
Do you want Toona sinensis buds to be stored longer? Take a quick look at these two preservation methods!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The buds of Toona sinensis, a vegetable on the tree, are the buds of Toona sinensis, native to China and distributed in a wide range of areas in the north and south of the Yangtze River. The tree is tall, which is not only for the consumption of Toona sinensis buds, but also the preferred tree species for landscaping. What are the effects and effects of Toona sinensis buds? What is the storage method?

"vegetables on the tree" Toon buds, the buds of Toona sinensis, are native to China and distributed in a wide range of areas in the north and south of the Yangtze River. The tree is tall, which is not only for the consumption of Toona sinensis buds, but also the preferred tree species for landscaping. What are the effects and effects of Toona sinensis buds? What is the storage method? How do you cook it?

I. the efficacy and function of Toona sinensis buds

1. Appetizing and invigorating the spleen

Toona sinensis is a famous product in season, which contains volatile aromatic organic compounds such as toon, which can strengthen spleen and appetizer and increase appetite.

two。 Dispel worms and treat ringworm

Toona sinensis has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, insecticidal effect, can be used to treat ascariasis, sore, scabies and other diseases.

3. Anti-aging and cosmetology

Containing vitamin E and sex hormone substances, it has the effect of anti-aging and tonifying yang and nourishing yin, so it has the laudatory name of "progesterone" and has a good effect on lubricating skin, so it is a good food for health care and beauty.

4. Clearing heat and promoting dampness

Toona sinensis has the effect of clearing heat and dampness, diuresis and detoxification. it is a good medicine for auxiliary treatment of enteritis, dysentery and urinary system infection. Therefore, there is a saying among the people that "the buds of Toona sinensis do not get sick".

5. Astringent blood to stop dysentery and collapse

Toona sinensis can dry dampness and clear heat, converge solid astringent, can be used for long diarrhea, intestinal hemorrhoids, hematochezia, bleeding and other diseases.

2. Storage methods of Toona sinensis buds

Method 1:

Nowadays, we mostly use this method: take off the fresh Toona sinensis, wash it, and then blanch it with hot water to see it change from red to green. Remove and soak in cold water for a few minutes. Then squeeze out the water. Divide it into a portion, put it in a plastic bag, roll it up and seal it. Freeze it directly in the refrigerator. This can also be preserved for half a year, and after thawing, the smell of Toon is very good, which is not much different from the fresh one.

After blanching, the flesh of Toona sinensis is ripe, and the cells are malleable to a certain extent. when frozen, the water in the cells expands and ice crystals are produced. If they are not blanched and frozen directly, the ice crystals are easy to pierce the cell wall. After thawing, the Toona sinensis will collapse, and the color will become dark and no longer fresh.

Method 2:

A long time ago, when people did not have a refrigerator, they mostly used this method of pickling: take off the fresh Chinese toon, do not wash it, put it in a container without oil and water, put it directly into salt, put more, and rub the Chinese toon with salt by hand. Marinate in a cool place for about a week, then spread out and dry for a few days. After that, it can be sealed and stored in a plastic bag. In this way, it can be stored for half a year without problem. Soak it before eating, then blanch it with water. You can fry Toon fish, scramble eggs and so on.

You can choose toon buds with 'stalks' and relatively large ones, so that the pickled Toona sinensis is very tough to eat, although it is not fresh enough, but it also has a different taste.

Third, how to cook the sprouts of Toona sinensis?

(1) scrambled eggs with Toon

1. Prepare eggs, toon head, oil, salt and cornflour; then knock the eggs into a bowl and stir well, then wash the toon thoroughly

two。 Blanch the Toona sinensis in boiling water for one minute, remove it, pass through the cold water, squeeze out the water, cut it into pieces, then put the starch into the Toona sinensis and stir well.

3. Then pour in the egg and continue to stir well, then heat the pan and pour in the oil, pour in the egg, fry over medium heat until one side is golden brown, then turn the other side to build yellow, then break it with a spatula and serve.

(2) Toona sinensis with cold salad

1. Cool the Toona sinensis after blanching and squeeze out the water.

two。 Add salt and olive oil and mix it.

3. You can add almonds, walnuts or fried peanuts according to your taste, or nothing.