
Explanation of five planting techniques and matters needing attention of cabbage

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Cabbage is a strong winter crop, the transformation from vegetative growth to reproductive growth requires strict environmental conditions, and seedlings are required to grow to a certain size before they can accept low temperature induction, so what are the planting techniques and points for attention of cabbage? I. planting techniques of cabbage

Cabbage is a strong winter crop, the transformation from vegetative growth to reproductive growth requires strict environmental conditions, and seedlings are required to grow to a certain size before they can accept low temperature induction, so what are the planting techniques and points for attention of cabbage?

I. planting techniques of cabbage

1. Planting time

Cabbage has strong adaptability, both cold and heat-resistant, and can be cultivated in open field in spring, summer and autumn in northern China. The alpine areas of Northeast, Northwest and North China are more than spring and summer seedling raising, summer planting and autumn harvest, long growth period and large leaf bulbs, which is the main producing area of Chinese cabbage. Some cities in North China, Northeast and Northwest China are mainly cultivated in spring and autumn, and multiple stubble cultivation can also be carried out. Raising seedlings in winter and spring, planting in spring and harvesting in summer is called summer cabbage. Summer seedlings, autumn cultivation, autumn and winter harvest, known as autumn cabbage.

2. Seedling raising method

Cabbage is cultivated by seedling and transplanting. Most of the spring cabbage is precocious, and the seedlings are usually raised in the greenhouse from February to March in cold areas such as Northeast, Northwest and Inner Mongolia, and the seedling period is 60 days. There are two methods of raising seedlings in North China, one is to raise seedlings in the sunny border from mid-December to early January, and from February to March. Second, the seedlings were raised in the plastic greenhouse in February, and the seedling period was 40-50 days. Autumn cabbage seedlings are raised from June to July, and the seedling period is generally 35-40 days. The seedlings of summer cabbage were raised from April to May, and the seedling period was 30-40 days.

3. Planting technology

Cabbage and roots begin to move when the soil temperature is above 5 ℃, so spring cabbage can be planted when the daily average temperature is more than 6 ℃. Northern spring drought, mostly flat bed cultivation, high temperature and rain in summer, but also as much as possible with soil, less root damage, watering after planting, in order to survive.

4. Fertilizer and water management

Cabbage needs to be watered slowly after planting, and because the temperature is low, ploughing and loosening soil should be done in time after watering in order to preserve soil moisture and improve soil temperature and promote the recovery and growth of root system. Entering the rosette stage, the plant should form a strong assimilation organ, absorb more water and fertilizer, apply nitrogen fertilizer 1520kg per mu, and fully supply water to promote the growth of leaf bulb. After the leaf ball is formed, watering should be controlled to prevent the sky from breaking, which is conducive to storage.

5. Pest control

Cabbage is easy to be harmed by Pieris rapae at the initial stage of its growth. Pieris rapae is the larva of Pieris rapae, which nibbles on tender leaves and can seriously cause sterilization. Insecticides with low content, low residue and high efficiency should be used for treatment. The best time to spray insecticides is in the evening, when spraying can avoid changes in concentration and composition caused by sunlight, which is conducive to the maximum effectiveness of pesticides.

II. Matters needing attention in cabbage planting

Under normal circumstances, planting in the north is the autumn harvest, and to the north is the autumn seeds of cabbage. In this case, attention should be paid to the factors needed for its production and the harvest time.