
When will the jujube in Neihuang County, the hometown of Chinese red dates, mature? Does the newly-built jujube orchard in this county have a bonus policy?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Neihuang is named as the hometown of Chinese red dates by the country, because the jujubes produced in this county are delicious and have a large output. The acid content of Neihuang jujube is 5 times of the average content of jujube fruit, the content of vitamin C is 10 times that of citrus and 75 times that of apple. China

Neihuang is named "the hometown of Chinese red jujube" by the country, because the red jujube produced in this county is delicious and the output is large. The acid content of Neihuang jujube is 5 times of the average content of jujube fruit, the content of vitamin C is 10 times that of citrus and 75 times that of apple. When will the jujube in Neihuang County, the hometown of Chinese red dates, mature? Does the newly-built jujube orchard in this county have a bonus policy?

When will the inner yellow jujube mature?

Neihuang jujube every mid-September to October jujube ripening season, every year will hold a cultural festival, we can go to pick red dates.

Neihuang jujube has strong adaptability, waterlogging, drought and barren resistance, which is very suitable for the soil characteristics of the inner yellow sand area. the planting mode is mainly agricultural jujube intercropping, which not only protects the wind and fix sand, adjusts the climate, but also improves the ecological environment, but also promotes the stable and high yield of agriculture.

Second, is there a reward and subsidy policy for the newly-built red jujube orchard in Neihuang?

According to the supplementary opinions on the construction of red jujube park in Neihuang County, we can understand that there is a bonus policy.

(1) the reward standard for the newly-built red jujube dense planting demonstration garden

1. There is no need to remove poplars in the park.

Those who have built a densely planted demonstration park of more than 100mu and passed the acceptance will receive a bonus of 100000 yuan in addition to the 2017 bonus and subsidy policy.

two。 The poplars in the park need to be removed.

Those who build a new dense planting park of more than 50 mu and pass the acceptance will receive a bonus of 100000 yuan (including poplar removal fees) in addition to the 2017 bonus policy; those who build a new dense planting park of more than 100mu and pass the acceptance inspection will enjoy the 2017 bonus policy, a further bonus of 200000 yuan (including poplar removal fees).

(2) New demonstration garden for grafting improvement of old jujube trees

For those who carry out grafting of new superior varieties, the area is more than 5 mu, the number of jujube trees per mu is not less than 15, the number of grafted branches per plant is more than 20, and the survival rate is more than 90%. After acceptance, they will be rewarded and compensated for two years, with a reward of 1000 Laure1500 yuan per mu in the first year and 500 yuan per mu in the second year.

1. The poplars in the park need to be removed.

The newly built demonstration park of 50 mu (including 50 mu) will be awarded 500 yuan per mu in the first year in addition to the above-mentioned bonus policy. For the newly-built demonstration park of 100mu (including 100mu), the newly built demonstration park will be awarded 100000 yuan (including poplar removal fee) in addition to the above-mentioned bonus and subsidy policy, and 200000 yuan (including poplar removal fee) in addition to the above-mentioned bonus policy.

two。 There is no need to remove poplars in the park.

The newly built demonstration park of more than 100mu will be awarded 100000 yuan in addition to the above-mentioned reward and subsidy policy.

Those who cause damage and death of old jujube trees under the pretext of grafting and improving old jujube trees will be dealt with seriously in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Circular of the people's Government of Neihuang County on effectively strengthening the Protection of Red Jujube Resources (No. 3 of 2013). If the circumstances are serious, he will be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with the law.

(3) Special awards

In recent years, the six parks which played an exemplary role in grafting improvement and introduction of new varieties have been actively explored and tested successfully, and financial awards totaled 80,000 yuan, including 20,000 yuan for Mengjiayuan Farm, 20,000 yuan for Qianguohui Farm, 10,000 yuan for Lu Family Farm, 10,000 yuan for Ma Xijun picking Garden, 10,000 yuan for Qinrui Eden Garden, and 10,000 yuan for Zaofuyuan.