soil improvement measures to make the overall soil fertility meet the growth needs of pomelo. When tip yellowing occurs, it is caused by lack of fertilizer, and the application of organic liquid fertilizer (both root irrigation and some functional nutrient solution, such as amino acid and humic acid liquid fertilizer) can be taken.