
Where is the origin of "anti-cancer food" pumpkin? What is the price trend in the near future?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Pumpkin is one of the common vegetables in daily life, which is rich in nutritional value, unique taste, and has the title of anti-cancer food. Pumpkins are eaten differently in different periods, such as tender pumpkins can be stir-fried and old pumpkins can be cooked. Where is the origin of the pumpkin? Near

Pumpkin is one of the common vegetables in daily life, with rich nutritional value and unique taste, and has the title of "anti-cancer food". Pumpkins are eaten differently in different periods, such as tender pumpkins can be stir-fried and old pumpkins can be cooked. Where is the origin of the pumpkin? What is the price trend in the near future? What are the specific planting techniques?

Where is the origin of pumpkin?

Pumpkin originated from Mexico to Central America and has been cultivated for 9,000 years. Columbus brought it back to Europe and was later introduced by Portugal to Japan, Indonesia, the Philippines and other places. China began to introduce it in the Ming Dynasty. At present, it is widely cultivated all over the world, with the largest cultivated area in Asia, followed by Europe and South America, widely planted in the north and south of China, the most widely planted in Northeast China, and the most widely planted in Heilongjiang.

Second, what is the recent price trend of pumpkins?

Recently, pumpkin prices have fluctuated a lot in major markets:

The wholesale price of pumpkin in the fruit and vegetable market in northern Zhejiang is 5 yuan / kg, which is the same as the quotation on the 21st.

The wholesale price of pumpkin made in Changqiao vegetable batch is 1.6 yuan / kg, up 0.1 yuan / kg compared with the 20th.

The wholesale price of pumpkin in Jiaxing vegetable market is 4.58 yuan / kg, up 2.77 yuan / kg compared with the 20th.

The wholesale price of Shaoxing fruit batch pumpkin is 5 yuan / kg, which is the same as the quotation on the 21st.

III. Pumpkin planting techniques

1. Planting: when there are 3-5 true leaves, strong, disease-free and pest-free seedlings can be selected in the sunny afternoon, 1 plant per pot, the planting depth should be cotyledon flat soil surface, and watered thoroughly. If it is direct seeding, it is necessary to remove the sick seedlings and leave 1 seedling in each hole.

2. Fertilization: about 10 days after planting, sparse organic fertilizer was sprayed once, mainly nitrogen fertilizer. The plant grows rapidly after climbing the vine, and the first topping is carried out at the time of 8-10 true leaves, which promotes the sprouting of lateral vines, and the bracket can be set up in advance. When the lateral vine is more than 50 cm long, you can collect tender stem tips and petioles to eat, pay attention to retain about 5 leaves, and use larger soil clods to press the remaining stem vines to promote the germination of aerial roots. The rarefied mature organic fertilizer dominated by nitrogen fertilizer was sprayed once after each harvest.

3. Bracket: when the vine goes around the basin on the soil surface, it can pull the stem vine to climb the support, so that the leaves are evenly distributed and the branches do not block each other.

4. Growth: after a certain stage, the plant enters the flowering stage, and the male flowers are mainly male flowers at the beginning. When the flowers will not bloom in the morning, the male flowers and pedicels can be picked together for consumption. When the female flower began to grow, the mature organic fertilizer was mainly phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, and the young stem tip was reduced or stopped harvesting. If necessary, artificial pollination must be carried out before 8 o'clock in the morning. Usually there are 3-5 melons per plant for normal growth (1-2 large melons, micro melons can be increased appropriately, depending on the growth of the plant), too many young melons or female flowers should be thinned, and the stem vines should be properly topped to avoid insufficient nutrient supply. Larger melons can be hung in a firm place with net pockets, and melons close to the ground can be isolated from the soil with foam or wood pads.