
When will broad beans be sown? What is the planting method in the greenhouse?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, There is a saying that impresses me about broad beans. If you are a vegetarian, you can use broad beans instead if you want to eat meat. You can see the delicious and nutritional value of broad beans. Broad bean has many uses, not only as food, but also as a vegetable.

There is a saying that impressed me with broad beans, "if you are a vegetarian, you can use broad beans instead if you want to eat meat." this shows the delicious and nutritional value of broad beans. Broad bean has many uses, not only as food, but also as vegetables, but also as feed, and even as green fertilizer. Broad bean has strong adaptability, low temperature tolerance and high temperature resistance, but it is generally no more than 30 ℃, so it is planted in many places in our country. When will the broad beans be sown? What is the planting method in the greenhouse?

When will broad beans be sown?

It is understood that the planting time and methods of broad bean are different in different places, and the temperature required for different growth periods of broad bean is also different.

Autumn broad beans are generally planted around October in the south; the sowing time along the Yangtze River is concentrated between Cold Dew and Frosts Descent, that is to say, the middle reaches of the Yangtze River is in late October, the lower reaches of the Yangtze River is in mid-October, and South China and Zhejiang are in late October. Yunnan and Guizhou are concentrated in early or mid-October, while winter broad beans generally begin to sow after rice harvest.

Spring silkworm beans in the north and northwest are generally sown from mid-March to mid-April, that is, they are sown immediately after thawing.

Before sowing, we should be careful not to select the land of continuous cropping, which is prone to diseases; select high-quality broad bean seeds in order to ensure the yield; expose the broad bean seeds for 1-2 days before sowing to improve the seed activity and ensure the germination rate; sowing temperature should be appropriate, the suitable temperature for seed germination is between 16-25 ℃.

Second, what is the planting method of broad bean?

(1) planting methods of broad bean

1. Intercropping and interplanting

The advantages of this planting method make more effective use of light, temperature, soil and water, and improve the production efficiency and yield. The most common is broad bean and rape mixed cropping, mainly using the land width, wide planting rape, narrow planting broad beans, generally can get a bumper harvest.

2. Rotation and stubble

The rotation patterns in western and northern China are broad bean-wheat-potato, broad bean-wheat-flax, broad bean-wheat-corn and so on.

The main rotation patterns in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and in the south are as follows:

First year: broad bean-early rice-late rice (single cropping rice in two-cropping area)

The second year: big (small) wheat-early rice-late rice (or single cropping rice)

The third year: rape-early rice-late rice (or single cropping rice).

(2) planting methods and steps of broad bean

1. Seed selection and budding

The choice of broad bean seeds is very critical, generally speaking, the seed size should be uniform, and the fresh broad bean seeds with large and full grains are the best. In the normal temperature environment, the broad bean seeds begin to sprout after soaking for one day. Remember that this process should always keep the broad bean seeds moist, and the seeds will appear white in about three days. At this time, put the broad bean seedlings in the refrigerator of 4-6 ℃. After half a month of low temperature treatment, the broad bean seedlings can be kept at room temperature for 2 days.

2. Broad bean planting

It has been said earlier that broad beans should not be cropped continuously for fear of contagious diseases, so we have to choose to plant in the greenhouse where legumes have not been planted. Remember to keep the soil moist and water it again after transplanting. At the same time, there should be a replacement seedling for a rainy day.

3. Autumn management of broad bean in greenhouse

(1) Water. The air is dry in autumn, so it is necessary to water the plant in time to ensure the growth of new shoots.

(2) topping. When the main stem of broad bean grows to about 8cm, it can top one week after transplanting (3) when it has about 1 heart and 3 leaves. The main purpose is to promote branching.

(4) prevent the deformity of broad bean. Autumn temperature is not low, easy to lead to broad bean pods fall and teratogenicity, so we should take spray to prevent.

(5) pest control. Broad bean is prone to aphids in autumn, and high temperature is also easy to produce bacterial wilt, so it is necessary to prevent it in advance and treat the symptoms in time so as not to affect the pod setting rate.

4. Winter management of broad bean in greenhouse

(1) covered with plastic film in greenhouse. Broad bean flowering and pod period should pay attention to prevent frost injury, because in the middle of November, the temperature difference between day and night is very large, the greenhouse must be covered with film to prevent Frosts Descent phenomenon. In December, the weather is even colder, so close the shed in time to keep warm, but also open the door for ventilation when the temperature rises at noon. When the temperature picks up in spring, the shed will be dismantled.

(2) heart-picking and pruning. When the weather is fine, we should pick the heart to prevent the plant from growing too high and ensure that its nutrients are concentrated on the trunk.

(3) increase the pod setting rate. When the plant is too dense, the old leaves should be pruned properly to ensure its effective growth.

(4) picking. Generally, the time for picking broad beans is around the Spring Festival, when the broad bean particles are big enough to be concentrated on the market. The branches and buds should be cut off in time after picking, so as not to affect the growth of subsequent new branches and buds.