
How much is the price of a heavy building seedling? This kind of output is not a problem!

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Rhizoma thunbergii is a common medicinal material in valleys, streams or shady wetlands under broad-leaved forests in China. It is widely used as medicine because of its heat-clearing and detoxifying, swelling-reducing and pain-relieving effects. At present, artificial planting is also being carried out in many areas. how much is the seedling price?

Paris is a common medicinal material in the valley, stream or broad-leaved forest in China. It is widely used as medicine because of its effects of clearing away heat and detoxifying, detumescence and pain. At present, artificial cultivation is also carried out in many areas. How much is the price of Paris seedlings? How to grow high yield?

I. Introduction to the building:

1. What is the name of the building?

Paridis chinensis, Buckeye lotus, Tie Dengtai, Caohe car, Zhihuatou, Luosu Qi, Qiye Yizhihua, Dengtai Qi, Paris, Baihe car, Conch Qi

2. Where does the building come from?

Paris origin more, in China's Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Shaanxi, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi and other places are distributed. Among them, Paris polyphylla is mainly distributed in southwest China (Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan) and other places; Paris polyphylla is mainly distributed in Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, Jiangxi, Shaanxi, Sichuan and other places.

3. Morphological characteristics of Paris:

Paris is 30~100cm high, stem erect, leaves are born on the top of stem, there are 5~8 pieces, oblong-lanceolate, obovate-lanceolate or oblanceolate; pedicel from the top of stem, there is a flower, purple or purple, because it looks like a flower, also known as seven leaves a flower.

2. How much does a seedling cost?

1. Sell by plant: There are many places of origin, so the price of seedlings will be different. Generally, the price will be relatively high in Yunnan, about 3~4 yuan per plant, but some areas are relatively cheap, generally 1 yuan per plant, 1.3 yuan per plant are sold, so the specific price needs to go to the local market to check.

2. Sell by catty: Zhonglou seedlings are also weighed by catty. If they are weighed by catty, they are generally 450~500 yuan a kilogram, but some areas are relatively cheap, generally about 1.5~2.2 yuan a catty, so the specific price needs to be checked in the local market.

3, because the current market demand is not very high, so the price will also have a certain change due to the demand and the size of the planting area, but even if it is higher, it will not exceed 500 yuan a kilogram, so the market price is still stable.

Third, how to plant the building?

Paris is easy to plant, generally as long as the best soil and light and other basic management work can be high yield, so artificial cultivation is also very easy to cultivate, the specific planting methods are as follows:

1. Soil selection: loose humus soil, night tidal land, gray foam soil and other soils are the best

Paris does not have high requirements for soil, generally as long as the soil is loose, drainage and water retention are good, so when selecting soil, try to choose shady flat land or woodland. If there is no woodland or flat land, you can choose night tide land or humus land with loose texture, good water retention and drainage.

2. Soil preparation and fertilization: apply about 3000 kg of miscellaneous fertilizer or humus fertilizer per mu

Paris fertilizer requirements are not high, generally applied to about 3000 kg per mu of soil manure or forest humus fertilizer can be. However, due to the root system is not deep, so in the soil preparation, try to make about 150cm wide soil moisture, in order to promote the root growth of Paris.

3. Thinning and replenishing seedlings: It is best to thin and replenish seedlings in May.

In the middle and late May, the seedlings of Paris polyphylla have grown, and the seedlings can be thinned and supplemented at this time. Before thinning seedlings, try to remove redundant short seedlings or sick seedlings with wooden pry to ensure adequate nutrition of normal plants. For dense seedlings, it can be transplanted to a place without seedlings or a relatively high density to ensure uniform density among seedlings and better growth.

4. Intertillage and weeding: best from late May to early June

After growing for a period of time, various weeds will grow to absorb nutrients from plants, so weeds should be removed from late May to early June, and soil should be loosened frequently to prevent soil hardening and affect root growth.

5. Timely shade: shade with sunshade net

Paris polyphylla likes shade and cannot tolerate strong light. Generally, as long as a certain amount of light is given, it can be shaded by shading net after seedling or transplantation to promote plant growth. If there is no shade net, branches can be used for shade.

6. Control fertilizer: Apply appropriate amount of soil fertilizer or stable manure in June

During the period from mid-June to August, Paris polyphylla grows fastest and has a higher demand for fertilizer. Therefore, in early June, soil manure or stable manure can be appropriately added to promote plant growth. Generally, it is best to use about 3000 kg of stable manure or soil manure per mu.

7, timely harvest: 11~12 to the spring of the following year harvest best

From November to spring of the following year, most of the tubers of Paris polyphylla grow in the topsoil layer, which is easier to dig at this time, and after digging, they can be washed and sliced and dried as medicinal materials.

4. How much is the market price of the building?

The market price of Zhonglou is different. Generally, at the beginning of the year, the market price will be the highest. When the supply of goods is small, the price will continue to be about 550~ 600 yuan per catty. At present, the price of unified goods on the market is about 450~600 yuan per catty, but in some areas, it can also be bought at about 350~380 yuan per catty, so the specific price needs to be determined according to the market demand and market supply.

To sum up, the price of Zhonglou seedlings is relatively close to the people, but due to different market demand and origin, there will be certain differences in market prices, so try to check the local market when purchasing. In addition, when planting Paris polyphylla, try to do a good job of fertilizer, shade and other basic management work can make Paris polyphylla high yield.