
"Primulaceae plants" cyclamen breeding methods and precautions introduced!

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Cyclamen is a perennial herb of primrose family. Its leaves are heart-shaped, ovate or kidney-shaped. Its flowers are rose red or white. Its petals are oblong triangle. Its flower shape is very unique. The color is beautiful and dazzling. It is very beautiful. Here's to everyone.

Cyclamen is a perennial herb of Primulaceae. The leaves are heart-shaped, ovate or kidney-shaped, the flowers are rose red and white, and the petals are oblong and triangular. Here to introduce the breeding methods and matters needing attention of cyclamen!

First, the culture method of cyclamen

1. Reproduction: commonly used sowing and reproduction.

Cyclamen can be used to sow propagation, split tuber propagation, tissue culture propagation three, the more commonly used is sowing reproduction. The time of sowing and propagation is generally from September to October, and it can be sown in an ordinary flowerpot. If it is properly maintained, it can blossom in the winter of the second year; the propagation of segmented tubers is generally carried out in late August, and if well managed, it can spread leaves and blossom soon; tissue culture is to use stamens, tubers, leaves and young stems as explants to induce seedlings.

2. Soil: fertile sandy loam.

The soil for cultivating cyclamen should choose fertile sandy loam rich in humus, 2 parts of rotten leaf soil, 1 part of garden soil and a small amount of calcium superphosphate mixed culture soil, sun-dried or broken river mud, 2 parts of peat and 1 part of perlite. Before cultivation, the culture soil must be fumigated and sterilized, and the cultivation container should gradually increase the flowerpot according to the size of the plant, and the small seedlings should not be cultivated in large pots.

3. Temperature: 10-22 ℃.

Cyclamen likes warmth, is afraid of heat and is more hardy. It generally blossoms in winter, and the suitable growth temperature is 10-22 ℃. It stops growing and enters dormancy period above 30 ℃. Plants above 35 ℃ are easy to rot and die, below 6 ℃ can not blossom normally, and more than 0 ℃ enter dormancy.

4. Light: be adequate.

Cyclamen is more fond of light, usually maintenance should have sufficient light, if the temperature is lower than 28 degrees, light appears to be more important, but the plant is afraid of direct light, should be properly shaded.

5. Watering: be diligent but less.

Cyclamen can withstand drought, watering frequently but less, keep the soil moist but not too wet, do not accumulate water in the basin to prevent rotting roots, do not water on the flowers when watering, so as not to rot.

6. Fertilization: dilute fertilizer is applied frequently.

Cyclamen likes fertilizer, but does not like thick fertilizer. Fertilization can be applied frequently, usually once every ten days and half a month. Do not apply too much nitrogen fertilizer during the flowering period, otherwise it will lead to excessive growth of branches and leaves, short life span of flowers, and stop fertilization in summer.

7. Ventilation: regular ventilation.

Cyclamen likes ventilation, smoke and dirty air will make the petals wither quickly, so need regular ventilation, but do not put it directly in the tuyere.

2. Matters needing attention in cyclamen culture

The soil cultivated cyclamen should be neutral, not acidic or alkaline; shading should be remembered when there is strong light in summer; the temperature should not be lower than 0 degrees in winter to avoid freezing damage; watering should not be watered on flower buds and tender leaves to avoid rot; fertilization should be diluted, and roots will be burned if the concentration is too high; be ventilated frequently, but not placed in the tuyere; cyclamen diseases are more, and attention should be paid to prevention and control.

Third, how to water cyclamen? What should I do if I pour too much?

To water cyclamen, it is necessary to keep the soil dry and wet, once watered thoroughly, generally 3-5 days in spring and autumn, summer dormancy period, low winter temperature, less watering, as long as you keep the soil moist. However, it should be noted that when watering in winter, do not pour water on the flowers, otherwise they will rot. If watering too much, first stop watering, and then loosen the soil, put it in a place with plenty of ventilation and light, so that the moisture in the soil can be released quickly.

Fourth, what if the cyclamen leaves turn yellow?

The causes of cyclamen leaves yellowing may be too high temperature, too strong light, too much watering, too much fertilization and so on. If the temperature is too high, the plant will go into dormancy, and the seed bulb can be taken out for cold storage and replanted in autumn; if the light is too strong, it will cause the leaves to scorch and need to be moved to a cool place in time; too much watering will form stagnant water, resulting in root decay, leaves yellowing, and ways to make the soil more dry; too much fertilization will cause root burning and cause leaves to turn yellow, which can be watered to dilute fertilizer, or take off the basin to change soil. It is also possible that too little watering and long-term de-fertilization lead to the yellowing of leaves, which can increase the application of water and fertilizer.

5. What if cyclamen has rotten roots?

If a small part of the bulb is rotten, it can be removed with a knife, smeared with plant ash on the wound, dried in the shade, and replanted, which can be restored in about a month; if the bulb is mostly rotten, it is recommended to abandon it. Usually should be careful, do not accumulate water, do not apply thick fertilizer, these will lead to rotting roots.

Sixth, how to sprout after cyclamen dormancy?

Cyclamen usually enters the dormant period when the temperature rises in summer. You can put the flowerpot in a cool and ventilated place, and then water the pot soil moderately to keep the soil slightly wet. It will gradually pass through the dormant period and gradually resume watering after a week. The new buds will grow slowly.

In conclusion, cyclamen is relatively easy to raise, and its flowers are very chic, the color is so charming, it looks pleasing to the eye, as long as it is properly maintained, you can see such colorful flowers every winter.