
How do you grow flowers that don't die? What is the reproduction method?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The scientific name of non-dying flower is Portulaca oleracea, Rhododendron chinense, common name is sunflower or scutellaria barbata. The reason why it does not die is because its vitality is very tenacious. As long as the climate is warm, it can bloom all year round. If it is planted indoors in the north, pay attention to the temperature.

The scientific name of the flower is Portulaca oleracea and rhododendron, and the common name is sunflower or Scutellaria barbata. It is called immortal because its vitality is very tenacious. As long as the climate is warm, it can blossom all the year round. If you plant it indoors and pay attention to the temperature, it can also blossom throughout the year and plant a pot of purslane indoors to keep the family alive all the year round. So how to plant flowers if you can't die? What is the mode of reproduction?

I. planting methods of Portulaca oleracea L.

1. Soil

When cultivating Portulaca oleracea, it is recommended that we choose dry sandy soil. If you want to plant Portulaca oleracea into the courtyard, it is best to choose a dry place with higher terrain and less stagnant water, which is more suitable for the growth of Portulaca oleracea.

two。 Light

Portulaca oleracea likes a sunny growing environment. Therefore, usually whether potted plants or ground plants should choose places with sufficient light, if the light is insufficient, it will cause flowering, so we should pay special attention to it.

3. Water and fertilizer management

Portulaca oleracea can withstand drought, but can not stand stagnant water. Therefore, in the process of daily maintenance, we should pay attention to drainage and remember not to cause rotting roots because of stagnant water. In addition, although Portulaca oleracea is resistant to drought, it should be careful not to be short of water for a long time. Because Portulaca oleracea is highly resistant, it is not necessary to apply too much fertilizer. If you want the plant to grow better, you can apply mature thin fertilizer every 10 days.

4. Matters needing attention

Portulaca oleracea is afraid of stagnant water and is not resistant to shade, so low-lying stagnant water and shaded places are not suitable for its growth. Pot purslane, don't forget to move indoors in winter, as long as the temperature is kept above 10 degrees Celsius, you can enjoy flowers in winter! In addition, we should also pay attention to pinch the hearts of Portulaca oleracea, which can promote its growth of new branches and make the flowers more beautiful.

Second, the reproduction mode of Portulaca oleracea L.

1. How to sow seeds

Except in the cold winter, Portulaca oleracea can be propagated by seeds because its seeds are very small. Please press the surface of the soil to fully contact the seeds after planting in the soil. After sowing into the soil, the seed should ensure that its growth space is warm and moist enough, usually about ten days, and after it germinates and grows out of seedlings, it can be moved into the basin for cultivation. If it is fertilized regularly, it can survive and thrive.

two。 How to cuttage

The double petals of this flower are often propagated by cutting. In summer, cut off the tip of its tender stem and insert about 5cm into a pre-prepared hole in the soil, no more than 2 cm deep. If the cuttage is more than one plant, the interval should be 2cm, not overcrowded. After plugging in, it needs to be watered to maintain enough humidity until it survives.

3. How to divide the plant

Portulaca oleracea can also be propagated by ramet. Should be in the summer, dig out its old pocket, and then select the better growth into small pockets for planting. The distance between rows should be 30 cm, and the distance between plants and columns should be 7-10 cm. After that, fertilizers are applied to replenish nutrients. When ramet propagation, it is necessary to top fertilize once when the new seedlings grow after planting, and then pull out the weeds and loosen the soil in time. In order to ensure its smooth winter, topdressing should be done at the end of September and November respectively.

To sum up, Portulaca oleracea is easy to reproduce, and there are various ways of reproduction, so we can choose the appropriate way to let it reproduce according to our own situation. But at the same time, pay attention to the conditions you need!