
Planting and Management Technology of Cotton

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Cotton is one of the most important crops in the world, with high yield and low production cost, which makes the price of cotton products relatively low. Cotton fiber can be made into a variety of fabrics, from light and transparent Barry yarn to thick canvas and velveteen, suitable for making all kinds of clothes and homes.

Cotton is one of the most important crops in the world, with high yield and low production cost, which makes the price of cotton products relatively low. Cotton fiber can be made into a variety of fabrics, from light and transparent Barry yarn to thick canvas and velveteen, suitable for making all kinds of clothing, furniture cloth and industrial cloth. Next, let's introduce the planting and management technology of cotton.

I. Management of sowing and emergence stage

Sowing is the basic link to win the high quality and high efficiency of cotton, mainly pay attention to the following aspects:

1. Select excellent cotton varieties

Focus on the selection of early-maturing varieties. In order to preserve the seedlings, the germination test must be done before sowing and the suitable sowing amount must be determined. The sowing rate of machine sowing is about 2 kg / mu, and that of manual sowing on demand is about 1.5 kg / mu.

two。 Adopt plastic film mulching technology

Plastic film can increase temperature, preserve soil moisture and promote the early development of seedlings. The suitable sowing time of plastic film cotton is April 15-25; open-field cotton is usually sown after April 25 and ends around May Day.

3. Reasonable close planting

The principle is that the land with high water and fertilizer should be sparsely planted, and the dry and thin land should be closely planted. There are about 3500 seedlings per mu in medium fertility plots and about 4000 seedlings in dry and thin land. To take the size of the row planting form, wide row 80 cm, narrow row 50 cm.

4. Apply sufficient base fertilizer and re-apply flower and boll fertilizer

In order to achieve a yield of 250 per mu of seed cotton and 300 kg of seed cotton per mu, the plots with medium fertility should apply 20 kg of urea, 25 kg of diammonium and 20 kg of potassium sulfate at the bottom of each mu, and another 15 kg of urea should be applied at the flower and boll stage. Insect-resistant cotton is sensitive to organic fertilizer and potash fertilizer. If potassium fertilizer is insufficient, cotton red leaf stem blight and early senescence will occur, resulting in reduced yield.

II. Main management at seedling stage

Cotton is called seedling stage from emergence to budding, and spring cotton lasts about 45 days. Summer cotton lasts about 35 days. The central task of field management in this period is to protect the whole seedling, strive for early seedling and promote early development.

1. Punch holes and release seedlings

The cotton field is covered with plastic film, and the cotton seedlings are unearthed up to about 70%. The cotyledons are spreading and the leaves turn green. The seedlings should be drilled and released in time, and the film holes should be covered with soil after release to prevent moisture loss.

two。 Check seedlings and replenish seedlings

After emergence, check the seedlings line by line to fill the gap. If there is a lack of seedlings, the seedlings can be replanted or transplanted in time, and if there are few seedlings, two plants can be retained on both sides.

3. Suitable time seedling, fixed seedling

Plastic film-covered cotton began to interplant seedlings when the seedlings were blocked, and when the seedlings of open-field cotton grew 3 true leaves, the seedlings were fixed. Sometimes small to stay big, weak to stay strong, to form a cotton field with consistent growth and reasonable density.

III. Management of cotton bud stage

Cotton bud stage is an important turning point in the whole growth process, good management is a treasure, bad management is grass. Therefore, management must be strengthened.

1. Main attack target

The main purpose is to set up the seedling frame on the basis of the early development of strong seedlings at the seedling stage, and to increase the bud and grow steadily through the management of fertilizer and water, chemical control, pruning and pest control.

two。 Management measures

First, watering should be done because of the land and seedlings. The second is topdressing, combined with watering full bud period can be mu topdressing urea 8MUR 10kg. Third, chemical control. For strong and prosperous seedling cotton fields, 1.5 grams per mu of Zujie'an should be used, and 20 kg of water should be evenly sprayed to regulate nutritional and reproductive growth, especially before watering. Fourth, strengthen the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests.

IV. Management of cotton boll period

The period from cotton flowering to boll maturity is called flowering and boll stage. In general, from the first ten days of July to the beginning of September, the growth of cotton in flower and boll stage is still vegetative growth and reproductive growth at the same time, but gradually shifted from vegetative growth to reproductive growth. The main direction of this period is to add three peaches. Its management technology mainly includes five aspects.

1. Heavy application of flower and boll fertilizer and topping fertilizer

The fertilization time is applied when two bolls are sitting in the lower part of the cotton plant in the full flowering stage, and the standard nitrogen is 10-15 kg per mu. If the soil fertility is poor, the cotton plant growth is weak, and the soil moisture is poor, the flower and boll fertilizer should be applied early, re-applied and water applied. To achieve the "use of flowers and bell". In order to prevent premature senescence, compete for autumn peach, increase boll weight and have the trend of de-fertilizing and premature senescence, about 5 kg of nitrogen was applied per mu from late July to early August, and the root absorption capacity of cotton was weakened in the later stage. Spraying 2-3 potassium dihydrogen phosphate or urea aqueous solution.

two。 Timely drainage and irrigation

During this period, Huaibei area is often in summer drought, so it should be watered according to weather conditions, soil moisture and cotton plant growth status. Due to the continuous rain, lack of light and stagnant water in some fields in our province, we should clear the ditch and drain in time to reduce the humidity in the field and reduce the harm of cotton bolls.

3. Timely fine pruning

The general field topped in late July to control the top dominance, avoid ineffective branches, concentrate nutrients to supply the needs of bud and boll growth, improve ventilation and light transmission conditions in the field, reduce bud and boll shedding, increase boll weight, and promote early maturity. Topping should remove one leaf and one top. For cotton fields with more vigorous growth in the later stage, when there are more late buds and invalid buds in the upper fruit branches, artificial edge picking can be used to remove late buds, beat flowers and leaves in time, cut empty branches and wipe superfluous buds.

4. Rational implementation of chemical control

Plant growth regulators such as 1-2 times of mepivacaine were sprayed at flower and boll stage to regulate the transport and distribution of nutrients in cotton plants, enhance photosynthetic capacity, simplify late pruning and prevent greedy green and late ripening.

5. Strengthen the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests

Cotton flower and boll stage is the period of occurrence of many kinds of diseases and insect pests, such as aphid, cotton bollworm, bridge worm, red leaf stem blight and so on.

V. Management of cotton boll opening period

The cotton boll-opening period is generally from late August to early November, which lasts 70-80 days. The main goal of cultivation and management in boll opening period is to promote cotton early maturity, not premature senescence, not greedy green. In order to strive for the requirements of good cotton boll maturity, smooth boll opening, precocious maturity and non-premature senescence, we must first do a good job of protecting roots and leaves; secondly, we should improve the environment and create favorable conditions for cotton boll development and boll opening.

1. Timely spraying foliar fertilizer

Generally, foliar fertilizers such as urea, potassium dihydrogen phosphate or Tianda 2116 were sprayed 1-2 times in the early stage of cotton harvest. This can improve the efficiency of photosynthesis in leaves, promote the development of cotton bolls, increase the yield and improve the fiber quality.

two。 Resist drought and waterlogging, adjust plant type

Although little water is needed in cotton boll opening period, an appropriate amount of water is still the guarantee to improve the yield and quality of cotton. Therefore, it is necessary to water in case of drought and drainage in case of waterlogging. When watering, small ditches should be irrigated to avoid flooding, and if waterlogging is encountered, it should be drained in time. For the cotton field with luxuriant branches and leaves, the lower old leaves can be cut off and the rotten bolls can be removed. In case of Rain Water's large and humid weather, ridge and ridge measures can be taken, that is, when the soil is moist, the two adjacent rows of cotton will be piled together in the shape of "eight". This will make the two rows of cotton together on both sides and between the lines of sufficient sunlight, play the role of ventilation and light, temperature and humidity, in order to promote boll opening and reduce boll rot.

3. Chemical ripening and timely harvest

Ethephon can be used to accelerate the ripening of cotton fields with a small number of autumn peaches in the later stage, and the small proportion of pre-frost cotton caused by the development of cotton bolls and maturation and boll opening, which affects autumn ploughing and next crop sowing. Choosing sunny weather 15-20 days before frost, spraying cotton plants with 40% ethephon to water 50-60 kg per mu can make boll opening 8-15 days earlier; for normal boll cracking 5-7 days, it is most suitable to harvest cotton bolls 5-7 days. Early harvest will make cotton poor color and low quality, too late harvest will make cotton fiber strength decrease and length shorter.

To do a good job in the management of each growing period of cotton is of great significance to realize the yield benefit of cotton planting. The above introduces the key technical points of the management of cotton in each growing period, hoping to help you!