
How much is the price of yellow peach in Yanling, Hunan? When will it mature?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Yanling belongs to a small mountain city in the southeast of Hunan Province, which is under the jurisdiction of Zhuzhou City and the junction of Jinggang Mountains in Jiangxi Province. It is the resting place of Yan Emperor Shennong, the first ancestor of China, and an important part of the revolutionary base area of Jinggangshan. The forest coverage rate in the territory is 83.51%. The yellow peaches produced here

Yanling belongs to a small mountain city in the southeast of Hunan Province, which is under the jurisdiction of Zhuzhou City and the junction of Jinggang Mountains in Jiangxi Province. It is the resting place of Yan Emperor Shennong, the first ancestor of China, and an important part of the revolutionary base area of Jinggangshan. The forest coverage rate in the territory is 83.51%. The yellow peaches produced here are good in taste and good in appearance, and are loved by many consumers. How much is the Yanling yellow peach per jin? When will it mature?

How much is the yellow peach per jin in Yanling?

Yanling yellow peaches are generally packaged and without packaging, with packaging is outside Hunan Province 10 jin load 198 yuan / piece, 5 jin load 98 yuan / piece! It costs 168 yuan per piece for 10 jin and 88 yuan for 5 jin in Hunan province, 19.8 yuan per jin outside Hunan province without packaging, and 16.8 yuan per jin in Hunan province. Yanling yellow peach authentic fruit shape, orange color, no disease spot or less disease spot, the price is higher.

When you buy, if you have time, you can compare the goods, so that you can pick out Yanling yellow peaches that are both cheap and of good quality. However, the price provided above is for reference only. Whether we can buy it or not should be determined according to the actual situation. Sometimes, when the output of Yanling yellow peach is more or when it is promoted in shopping malls and supermarkets, the price will be slightly lower, if the output is not good, the price will also be much higher.

When will the Yanling yellow peach mature?

The ripening period of Yanling yellow peach is from late July to late August every year, which is very precious because of its short fruit period and difficulty in preservation and transportation. Early-maturing varieties can not be called Yanling yellow peach.

Third, what is the nutritional value of Yanling yellow peach?

1. Yanling yellow peach is rich in carbohydrates, which is an important substance in the body, which can store and provide heat energy, regulate fat metabolism, and enhance intestinal function. In addition, it is rich in vitamin c, which can protect tooth health, prevent arteriosclerosis, remove free radicals, prevent cancer, protect cells, protect liver, improve immunity and so on.

2. Yanling yellow peach is rich in antioxidants (α-carotene, β-carotene, lycopene, vitamin C, etc.), dietary fiber (a lot of pectin in pulp is cellulose needed by human body, etc.), iron, calcium and a variety of trace elements selenium, zinc, etc., in addition, it also contains malic acid, citric acid and other ingredients. The nutrient content of Yanling yellow peach was significantly higher than that of other peaches.

Thus it can be seen that Yanling yellow peach has high nutritional value, and proper consumption is beneficial and harmless to the human body.

Fourth, the delicious eating method of yellow peach

1. Preserved yellow peach

Put white sugar and rock sugar in a clean pot, put in the right amount of water (after the fruit is in the water, the soup will come down, the water does not need to be too much, the sweetness is right), add sugar according to taste, boil to make a light red.

Stir the right amount of starch with water and pour it in to make the sugar water look thicker.

Pour the boiled sugar water into a container that is enough to stir the fruit, cool thoroughly, and then pour the chopped yellow peach into the mixture for half an hour to make the taste more delicious.

2. Yellow peach syrup

Wash the fine hair off the yellow peach and wash it with professional fruit and vegetable salt

Peel it with a knife and cut it in half.

Add rock sugar and water, and the amount of water can just be the same as that of yellow peaches.

Bring to the boil over high heat, turn off the heat and cook for 15 minutes. There will be some foam when cooking, skimmed off with a spoon.

Fill it in a glass bowl or tin bottle, wait for two hours to cool thoroughly, and put it in the refrigerator.