
What can't longan eat with? With what?

Published: 2024-09-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/06, Longan is a kind of fruit that we often eat in our daily life. the flesh of fresh longan is milky white and translucent. As a result, the meat becomes dark brown and the texture becomes flexible. It can be eaten or used as medicine. There are more than 30 varieties, widely planted in me.

Longan is a fruit we often eat in our daily life. The flesh of fresh longan is milky white and translucent. After dried longan, the flesh becomes dark brown and flexible. It can be eaten or used as medicine. There are more than 30 varieties, which are widely planted in Fujian, Taiwan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan and other places in China. Because the longan's round black luster, hilum bulge presents white, looks very much like the legendary dragon's eyes, so ancient times called dragon eyes, now also known as longan, round eyes, Fuyuan puzzle and so on. So what can't longan eat with? Against what?

1. The efficacy and function of longan

Longan is warm in nature and sweet in taste. It belongs to Sapindus longan. Li Shizhen said in Compendium of Materia Medica: "Litchi is your food, while longan is good for capital benefit." According to modern scientific research, glucose, sucrose, vitamin A, vitamin B, protein and a variety of minerals in longan are all good nutrients needed by the human body. Longan contains a variety of nutrients and is easily absorbed by the body, regular consumption can have the effect of calming the brain, alleviating insomnia and amnesia. And it has the role of warming, but also very suitable for the patient's recuperation and recovery, can assist in the treatment of weak constitution problems, but also suitable for women's postpartum body conditioning. At the same time, some studies have found that longan has an inhibition rate of more than 90% on uterine cancer cells. The ancients highly praised the medicinal value of longan. As early as Han Dynasty, it had been used as medicine. They thought it had multiple effects such as nourishing and strengthening the body, tonifying the heart and calming the mind, nourishing blood and strengthening yang, benefiting the spleen and stimulating appetite, moistening skin and beautifying skin, etc.

2. What can I eat with longan?

1, longan and bananas, radishes, mung beans lotus leaves these cold, qi lowering food to eat together, eat together will have conflicting effects, may lead to dizziness and other adverse reactions.

2, longan can not be eaten with some hot food, because longan itself is a warm fruit, eat too much easy to appear on fire. For example, some hot staple foods-brown rice, sorghum, sesame, rice, etc., hot meat-beef, dog meat, oysters, venison, sea cucumber, etc., hot fruits-red dates, litchi, papaya, durian, etc., as well as pine nuts, walnuts, cashew nuts and other hot dried fruits, longan can not be eaten with these hot foods.

Pregnant women should try to eat less longan, because longan is easier to get angry, not very good for the fetus, but you can occasionally eat some to supplement qi and blood.

4, there are fire, inflammation and other symptoms can not eat longan, because eating more longan easily lead to stagnation in the body. At the same time, if it is yin deficiency fire in the body, suffering from diabetes, wet evil invasion, suffering from gynecological diseases, should also eat less longan.