
How to do if the walnut tree planted for several years does not bear fruit and the leaves are yellow?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, At present, nuts such as walnuts market is good, all kinds of walnut processing products are also selling well, which makes many people join the army of planting walnuts. However, many growers reflect that walnut trees planted for several years do not bear fruit but also yellow leaves. What should we do? under

At present, the nut market such as walnut is good, and all kinds of walnut processing products are also selling well, which makes many people join the "army" of growing walnuts. But many growers report that some walnut trees that have been planted for several years do not bear fruit and their leaves turn yellow. what should they do? Let's take a look at the solutions.

I. A brief introduction to walnut trees

1. Walnut trees, also known as walnuts, spades, etc., have wild pecans and improved varieties after artificial grafting. It is cultivated all over our country, and most of them are artificially improved walnut varieties, because the improved walnut has large fruit, thin shell and high yield.

two。 Walnut trees generally have a height of two to ten meters, but there are also walnut trees that grow to more than ten meters high. Its crown is relatively broad, the trunk changes from gray-green to gray-white with growth, the leaves are dark green to the sunny side, the back is light green, and there are washing teeth on the edge of the leaves. Walnut trees usually have yellow flowers in May and will bear fruit around October. The fresh walnut shell is also covered with a green peel.

3. Walnut trees like warm and humid sandy loam and grow on hillsides and hills. The fruit of walnut tree not only has the effect of prolonging life, strengthening waist and moistening intestines, but also can be used as carving material, while its tree can be used as high-quality material for garden, road greening, furniture and military products.

Second, what if the walnut tree does not bear fruit?

If you want to solve the problem of walnut sterility, you want to know what causes it, so let's talk in detail about the causes of walnut sterility and how to solve it.

(1) the reasons for the failure of walnut fruit

1. Walnut does not bear fruit caused by the problem of planting varieties: at present, walnuts are basically planted with grafted seedlings, but the seedlings planted with selected seeds may take ten years to bear fruit, and the quality of the fruit is uneven.

two。 The walnut caused by poor planting environment and improper management will not bear fruit: if the walnut is planted in barren and cold areas, coupled with long-term improper management, such as unreasonable application of water and fertilizer, improper pruning and so on, walnuts will not bear fruit.

3. Walnut does not bear fruit caused by poor pollination and the invasion of diseases and insect pests: most of the results of plants are pollinated, and questions in the pollination process will also affect the results; in addition, walnut trees are damaged by diseases and insect pests, and flower pollination can not bear fruit.

(2) the solution to the failure of walnut trees to bear fruit

1. Excellent walnut artificial grafting varieties were selected, such as Xiangling walnut in Shandong Province, Guanhe No. 1 in Shandong Province, Xinxin No. 2 in Xinjiang and thin shell incense in Beijing. Of course, the selection of the second catalogue should be made according to the actual local environment and conditions, and the most suitable variety can obtain the maximum benefit.

two。 Plant walnut trees in an environment suitable for its growth, and strengthen management: management should pay attention to reasonable deep ploughing in spring, autumn and summer, remove weeds in the garden and spray herbicides; and nitrogen and potash fertilizer can not be reduced, the planting should be topdressing in the current year, and base fertilizer should be used every month according to the situation. Walnut is a plant that likes to be moist, so the soil should not be dry and short of water in the growth process. It should be irrigated in time during its vigorous growth period, flowering, fertilization and drought.

3. Pruning and shaping walnut trees: proper pruning of dense, diseased, weak and long branches, which is conducive to nutrient absorption and growth of other branches, as well as flowering and fruiting.

4. To ensure the pollination of walnut trees: in addition to pollination under natural conditions, artificial pollination can also be carried out. In addition, excess male flowers can be combed, leaving nutrition and water for successful female flowers to set fruit.

Third, what if the leaves of the walnut tree turn yellow?

(1) causes of yellowing of leaves of walnut trees

1. Iron deficiency in walnut trees leads to yellowing of leaves: the green leaves of plants are mainly due to the role of chlorophyll, and the synthesis of chlorophyll requires the participation of iron, so iron deficiency will also cause this situation.

two。 The erosion of diseases and insect pests leads to the yellowing of the leaves of walnut trees: the occurrence of diseases and insect pests can lead to malnutrition and yellowing of the leaves.

3. The yellowing of leaves caused by soil impermeability and heavy stickiness: soil impermeability can easily affect the respiration of roots, thus affecting the nutrient absorption of trees.

4. The leaves of walnut trees turn yellow due to insufficient light: sometimes without proper pruning, some branches and leaves will not be exposed to sunlight, resulting in yellowing of leaves.

(2) measures to solve the yellowing of walnut leaves

1. Supplement walnut trees with appropriate iron and other fertilizers.

two。 Loosen the soil regularly, or don't plant it in the sticky soil, but also pay attention to the magnesium and manganese in the soil.

3. Give walnut trees regular pruning, spring pruning between sprouting and blooming, autumn pruning in September and October, and cutting off branches that grow too much but do not bear fruit after falling flowers in summer.

4. For trees with diseases and insect pests, different measures are taken according to the situation. if the situation is slight, the branches of the diseases and insect pests will be cut off, and the serious ones will be sprayed with corresponding drugs.

So generally speaking, it is no big problem to do a good job in management, select seedling varieties, apply enough water and fertilizer, plant suitable soil, and ensure light. I hope the above introduction can help you.