
How is the green apple leaf yellowing in winter? Maybe I didn't pay attention to these five points!

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Many flower friends say that when winter comes, the green pineapple leaves are always yellow, giving people the feeling that they are going to die. How is the green pineapple leaves yellow in winter? Why do green pineapple always love to turn yellow in winter? how to solve this problem? Actually, it could be this.

Many flower friends say that when winter comes, the green pineapple leaves are always yellow, giving people the feeling that they are going to die. How is the green pineapple leaves yellow in winter? Why do green pineapple always love to turn yellow in winter? how to solve this problem? In fact, it may be that I didn't pay attention to these 5 points!

I. improper watering

From the point of view of the winter temperature, the green pineapple usually stops growing at this time, so it is necessary to reduce the watering times and stop fertilizing at this time. If you water too much at this time, it will easily lead to the death of the green radish root system. The phenomenon is that the leaves turn yellow at the beginning.

Solution: after the beginning of winter, when the temperature drops, it is necessary to reduce the number of watering. If the leaves are already yellow, it depends on the degree of the leaves. If they are just beginning to turn yellow, stop watering the green pineapple and bask in the sun. If it is more serious, consider changing the basin.

Second, poor ventilation

In winter, because the weather is too cold, the doors and windows of most flower friends' homes are closed, which will lead to the lack of indoor air circulation, and the environment needed for green apple growth is well ventilated, so it will cause green apple leaves to turn yellow.

Solution: after the beginning of winter, you can choose to open the window for ventilation for a few hours on a sunny noon, which is good for both people and plants.

Third, insufficient humidity

Winter is already relatively dry, coupled with the cold, many flower friends will turn on air conditioning indoors, which will lead to drier indoor air. Too dry weather will lead to lack of water in green radish leaves and yellowing of leaves.

Solution: always spray water on the leaves of green pineapple to maintain humidity in the air.

Fourth, the temperature is too low

Because green pineapple is a flower that cannot bear low temperature, if the temperature is too low and the water is sufficient in winter, it will cause the root of green pineapple to rot, so that the root system of green radish has insufficient water supply, which shows that the leaves on the root begin to turn yellow. and the leaves on the top of the green radish will lose luster.

Solution: at first, root rot spirit can be used to irrigate roots, if there is no effect, we should consider cutting propagation with branches without yellow leaves, so as to avoid extinction.

5. Be frozen

At the beginning of winter, the weather change is not obvious, many flower friends are not in a hurry to move the green apple indoors, they are hit by the cold air, and the frozen green apple first shows that the leaves turn yellow.

Solution: move back to indoor maintenance in time after winter and keep an eye on the weather forecast.

In addition, there are many uncertain factors for green pineapple to spend the winter. The stronger green pineapple is relatively more hardy, while the green pineapple with weaker growth is less hardy.

In fact, in the final analysis, if green pineapple is to be safe in winter, one is to ensure the temperature as far as possible, and the other is to control watering and not apply fertilizer. In the same area, the green pineapple in some flower friends' homes is safe for the winter, while others are frozen to death. therefore, under the condition of proper water control, we try to put the green pineapple in a sunny place instead of blowing in the wind.