
How to cultivate thin-skinned melon? Explanation of 7 major technical points

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Thin-skinned muskmelon has always been the cultivation method of climbing vines on the ground, which is disorderly interspersed with melons, which is difficult to manage and the yield is low. So how to cultivate thin-skinned melons? What are the technical points? 1. The root system of muskmelon is widely distributed, with larger leaves and

Thin-skinned muskmelon has always been the cultivation method of climbing vines on the ground, which is disorderly interspersed with melons, which is difficult to manage and the yield is low. So how to cultivate thin-skinned melons? What are the technical points?

I. soil selection

Muskmelon has a wide distribution of roots and large leaves and fruits, so it has a unique selectivity to soil. Different soil types, fertility and salinity have different effects on the yield and quality of muskmelon. Only when the soil structure is loose, the root system can grow well. The soil structure is compact, the ventilation is poor, and the root growth is poor. Therefore, the sandy loam is more suitable for the cultivation of muskmelon.

Second, apply sufficient base fertilizer

The absorption of nutrients by muskmelon is positively correlated with the formation of dry matter and the accumulation of sugar, so the application of high quality fertilizer is the key measure to obtain high quality and high yield of muskmelon. According to the law of nutrient absorption by muskmelon growth and development, base fertilizer should be given priority to and topdressing should be supplemented. Thin-skinned melon grows relatively fast, and the need for fertilizer is not strict, mainly based on base fertilizer, applying 60, 000 kg of high-quality soil and miscellaneous fertilizer per hectare, or 1100 kg of bean cake, 1100-1500 kg of calcium superphosphate, or 450 kg of ammonium phosphate per hectare. Dig a ditch or dig a hole before sowing, mix fertilizer and soil evenly and apply it as base fertilizer into the ditch or hole.

3. Topdressing

In the whole growth process, muskmelon needs to constantly absorb nutrients and form the photosynthetic products of plants through photosynthesis, so there are more requirements for nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. As long as a certain amount of available fertilizer has been applied to the base fertilizer, the available fertilizer will no longer be applied at the seedling stage. In order to improve the cold resistance of seedlings, promote root development and robust growth of seedlings, the main application of available nitrogen fertilizer, phosphorus is more suitable, because nitrogen growth seedlings, phosphorus strong seedlings. Topdressing diammonium phosphate can be applied into diammonium water, hole application, mixed into about 5% diammonium solution, 0.5 kg of fertilizer per tree, watering and sealing the soil, or digging a semicircular ditch 15 cm away from the seedling on one side of the seedling, applying the fertilizer into the ditch, then burying the soil and watering it. However, due to the low temperature and ground temperature at this stage, it is not suitable to pour water, but one by one, that is, hole watering.

From vine-drawing to flowering and fruit-setting period, it is the exuberant growth period of muskmelon, and the rate of absorbing nutrients is gradually accelerated. In order to accelerate the growth and branching of muskmelon, topdressing was carried out combined with watering. It is still dominated by nitrogen fertilizer and forms its own organism by absorbing more nutrients to form a certain leaf area, which lays the foundation for the manufacture of photosynthetic matter. During this period, the air temperature and ground temperature are constantly increasing, and the growth rate of muskmelon is accelerated, so the method of ditching and fertilization should be adopted. That is, dig a ditch 15cm to 20cm deep from the seedling, sprinkle ammonium bicarbonate into the ditch, water with fertilization, and bury the soil immediately after water infiltration.

Flowering and fruit setting period, if there is crazy growth, that is, the growth is too prosperous, there will be the phenomenon of fruit drop. If the growth is poor, that is, undernutrition, there will be poor insemination, as well as falling flowers and fruits. In order to enhance plant photosynthesis, promote the development and formation of sexual organs, and improve fruit setting rate, 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate should be continuously sprayed during flowering and fruit setting period. If it is found that the seedling growth is poor, it can be combined with spraying 0.5%-0.6% urea.

The fruit expands to mature, especially after fruit setting, the vegetative growth and reproductive growth are very exuberant, and the absorption of the three elements reaches the peak. It should be ditched on both sides of the seedling, topdressing 50 kg of ammonium bicarbonate and 375-450 kg of potassium sulfate per hectare, or about 750 kg / ha of plant ash, fertilizing and watering.

IV. Rational watering

Before sowing, sufficient bottom water should be irrigated with hole irrigation or furrow irrigation to prepare sufficient water for sowing, seedling emergence and seedling growth. the amount of irrigation is related to soil type, tillage depth and irrigation method, about 900 cubic meters per hectare. Furrow irrigation and hole irrigation can save 1 × 3 water. After irrigation, soil moisture is preserved in time and water evaporation is reduced.

The amount, frequency and time of irrigation during the whole growth process depend on the local climate, soil type and seedling growth. Especially into the fruit expansion period, watering almost every day or watering every other day. In addition to the fact that the crop itself needs to absorb a large amount of water, the soil and water misses the amount of water from 1pm 2 to 1pm 3.

You can also decide whether to irrigate or not by observing the "appearance" of plants. When the melon leaf color is light green, the top of the vine grows significantly upward or vigorously, which is a symbol of excessive water in the plant; the leaf edge curls and droops slightly at noon and returns to normal in the early morning after the night, which is a symbol of the beginning of water shortage in the plant. The leaf margin curled and drooped, and the leaves no longer returned to normal, indicating a serious lack of water in the plant. The best time for irrigation should be when the crop begins to lack water, otherwise it will cause poor plant growth and reduce yield. Basically, the irrigation of muskmelon should be based on furrow irrigation, not flood irrigation. Furrow irrigation saves water, and the depth of water infiltration is 1 / 2 times deeper than that of border irrigation, which creates conditions for deep root water absorption. Flat border irrigation, the depth of water seepage is shallow, so that the root system of muskmelon is distributed in the shallow layer, resulting in premature senescence of the plant and affecting the quality of melon. Therefore, it is best to use big ditch irrigation, muskmelon whether in the seedling stage or flowering and fruit-setting stage, sooner or later should not be irrigated during the day, let alone before and after noon. At noon, the plant is in a state of high temperature, irrigated with cold water, the stomata in the plant will close quickly, the physiological function will be blocked, the assimilation will be reduced, and even wilting phenomenon will appear.

5. Raising seedlings

In recent years, the cultivation of thin-skinned muskmelon has adopted early-maturing varieties, which were changed from direct seeding to seedling raising and transplanting. It was cultivated in small arch shed with double film. Find a sunny free land, make a sunny bed, first select seeds before sowing, remove miscellaneous seeds, select seeds of the same size with good maturity, and then soak the seeds in warm water of 50 ℃. Soak the melon seeds for 3-4 hours, wipe them off, put them in a wet place, and sprout at 25-30 ℃. The seeds can be soaked with 0.1% boric acid or 0.1% manganese sulfate. Trace element treatment can improve the germination rate of seeds, orderly seedling emergence, and promote the development of seedling roots. Generally, after soaking seeds for 24 hours, all the seeds can germinate, the buds can be white, and the whole seedlings can be produced 3-5 days after sowing. Raising seedlings in sunny beds or small arch sheds can be done with nutrition bowls or squares.

VI. Post-planting management

1. Temperature management

Planting to slow seedling, day temperature is 30: 35 ℃, night temperature is not lower than 15 ℃, it is beneficial to slow seedling, generally not let out for 5-7 days; slow seedling after slow seedling, daytime temperature is 25: 30 ℃, night temperature is not lower than 12 ℃, which is beneficial to strong seedling and early sitting; melon is set to mature at 25: 35 ℃ in daytime and kept above 12 ℃ at night, which is beneficial to sugar accumulation of muskmelon.

2. Fertilizer and water management

Slow seedling water was watered 7-10 days after planting, and it was not watered until flowering after seedling retardation. After the first crop of melons sit down, pour water for 1 to 2 times when the eggs grow to the size of the eggs, and fertilize with the water. General application of potassium sulfate compound fertilizer 30 kg per mu. When the melon stops expanding, water it once, and then stop watering until the first crop of melon is ripe.

3. Plant adjustment

Adopt the main vine single stem hanging vine pruning method, when the plant has 5 or 7 leaves, hang the main vine well, in principle, one leaf, one vine and one melon, the whole plant generally leaves about 8 leaves and 10 melons. In order to prevent falling flowers and melons, 0.1% pyrone hormone can be used to spray flowers before flowering, and side vines can be picked while spraying flowers.

4. Prevention and control of major diseases

In order to identify and take scientific control measures, the symptoms and control methods of the main diseases are introduced as follows:

Melon Fusarium wilt, also known as wilt disease, is one of the serious diseases of melons.

The disease occurs everywhere. Often cause large areas of plant death. It is infected by soil bacteria and invades the vascular bundle from the root and rhizome. The symptom is leaf wilting, and the disease is the most serious in the middle and later stage of fruit expansion. At the seedling stage, the cotyledons and the whole plant wilted, and the base of the stem became brown and constricted, showing a quenching shape. The most common diseases occurred in the flowering stage, fruit setting stage and fruit expansion stage. At the initial stage of the disease, the leaves wilted gradually from the old leaves at the base to the tip. It was especially obvious around noon and could be recovered in the morning and evening. After a few days, all the leaves of the plant wilted and sagged, no longer recovered and then died.

Control measures: it is best to rotate with melons for more than 5 years. The seeds were disinfected before sowing. Before sowing, level the land, apply enough rotten organic fertilizer as base fertilizer, and irrigate enough bottom water. There is no irrigation at the seedling stage. Small flow irrigation should be used when watering during the growing period, and flood irrigation and series irrigation are strictly prohibited. Drug control can choose 50% carbendazim, 50% methyl topiramate, 7.5-15 kg per hectare. Sporadic diseased plants were found in the field. Benzoate, methyl topiramate, carbendazim, carbendazim and dimethazone were irrigated around the plant root with 500 × 1000 times solution of 200 × 250 ml per plant, once every 7 days for a total of 2 times.

Muskmelon blight

The disease is easy to occur in high temperature and humidity, especially after rain. At the initial stage of the disease, the base of the stem showed dark green waterlogging, the diseased part gradually constricted and soft rot, the affected leaves wilted, soon the whole plant wilted and died, and the vascular bundles of the diseased plant did not change color. The damage to the leaves produced round or irregular water-stained disease spots, the expansion rate was fast, the edge was not obvious, when dry, the leaves were green and withered, and the leaves were brittle and easy to break.

Control measures: when the disease is about to occur, choose 25% metalaxyl wettable powder 800-1000 times, or 50% metalaxyl manganese zinc wettable powder 500 times, or 64% alum wettable powder 500 times. You can also use 75% chlorothalonil 600 times, 50% carbendazim 400 times, Ruidui 25% 600 times, 25% metalaxyl plus 40% thiram 800 times, 0.25 × 0.5 kg per plant, once every 7 to 10 days, for 3 times in a row.

Muskmelon vine blight, also known as black spot, mainly harms melon vines, leaves and fruits.

It mainly occurs on the main and lateral vines; the disease is cracked and secretes a yellowish-brown gelatinous substance, which is reddish brown or black after drying. In the later stage of growth, the disease part gradually dried up, and the disease spot was gray-white. Waterlogged disease spots appear in the early stage of the fruit, and the central brown dead spots cause melon rot.

Control measures are to fully spray 70% mancozeb 500 times, 50% methyl thiophanate or carbendazim 500 times, 70% chlorothalonil 600 times or 50% mixed sulfur suspension 500 times at the initial stage of the disease.

VII. Harvest

When the skin brightness of the melon is good, the color changes, and there is the phenomenon of depilation, the melon is ripe and generally exudes fragrance, and the growth period can be picked for 80 years and 100 days. Melons were harvested best when well-done was harvested. At this time, the melon has a good color, the sweetest taste and high commodity value. Melon ripening judgment, look at the fruit discoloration, fruit surface hair off with fragrance, pedicel softened, you can pick, harvest leaving 2-3 cm stalk.