
Internet + Agriculture walking on "Belt and Road Initiative"

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, During the Han and Tang dynasties, when Chinese and European businessmen shuttled back and forth on the ancient Silk Road, food was not only the source of life of the supply caravan, but also a window for people to understand the culture of the countries along the way, and the seed of food was also an important way to improve regional agricultural products. In this silk

During the Han and Tang dynasties, when Chinese and European businessmen shuttled back and forth on the ancient Silk Road, food was not only the source of life of the supply caravan, but also a window for people to understand the culture of the countries along the way, and the seed of food was also an important way to improve regional agricultural products. On this Silk Road, Chinese tea finally reached Europe through the Silk Road, and Western crops such as grapes, carrots, pepper, cucumbers and pomegranates also spread to the Central Plains, enriching the daily diet of the Chinese people. This is the earliest form of "going out" and "attracting" of Chinese agriculture in this economic belt.

Today, with the rapid development of the Internet, under the background that "Internet +" has become a national strategy, "Belt and Road Initiative" not only refers to land and sea, but also should include today's Internet Silk Road. In other words, the advanced technology and mode of the Internet should become an important means and core engine for "Belt and Road Initiative" Chinese agriculture to "go out".

As we all know, the Belt and Road Initiative Economic Belt covers 38 countries and regions, including Central Asia, West Asia and Eastern Europe, with a population of nearly 3 billion. As a large agricultural country, China has great potential for cooperation in this field. The land and sea routes of "Belt and Road Initiative" will expand the export of China's agricultural products, provide broader market prospects for agricultural development, and open a convenient door for China's agriculture to the world. This is a great opportunity for China to develop modern agriculture and brand agriculture.

However, while facing great opportunities, China also has many problems hidden in agricultural production that are not easy to solve over a long period of time. For example, agricultural modernization production is lack of scientific management means, agricultural workers are too scattered, logistics is inconvenient, agricultural market information is not smooth, information blocking and so on. In addition, in actual production, the majority of farmers also have to face the problems of expensive agricultural materials, single sales channel of agricultural products, unable to sell prices, and so on. These factors not only restrict the development of China's agricultural modernization, but also face the great opportunity of standing in front of "Belt and Road Initiative", unable to quickly form the situation of agriculture "going out". And unable to let the policy dividend more deeply benefit more agricultural population, agricultural producing areas and other problems. At this time, "Internet +", as a tool for cross-border integration and connecting everything, can provide a variety of solutions for China's agriculture to "go out" from top-level design to practical application.

We use the Internet to connect the chain of agricultural modernization, combined with the "prenatal, mid-production, post-natal" omni-directional industrial chain to establish a complete Internet agricultural ecosystem. Let the advanced elements such as information, technology, finance and logistics infiltrate into the circulation of agricultural materials, trading of agricultural products, agricultural technology services, agricultural insurance, rural finance and other links, and systematically integrate all the attributes and functions of the Internet with agricultural ecological links. Thus, we can rebuild the rural ecology, let more agricultural population enjoy the dividend of the "Internet +" era, and make use of the advantages of professional technology, channels and brands to dig out the surplus value in each industrial chain. to achieve win-win and development.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of this China-Arab Expo, in the future, some good agricultural enterprises in Arab countries, such as fertilizers, seeds, agricultural machinery and other suppliers, can sign import agency contracts with domestic agricultural enterprises. Domestic agricultural enterprises have full authority to promote online and offline promotion, promote transactions and provide after-sales service, so that Arab agricultural brands can be quickly promoted in the Chinese market, thus forming the optimal allocation of world resources. It can not only meet the development of Chinese agriculture, but also promote the development of agricultural enterprises in Arab countries. On the other hand, many of China's superior resources can also be purchased and exported through domestic agricultural enterprises to meet the needs of Arab countries for precious resources, give full play to the two-way channels of "going out" and "bringing in", and achieve win-win communication and mutual benefit. Through the continuous development and cooperation between domestic agricultural enterprises and "Belt and Road Initiative" countries, we will provide more extensive technical support for China's agriculture to "go global" and create conditions for establishing in-depth cooperative relations with more enterprises.

The core of the "Silk Road Spirit" is connection and communication, exchange and cooperation, and the essence of the Internet is cross-border integration, connecting everything. Belt and Road Initiative's agricultural "going out" is not only about "farming" overseas, nor is it simply about selling our agricultural products or allowing Chinese farmers to buy foreign agricultural materials. what is more, it is necessary to bring the upstream and downstream industrial chain of agriculture into the overall layout of agricultural "going out". The value of "going out" lies not only in trade output, communication and exchange, but also in science and technology export, mode export, and value export. The mission of agricultural Internet enterprises is to make use of the Internet to provide the advanced model of agricultural services, and through this concept of building the ecological circle of the whole agricultural industry chain, let the world see that China is not only a big agricultural country, but also a rising new agricultural power, so that China's agricultural value system can be recognized by the world.