
How to grow sugar cane? How to prevent lodging problem?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Sugar cane is a relatively high growth of crops, it can reach more than two meters in the late growth, tall plants, leaves will also increase. If you encounter stormy weather, the center of gravity is unstable and easy to fall. So how to prevent sugarcane lodging

Sugarcane is a relatively tall crop, it can reach more than two meters in the later stage, the plant is tall, and the leaves will increase with it. If you encounter rainstorm and storm weather, the center of gravity is unstable and it is easy to fall down. So how to prevent the lodging of sugarcane? How to grow sugarcane, ​?

First, how to prevent the lodging of sugarcane?

The main results are as follows: 1. When selecting varieties, we should choose this lodging-resistant variety, which is mainly because the cane stem is relatively hard, the root is very strong, and there are not many sugarcane leaves in the later stage, and the cane stem is straight and not easy to lodge.

2. Base fertilizer should be fully applied before planting, and topdressing will be done as soon as possible. It is necessary to prepare fertilizer reasonably and not apply more nitrogen fertilizer, so that sugarcane can grow sturdily and improve the ability of lodging resistance.

3. After the sugarcane grows tall, the lower old leaves and dead leaves can be removed, because the photosynthetic capacity of the old leaves has decreased a lot, and only 5-8 leaves are needed for each sugarcane plant. This can reduce the load-bearing and wind-exposed area of sugarcane and prevent lodging. The sugarcane can also be tied into a "human" shape with a rope when the sugarcane is about two meters long, which can also effectively prevent lodging.

Second, how to grow sugar cane?

1. Land preparation

Soil preparation is to provide a deep, loose and fertile soil condition for sugarcane growth, in order to fully meet the needs of its root growth, so that the root system can better play the role of absorbing water and nutrients. At the same time, soil preparation can also reduce diseases, insects and weeds in sugarcane fields.

Deep ploughing is the basis for increasing production. The root system of sugarcane is well developed, and deep ploughing is beneficial to the development of root system, which makes the aboveground part grow fast and the yield is high. Deep ploughing is a general principle and requirement. The specific degree of deep ploughing must be adjusted to local conditions, depending on the depth of the original ploughing layer and soil properties, generally about 30 cm. Deep ploughing should not destroy the original soil layer, and should be combined with the application of fertilizer. Early ploughing can make the soil weathered and improve soil fertility. Therefore, the sugarcane field should be ploughed in time after the previous crop harvest. Early ploughing is more important for planting sugarcane after rice.

2. Open sugarcane ditch

The planting ditch enables sugarcane to be planted to a certain depth, which is convenient for fertilization management.

(1) conventional sugarcane ditch

The width and depth of sugarcane ditch should be adjusted to local conditions, generally about 20 cm deep, 20-25 cm wide at the bottom of the ditch, and flat at the bottom of the ditch.

(2) drought-resistant and high-yield sugarcane ditch

Trench along the contour line around the mountain, deep ditch plate soil suppression, ditch depth of 40 cm, ditch bottom width of 25 cm, ditch center distance of 100 cm, cover the seedlings of the upper ditch with the bottom tidal soil of the lower ditch. Cover soil 6.6 cm, compacted.

3. Fertilization

(1) re-application of base fertilizer

Fertilizer is mainly organic fertilizer, phosphorus, potassium fertilizer and a small amount of nitrogen fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer and potassium fertilizer are mainly used as base fertilizer, because the absorption of phosphorus fertilizer by sugarcane is mainly in the early and middle stages. And the mobility of phosphate fertilizer in the soil is small, and it needs to be close to the root in order to be easily absorbed. The absorption of potassium fertilizer by sugarcane is also mainly in the early and middle stages (about 80%). And the potassium absorbed by sugarcane plants in the early and middle stages can be needed in the later stage. Therefore, potash fertilizer should be applied early, when the amount is small, it should be used as base fertilizer once, when the amount is more, half of it should be used as base fertilizer, and the other half should be applied at the peak tillering stage or early elongation stage.

(2) topdressing by stages

According to the law of fertilizer demand of sugarcane, the application principle of topdressing can be summarized as "three attacks and one supplement, light at both ends and heavy in the middle". "three attacks" means to attack seedling fertilizer, tiller fertilizer and stem fertilizer. "one supplement" means to apply strong tail fertilizer in the later stage. "light at both ends" refers to less fertilizer application at seedling stage and late elongation stage, and "middle weight" refers to more fertilizer application at the early stage of elongation.

4. Peeling sugarcane leaves scientifically and rationally

The period of leaf stripping should be determined according to the withered leaves and labor force of sugarcane plants. The leaves can be stripped once from August to September and from October to November, and each time should be carried out in the morning or afternoon, because sugarcane leaves have the highest efficiency of assimilating carbon dioxide within 4 to 5 hours after sunrise in the morning. Early leaf peeling can damage the growth of sugarcane and reduce photosynthesis of sugarcane.

(1) when peeling leaves, the tip of the leaf should be turned upward by hand, not downward, so as not to hurt the leaf scar.

(2) No peeling or less peeling of green leaves, because green leaves not only have photosynthesis, but also most of the nutrients can be transferred and reused before death.

(3) the leaves should not be excessively stripped at one time, but should be divided into several times. In short, more than 10 green leaves must be kept.

(4) the land with serious diseases and insect pests is taken away and burned, and it is suggested that the sugarcane fields should be covered in separate rows without diseases and insect pests, so that not only water and moisture can be preserved, but also sugarcane leaves can be used as organic fertilizer after decay.

(5) the land reserved for sugarcane seeds does not peel leaves in order to protect the sugarcane buds from damage.

5. Timely ploughing and weeding

The growth of sugarcane in seedling stage is slow, the row spacing is wide and the gap is large, and most sugarcane seedlings coincide with the rainy season, which is easy to grow weeds, compete with sugarcane for sunlight, water and nutrients, and affect sugarcane growth and tillering. In order to reduce the workload, chemical herbicides can be used to control weeds: 300-400 grams of 80% Amijing wettable powder per mu and 50 kg of water.

6. Pest control

The main pest in the seedling stage is the sugarcane borer, that is, the heart-drilling worm, which harms the sugarcane seedlings and causes withered hearts. If there is no pesticide when sowing, before the withered heart seedlings appear in the middle and late May, spray 500 times trichlorfon solution to control. Spray once in 5-7 days, 2-3 times in a row.