
What are the planting methods and techniques of grapes? Which variety should I choose?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Although the greenhouse grape planting technology has been widely promoted, grapes do not appear in the major fresh supermarkets and consumers' homes all the year round like most vegetables, but become the fruit star at the height of summer as a seasonal best-selling fruit. Plus

Although the greenhouse grape planting technology has been widely promoted, grapes do not appear in the major fresh supermarkets and consumers' homes all the year round like most vegetables, but become the "fruit star in midsummer" as a "seasonal best-selling fruit". Coupled with the popularity of grape picking gardens in recent years, many people want to join the ranks of grape growers, so what are the grape planting methods and techniques? Which variety should I choose?

First, which variety is good to choose for grape planting?

1. Grape varieties should be selected according to local conditions.

Each variety of grape has its own growth environment requirements, some cold-resistant, some drought-resistant, some disease-resistant, so it depends on your local climatic conditions, and then in a comprehensive consideration of geography, sales population and other factors to choose their own varieties.

For example, the grapes of Jufeng series and beauty finger are relatively weak in cold resistance, and if you are located in the north with a cold climate, it is not recommended to grow this variety.

2. Grape variety recommendation

(1) inexpensive grapes: Victoria, Jingya, 87Mu1, Auguste, Jufeng, Fujiminori, Ruby Seedless, Red Earth, etc.

(2) High-end grapes: fragrant concubine, summer black, Beijing honey, drunk gold fragrance, giant rose, rose fragrance, Weike, Italy (yellow), Christmas rose and so on.

Second, what are the planting methods and techniques of grapes?

1. Build a vineyard

The site should be selected in the area with no pollution source, high soil fertility and near water source, and then ploughing, plotting, digging planting ditch and applying sufficient base fertilizer should be carried out in the park.

2. Planting of grape seedlings

Now planting grapes seldom sow and raise seedlings on their own. Generally, grape seedlings are directly purchased in the seedling market to be planted. The planting time is suitable for spring planting, which can be carried out from mid-February to mid-March. The planting density of 250 trees per mu is the best.

3. Post-planting management

After grape planting, sprouting and heart-picking should be carried out one after another. pay attention to wiping buds alternately, and do not wipe them all at once, especially when the branches are not yet ripe, so as to avoid winter bud germination.

4. Fertilizer and water management

If the fertilizer and water are well managed, the fruit of grape can be full and of good quality. topdressing mainly includes root fertilizer, stripe fertilizer, strong strip fertilizer, foliar fertilizer, strong fruit fertilizer and so on. Drip irrigation and micro-sprinkler irrigation techniques can be adopted. In addition to nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer, more mature cow and sheep manure can be applied in autumn. It is best to apply it before or after the rain.

The method is to open a semicircular shallow trench on the rhizosphere of grape seedlings, and then cover the soil and water immediately after topdressing.

5. Pruning of grapes

It is best to do it in winter, leaving about 10 buds for strong trees, 6 buds for medium trees, and 2-3 buds for thinner trees.

6. Pest management

Grapes mainly need to control black pox, downy mildew and anthracnose. 600 times of Kobo or 800 times of "Dasheng M45" should be used before the disease, and the concentration should be calculated and strictly controlled to avoid drug damage.

The main pests of grape are Spodoptera litura, fly mosquito, beetle and so on.

In addition, the garden must be cleared after grape harvest, which can effectively reduce the occurrence of diseases and insect pests.